Author Topic: cgi voyager nacelles  (Read 294 times)

Offline Lord Tribble

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cgi voyager nacelles
« on: March 24, 2014, 04:59:57 PM »
Quick question for anybody using the voyager with moving nacelles. At the end of the upwards rotation and the start of the downwards rotation, does anyone else see the nacelles 'pop' into a different size? I think they're scaling down slightly as they rotate and then the pop comes from switching to the next model for the warp sequence.

Tried to get a video of it, (in this case larger nacelles popping into smaller ones for the rotation back down)

You can just about see it happen just when the writing disappears, fraps was giving me some trouble so this was the best i could get.

Just wondering if this was a common thing or just mine

Offline Maverick

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Re: cgi voyager nacelles
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2014, 08:20:40 AM »
I played with it today and didn't notice a difference besides a slight ftech bug where when the model drops out of warp and nacelles are almost all the way down they all of a sudden fold down rather quickly. I think it's where standard model fits back in that could be what your seeing. when it changes models and it might not seem quite right cause of model loading.

Offline Mario

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Re: cgi voyager nacelles
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2014, 05:13:17 PM »
The nacelles are actually separate objects (ships) which allow the animations to happen. So it is possible that there is a scaling or math error somewhere in the code.

The process goes as follows for this procedure when you go to warp for example:
1. Voyager model with nacelles down in used
2. Voyager model is swapped with a different model which has nacelles detached
3. Additional two more models are loaded (the engines) and rotated and manipulated to give you the animation feel
4. Voyager with nacelles up model is finally used
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Offline Lord Tribble

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Re: cgi voyager nacelles
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2014, 09:00:26 AM »
Yeah, figured as much.

It's when the 'nacelles' up models switch that I see the change. By taking screenshots at various angles, I'm pretty sure it's the animated nacelle models that scale slightly when they are in the up position. The nacelles on the full up and down models seem the same.

If all the code for the animation is in the ship file and in the, presumably there can't be anything else in my install causing the scaling?