Author Topic: Rellik's Art station!  (Read 660 times)

Offline Flowrellik

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Rellik's Art station!
« on: May 26, 2017, 10:08:34 PM »
While not exactly trekkie in the most part, I figured I'd show off a bit of my artworks here.
Spoiler: show
STO Miranda revamp

This beast was made in sketchup with WZ's nacelles mounted on. For the likes of me, in dealing with non-organic designs, I need to learn how to do UV..

Galahad Class

A What-if concept of the Excelsior-Galaxy hybrid besides the Ambassador class made in Sketchup. Again, wished I knew how to do proper UV on non-organic objects....

DH-90 Helldiver

Original Mecha design made in Blender for the first time with weapons made in sketchup. Named it in honor of a good friend of mine who taught me Blender 3D along the way. It is with this mecha I was able to go beyond the normal limits in Sketchup into a new "Final Frontier" of sorts.

FR Series of Original Mecha 1-4

Just a bunch of random Machina I made back in my sketchup days. Really need to finish up FR-04 (Last pic)

Random mecha head

A mecha head I made in hopes of giving concept ideas for the dev team for M.A.V. (that one Chromehounds PC game)

An old Armored Core head part made in Sketchup years ago. Still rather impressed with the result despite my limitations with the program.


Made in Sketchup, was a nightmare to make....I think I might have proportions wrong idk but I made it for a friend of mine for a mecha game we play and mod.(UK Windom XP)

FWES1 (Flowrellik's Weapon Enhancement Set 1) Pack!

I made this pack of weapons in sketchup for a mecha game mod community for Windom. To this day I wonder if anyone ever used it...

Cattus Launcher

Cattus Beam Bazooka from Gundam SEED. Made it for a friend of mine in Sketchup.

ZAKAN Mine Drone

An original Gundam-esque model made in Sketchup. Made as a weapon of sorts, I aimed this little beast to be a sort of Automated Kamekaze Grenade Drone that Fires from a Zaku II's Panzer Grenade poll, locks and latches on to an enemy and explodes.

4-legged mecha concept (RIP)

An idea for a horse-type quad-mecha in sketchup. sadly the model got corrupted before completion..

A Sturnfaust made in Blender. first complex model I made in the past. Kinda makes me want to try and redo it.

Gundam face Practice in sketchup. It was decent for that time..sad the model got corrupted.

Yeah....Don't ask. Made this along time ago when I was bored in Sculptris...

Animals for my family

A set of different animals I made in sculptris back in 2013 as Christmas presents for my family. I used photographs for backgrounds and done edits in GIMP with a completed result that they can hang on their wall. Gotta find the completed works in my archives.

Minotaurus and Gaia-Geimini

2 boss-type warships I made for my buddy Dusty along time ago for a game we were making. Sadly said game never came to be due to limitations in coding.

Snow-Wee (Snowman)

Made this in Blender out of boredom and learning experience. This was way before I "got gud"

RAPTOR ver Rel

For those who play Zone of the Enders, I made this grunt in my style. Never has Metatron-Fodder ever looked so good.

Hydra Gundam ver Rel

marked as my personal "Great Experiment", this was my very first masterpiece in Google Sketchup. There has been some inaccuracies with the real model thanks to some stipulations but was minor nonetheless. This model has then been updated and used as a personal mod for Windom, Custom ANI and all.

Took a mod from windom, gave it some edits in a 3d program for modding windom, added custom indentations and decals made in Sketchup and slight fixups. RX-78 ver OYW made.

All of that above I made in the past and whatnot, all was nice...
Spoiler: show

This is the Heisei Anguirus brought to life from concept art from Toho Artist Shinji Nishikawa. Even got a bit of praise from the artist himself for making him come to life like this :). Sculptris made, Blender Rigged
Baragon Ver Rel

Baragon, My Second Kaiju ever made in Sculptris/Blender.

Model made in Sculptris, then imported into blender3D. Might redo the texture.

Best and First Sculptris/Blender Masterpiece to date..So many tries on him so little time.
and now the Big one. BEHOLD

This Version of Godzilla is a perfect fusion of all the known suits into one realistic beast, with the focus on the Original 1954 design. The overall result is a rather horrifying rendition of the King of the Monsters.

Well, I really hope you enjoy my little exhibit/portfolio topic. I find it funny that after many years of practice in 3D, I could do organic design perfectly with Sculptris, but wished i learned the same with Blender 3D for my mecha and whatnot.

Offline Toa_Kaita

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Re: Rellik's Art station!
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2017, 05:05:09 AM »
These are very nicely done. I love your takes on Heisei Anguirus and Godzilla the most. ^_^

Offline Nebula

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Re: Rellik's Art station!
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2017, 02:29:30 AM »
I agree they are all well done :D
Canon is what people argue exists on ships that don't exist.

Offline Flowrellik

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Re: Rellik's Art station!
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2017, 12:20:00 AM »
Thanks guys that really means alot :).
I just wish I knew better in UV mapping on non-organic objects. Sculptris was at least kind to me with paint mode and whatnot, but sadly models without an organic shape to it kinda...not wants to load in the program...