Author Topic: Master permissions thread-Attention modders  (Read 12138 times)

Offline MSR1701

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Re: Master permissions thread-Attention modders
« Reply #60 on: September 14, 2023, 09:13:49 PM »
Hi there, Hobbs/ussgriffin here from SFRD.

I don't recall giving any permission for my ships to be altered.
And I'm a bit peeved that my ships are on game front under the creator name of MSR1701...

I made the ships, textured them, and hard pointed them.
I should be credited at least, and I should have been asked if it were ok to edit them.

Good Evening, Hobbes,

First I would like to apologize for lack of reaching out to you previously.  When checking with Jimmy and KCS previously, I understood that the method of posting that I was doing (including the original readmes as a master) was in keeping with the crediting of the original author.  Also, I understood that you were out of contact.

Second, I have tried to emphasize that I am *NOT* the author/creator of my updates, and that I only am updating to run in BC Remastered.  Aside from a few instances of cloning folder names to avoid incompatibility, the only texture changes I have ever made were to apply alternative textures to certain ships that were available with the mod or separately (usually SFP ships).

Third, if you would like me to I can take down a y uploads of your works from my profile from Gamefront.

I apologize again for any offense or action I took or made, as none was intended.

I would like to state that your works in BC are appreciated, and hope you have a wonderful evening.

If you would like to discuss privetly, you can reach me on the BCC Discord or if there is a PM/DM function on the BC-Net system.

Thank you for your time,


Offline Blackrook32

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Re: Master permissions thread-Attention modders
« Reply #61 on: September 15, 2023, 03:20:23 PM »
Good Evening, Hobbes,

First I would like to apologize for lack of reaching out to you previously.  When checking with Jimmy and KCS previously, I understood that the method of posting that I was doing (including the original readmes as a master) was in keeping with the crediting of the original author.  Also, I understood that you were out of contact.

Second, I have tried to emphasize that I am *NOT* the author/creator of my updates, and that I only am updating to run in BC Remastered.  Aside from a few instances of cloning folder names to avoid incompatibility, the only texture changes I have ever made were to apply alternative textures to certain ships that were available with the mod or separately (usually SFP ships).

Third, if you would like me to I can take down a y uploads of your works from my profile from Gamefront.

I apologize again for any offense or action I took or made, as none was intended.

I would like to state that your works in BC are appreciated, and hope you have a wonderful evening.

If you would like to discuss privetly, you can reach me on the BCC Discord or if there is a PM/DM function on the BC-Net system.

Thank you for your time,


Hi there, Hobbs/ussgriffin here from SFRD.

I don't recall giving any permission for my ships to be altered.
And I'm a bit peeved that my ships are on game front under the creator name of MSR1701...

I made the ships, textured them, and hard pointed them.
I should be credited at least, and I should have been asked if it were ok to edit them.

This is EXACTLY what I was warning you people about!

You are not making an effort to contact the Authors, or make simple inquiries. If you had done so, you would have known that Hobbs is the current active SFRD member. That was even shown in the BCC Discord's modding section, when I asked permission to use his works.

REMEMBER it is NOT the Author's  place to contact you about permissions after the fact. If you are using the works of a mod group, logic would tell you to see what individual group member worked on what, and give prominence accordingly.

I suggest you contact me in the future, if you are unsure about mod permissions. Because whoever is "advising" you don't know "Jack" about current or retired modders.

Please send me a private PM here, and let me know how you want to proceed.


" Fortune Favors the Bold "

Offline MSR1701

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Re: Master permissions thread-Attention modders
« Reply #62 on: September 15, 2023, 05:21:30 PM »
Thank you for the update, BR,

Please advise what action(s) you and Hobbes would like me to take and I will comply.

Again, apologies to all for the time and inconvenience this has caused to all involved,


(PS - is there a way to receive notifications when a new reply is posted on this Forum or from a PM?  I want to ensure that I receive any follow-ups so that I can respond and act accordingly in a timely manner to ensure that all is resolved as quickly and efficiently as able)

Offline Blackrook32

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Re: Master permissions thread-Attention modders
« Reply #63 on: September 15, 2023, 07:38:08 PM »
Thank you for the update, BR,

Please advise what action(s) you and Hobbes would like me to take and I will comply.

Again, apologies to all for the time and inconvenience this has caused to all involved,


(PS - is there a way to receive notifications when a new reply is posted on this Forum or from a PM?  I want to ensure that I receive any follow-ups so that I can respond and act accordingly in a timely manner to ensure that all is resolved as quickly and efficiently as able)

You will receive a notification, when anyone responds to this post.

This is one of the reasons most people are gravitating to Discord for faster communication.

As I see it, Hobbs told you what he expected. I suggest you iron this out with him.


" Fortune Favors the Bold "

Offline MSR1701

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Re: Master permissions thread-Attention modders
« Reply #64 on: September 15, 2023, 08:56:27 PM »
Thank you, Blackrook,

I have sent Hobbes PM and email thru the Forum channels to established contact and review and discuss what he wishes done, and I am more than happy to oblige his wishes.

As of this post, I have received no reply, though throughout tomorrow, 9/16 I will be combing thru the uploads under my Gamefront account to remove any ships that had Hobbes involvement, and will accordingly flag my personal backups with "Private" to avoid distribution in error (note that outside of the Discord for testing. Gamefront is the only site I post uploads to).

I would like to confirm if any further action is needed from my side, and would again like to apologize for this incident.  No offense was meant, and as I have said previously, I will abide by the modders wishes.

Also, as of this writing, if I was to receive a notification of update to this thread (via email?), I have yet to receive (neither in In ox or spam), and want to ensure a prompt response from my end to resolve this so that both yourself and Hobbes can enjoy your weekend/time.

Thank you again for assisting in this matter, and I look forward to hearing from both of you,


Offline Darkthunder

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Re: Master permissions thread-Attention modders
« Reply #65 on: September 15, 2023, 10:37:13 PM »
I have sent Hobbes PM and email thru the Forum channels to established contact and review and discuss what he wishes done, and I am more than happy to oblige his wishes.

It's Hobbs (no e in his name). I feel like this situation could've been handled better, had you contacted SFRD/Hobbs before re-releasing a bunch of mods. Chances are Hobbs may have given you permission if you asked beforehand. Chances are Hobbs still might give you permission. But it certainly doesn't give off a good appearance, that the situation was handled in this manner.

Logically speaking, if you're unable to contact someone to use their work. Then you shouldn't use their work. Just my 2 cents on this.
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Offline MSR1701

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Re: Master permissions thread-Attention modders
« Reply #66 on: September 16, 2023, 09:49:05 AM »
@Blackrook32 and @Hobbs (Apologies for the typos for your name), I have purged my GameFront listings of ships with Hobbs's works as noted previously.  Please advise if you would like any further action(s) taken on my side.

Thank you both for your time.

@Darkthunder, I agree.  I was told by several individuals that KCS was the only active SFRD team member in the community, and wires were crossed.  I know this is not an excuse, and this has been noted on my side to ensure that all Points of Contact(s) are attempted before proceeding going forward.