Author Topic: Ideas for a new Star Trek game  (Read 1375 times)

Offline baz1701

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Ideas for a new Star Trek game
« on: January 15, 2010, 04:37:32 AM »
Was thinking what would be a good follow up to BC should it ever considered (ST:excal not withstanding).

My idea should I be asked to pitch would Star Trek TNG: The Dominon war.

The story line / missions would follow the crew of the Enterprise E during the Dominon war.

I'd have the voice actors reprise their roles, including some of the DS9 characters as well.
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Offline Vladko1

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Re: Ideas for a new Star Trek game
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2010, 08:16:15 AM »
Im joining the idea. I will be writting the .fx scripts  :D

Offline deadthunder2_0

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Re: Ideas for a new Star Trek game
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2010, 09:55:31 AM »
So we would use the BC engine to create a total conversion, i will scriptwrite, and work on kitbashes.
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Offline baz1701

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Re: Ideas for a new Star Trek game
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2010, 10:34:48 AM »
Lol if you fellas want to give it a try a tip my hat, but I was only asking in general terms what they though of the idea or if they had ideas of their own.
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Re: Ideas for a new Star Trek game
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2010, 02:31:05 PM »
So idea's for a BC follow up? While I'll admit I'd love to hear about the Enterprise's adventures during the Dominion War, for me a true follow up would involve the Sovereign crew.

So my idea goes something like this: The Sovereign crew is at a planet on the Romulan border finalizing the peace treaty, it will be signed within days.  Unfortunately the planets star suddenly goes supernova, but the ship & crew survive.  It's learned early on that Matan survived the destruction of his ship by beaming over to the solar former in an EV suit, and eventually was rescued by another Cardassian ship.  Matan is now hell bent on getting his revenge against the Sovereign crew and the Federation, and does everything he can to sabotage the peace negotiations with the Romulans, only to be foiled several times.  The final battle occurs in the Hobus system, where the Sovereign crew fail to stop Matan's latest solar former and the game ends with Hobus' destruction and then of course we go into the events of Countdown.

Just my little idea doubt it'll ever come to be though...

Offline deadthunder2_0

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Re: Ideas for a new Star Trek game
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2010, 02:47:16 PM »
even better
The Federation ambassador is on Romulus, when the star goes supernova, throwing the Sovereign and USS Titan out into space, thei'r warp engines disabled. They witness the Narada and the experimental Jellyfish entering the singularity, knowing Spock is on the ship.(Cutscene)

Later in the new alternate reality, the kelvin is destroyed(you play as the kelvin) and the Narada cloaks.

Then in the prime timeline Geordi and B4 are working on a way to stop romulus from being destroyed. A new Jellyfish is completed, and is docked in the Enterprise's shuttlebay.(Cutscene)

You the USS Titan, the Geronimo, the San Fransisco, Kashmir and Sovereign are part of the Enterprise's battle fleet, and are engaged by a duplicate of the Narada created by the singularity and must destroy it, while the Enterprise is unloading the Jellyfish. (you play as my STO Luna Class Titan)

End of Episode 1
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Offline Psyco Diver

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Re: Ideas for a new Star Trek game
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2010, 09:57:59 PM »
Sorry I hate those ideas, why can't we make it more star trek. The original BC had a good enough story to make for a good episode on TNG, in ST they rarely go off fighting unless its the final straw.  BC did that, you didn't need to fight Terrik or the Heavy Kessok,plus it had a good back story to make it interesting. The first idea just sounds like a rehash of the original BC story, but since they know whats going on, it will cut down on the back story and suspense. The second idea just sounds like alot of the star trek movie and may cut down alot on the story since, and honestly the Narada was just a mining ship, the only reason it was powerful was because it was 120 years newer and had a addition 20 years to upgrade their weapons.

