Author Topic: Ancient Greek (inspired) Art  (Read 1040 times)

Offline MLeo

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Ancient Greek (inspired) Art
« on: April 15, 2008, 12:31:25 PM »
Does anyone know a good source of art about either Mnemosyne or Coeus (also spelled Koios, or in Latin Polus)?

While they aren't that big in Greek theology, they do represent important aspects of it.
Mnemosyne is the Titaness of Memory (mother of the 9 Muses), and Coeus is the Titan of Intelligence (father of Leto and Asteria).
I just can't seem to find that much art about them.
This is the only one about Mnemosyne I have found:
I haven't even found one of Coeus.

Also, does anyone know a good source of art patterns (used in Greek), you know, the geometric inspired swirls and such?

Thank you for your time.

[EDIT] Or about the (Greek) Pantheon (building, not the one in Rome) would also be fine.
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Re: Ancient Greek (inspired) Art
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2008, 05:18:48 PM »
Say, a bit like this website (look at the background/menu and favicon):

Those kind of shapes.
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Re: Ancient Greek (inspired) Art
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2008, 05:34:02 PM »
I'd like to note that it's not as if the titans were standardized or something (it's not as if they had a photo), so technically you could use any other male or female titan (and even non titan) image no?


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Re: Ancient Greek (inspired) Art
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2008, 06:02:36 PM »
I'd like to note that it's not as if the titans were standardized or something (it's not as if they had a photo), so technically you could use any other male or female titan (and even non titan) image no?
You have a point there.

But a lot of gods and goddesses had descriptions (and I suppose a lot of titans had them as well). But Mnemosyne and Coeus aren't that wellknown unfortunatly. Though if I remember correctly, Coeus was released by Zeus and allowed to join them on Olympus. So you'd thought he would be a bit more important. And Mnemosyne was the mother of the 9 muses! Surely that ought to be a bit more explained other than "is the mother of the 9 muses, who were concieved by being with Zeus for 9 days and 9 nights, and oh yes, she is also the personification of all memory".

Maybe if Coeus hadn't been that busy giving everyone else intelligence then he could have rememberd Mnemosyne to remember the both of them. :P

Anyway, I just find it strange that there is so little art about them, while they fulfilled such important roles.

Many thanks! That ought to get me underway.
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Re: Ancient Greek (inspired) Art
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2008, 07:31:25 AM »
I did some roman-inspired stuff for a website not long ago...

YOU suck, get a life, moran.

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Offline MLeo

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Re: Ancient Greek (inspired) Art
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2008, 12:49:54 PM »
I'm not keen on Roman stuff, they don't have deities (that we know of) for memory and intelligence.

I'd even say that Romans are the opposite of what I would want to portray (yes, I still hold it against them for destroying the Great Library of Alexandria, the one in Egypth, even if it was just Marcus Antonius who ordered that against his orders).

Here is the deal, I'm planning a website/blog of my own, I won't tell the domain just yet incase of automated domain squatters, but the subtitle would be: "In ethernal servitude of Coeus and Mnemosyne".

Programming (or Software Engineering) is the application of both intelligence (Coeus) and memory (Mnemosyne).
Other religions don't really have deities for these 2 aspects.
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