Author Topic: The episode that got me hooked on DS9  (Read 648 times)

Offline Psyco Diver

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The episode that got me hooked on DS9
« on: July 22, 2010, 01:27:44 AM »

This episode dropped my jaw when I first saw it, but I think back what more could have the captain done? This was the epsode that really got me watching DS9, I like it for the fact that they used a Galaxy class instead of a different canon fodder ship, like thier proving a point that "this isn't TNG". Thoughts?


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Re: The episode that got me hooked on DS9
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2010, 01:36:46 AM »
Yup, that's exactly why they used it, they wanted to show us that they had an enemy that could have defeated the Enterprise.  In fact, IIRC, there was a bit of a fuss because some fans thought it was supposed to be the Enterprise after watching it explode in the preview ("The Jem'Hadar" aired before Generations was announced, but only a couple weeks after "All Good Things")

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Re: The episode that got me hooked on DS9
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2010, 02:34:56 AM »
DS9 is still my favorite Trek, and will always be so. Since the writers were limited by their inability to engage a new species each week, they had to delve deeper into the species that were already present.  The development of Bajorans as a part of Star Trek mythos nearly rivals that of Klingons.  Granted, the Bajorans are pretty much wusses (with a few notable exceptions . . . ;)), but they did have a very rich and involved background.  It also opened up the Cardassians as a major power.  Prior to DS9, the Cardassians were weird helmet-wearing bony guys with bad padding.  I kid you not!

Offline Psyco Diver

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Re: The episode that got me hooked on DS9
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2010, 03:14:56 AM »
Well I was young and I couldn't get the political stuff, now I can I really enjoy watching the show. I liked how they explored and explained why races and characters did what they did. Of course giving what alot of trekkies want and thats big ass fleet battles, kinda wished they showed more battles and in more detail and a cameo of the Enterprise would have been cool. I kinda wish they redid the last few episodes, the kinda took the pawraith thing in a wierd direction.

Anyways that episode seem to shatter the whole notion that the federation could negotiate with everyone and the Galaxy class wasn't invincable

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Re: The episode that got me hooked on DS9
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2010, 01:41:03 PM »
Well I was young and I couldn't get the political stuff, now I can I really enjoy watching the show. I liked how they explored and explained why races and characters did what they did. Of course giving what alot of trekkies want and thats big ass fleet battles, kinda wished they showed more battles and in more detail and a cameo of the Enterprise would have been cool. I kinda wish they redid the last few episodes, the kinda took the pawraith thing in a wierd direction.

Anyways that episode seem to shatter the whole notion that the federation could negotiate with everyone and the Galaxy class wasn't invincable

I got sick of Kai Winn & Dukat's Bajoran alter ego super-quick
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Re: The episode that got me hooked on DS9
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2010, 07:58:43 AM »
it was the species character developement period that was one of the appeals of 9 for me.  however, turning the Bajorans into, basically, "Space Jews" (don't give me that look, that's the trope name) would have ticked off a lot of people.  the Ferengi being turned into the stereotype flipside of the jewish coin makes it more obvious.

the explanation: the bajorans represent the modern view of those of Hebrew descent: IE the old cultured, spiritually strong people who can kick your butt to Andromeda and back, while the ferengi represent the stereotypical greedy big nosed cheapskates that anti-semetics used to justify themselves to their abuse.

since this is a bit prevalent, SOMEONE in the development area for these two races HAS to be Semitic descent invoking N word privelages.

before you say I'm reading too much into this, other people have also theorized things like this, comparing the Cardies to the Nazis.  TOS was always theorized to be the Cold War turned into a metaphor (with the Klingons as the Soviets, and the Romulans as the Chinese Communists).  and TUC was outright stated to be/have been influenced by the collapse of the Soviet Union.

if they had really wanted to reflect a fort based Western (as was the theory behind the concept of the show to some people), then they should have made all the species reflect the "native Americans vs Settlers" metaphor that should have gone with it.
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Re: The episode that got me hooked on DS9
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2010, 10:15:19 AM »
if they had really wanted to reflect a fort based Western (as was the theory behind the concept of the show to some people), then they should have made all the species reflect the "native Americans vs Settlers" metaphor that should have gone with it.

Too soon.

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der-ner-ner-ner-ner ..... der-ner-ner-ner-ner .....
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...Probably not, but the number I get(379.6m) could be considered ?original intent,? a term that I think I will be using from now on, and ?canon? be damned.