I'm thinking of keeping the Soveriegn and her crew in place, maybe a new crew, is it possble to make our own voice overs? Maybe the Sovy is sent into the Gamma quadrent to check on the Dominion forces and maybe some of the Jemhadar have started a revolt caused by the fact of them realizing the founders are not gods anymore. Maybe involving Section 31 may still see them as a major threat, maybe helping push them revolt might need to the complete annilation in the whole dominion. Since the Sov is interfering it could expose Section 31 (I'm thinking a ship to ship battle with Sect 31) causing the remaining Dom forces to the worm hole starting a major battle, causing a retreat to DS9 for one final end all battle, maybe even the founders coming through and saving the Federations ass. I'm thinking alot of small skirmishes, talking, investigating and tracking down of the Sect 31.

I would hope this could make as good if not better story than the BC did. Could call it BC2?

Offline Psyco Diver

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Re: Ideas for a new Star Trek game
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2010, 10:28:50 PM »
Or instead of the Sovy, what about a nebula sensor variant sent in, and when you get clued into that their maybe federation forces in somewhere causing the trouble, sect 31 thinks your getting to close and section 31 tricks dominion forces to attack you, causing you to abandon ship and thus getting a new ship, maybe prometheus class? Or maybe they transport onto your ship from thier clocked ship and sabatoges your ship forcing you to abandon it

Offline deadthunder2_0

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Re: Ideas for a new Star Trek game
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2010, 11:35:08 PM »
or better yet a firesteel class, then a luna class
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Offline Psyco Diver

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Re: Ideas for a new Star Trek game
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2010, 12:19:12 AM »
just another thought, thinking Kirk style at least, what if after their nebula is lost, they tell star fleet whats happening, since sect 31 is behind it, they order you and your crew to forget what happened over there, thus you and some of your crew steal a ship, and why not one of the most powerful ships in the fleet, maybe a couple ships since we have fleet commands now, and go and expose whats happen, star fleet under sect 31s pressure sends a small task force to stop you, maybe battle with DS9 ensues, and somehow you convince them of whats happening, you take the task force that attacked you along with your rag tag fleet and go and expose sect 31 and stabilize the Gamma quadrant, and you and your men come back a hero

just some ideas, since I read this thread earlier, random ideas keep flying around me head. I tried balancing, story, twist, battles, and negotating

Offline Psyco Diver

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Re: Ideas for a new Star Trek game
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2010, 12:20:26 AM »
or better yet a firesteel class, then a luna class

Could be in the mini rogue fleet I suggested, we could include a bunch of the newer ships being moded

Offline Vladko1

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Re: Ideas for a new Star Trek game
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2010, 04:20:35 PM »
Why not like the story which I will film with the others trekkies of steel from BG? The story is 30% written. After that I will expand it but most important, for now its on BG but the movie will be on English :P If someone have experience with the errors of the translators, here it is the story for now. And the only problem is that it is in late ENT era.

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Re: Ideas for a new Star Trek game
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2010, 06:57:33 AM »
If your going to make a game, it would be a good idea to allow the player to pick there own ship.

Offline Vladko1

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Re: Ideas for a new Star Trek game
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2010, 09:35:10 AM »
If your going to make a game, it would be a good idea to allow the player to pick there own ship.

When you finish the story you will be able to choose your own ship. Thats the point :) After the first version, we can make add-ons for TOS and TNG.

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Re: Ideas for a new Star Trek game
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2010, 01:54:56 AM »
I'd like to see a follow-up (Mac & IBM-compatible) 2010 Edition, "Star Trek: Starship Creator" . 

Build your own canon or "Frankenstein Fleet" vessel to help the UFP keep up with its obligations. Play as Cardassians, Federation, (Pirates) Orions/Nausicaans, or unlock other races' vessels, freighters, runabouts, etc. E-mail your Screenshot feature.

"Blow-It-Up Mode" mini-games.

Use unrecoverable wrecks of transports, runabouts and science vessels as phaser / microtorpedo (cadet) target-practice with your Wii "pistol" style controller from the cockpit of your runabout or multiple other views inside/outside your runabout/fighter and instant replay.

Mini-game 2: Tractor-beam (sufficiently large sheared-off hull-fragments) posing navigation hazards to the nearest surplus depot to be melted-down/re-purposed. Either beat-the-clock or normal mode: a hand-eye game where you have to carefully pull/push the item in your tractor beam into the orbital office complex's cargobay without touching/colliding-with with other debris.

Would anyone else like to see this?

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