Author Topic: Star Trek Proxima  (Read 1067 times)

Offline deadthunder2_0

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Star Trek Proxima
« on: February 04, 2011, 12:06:32 AM »
This takes place right after Trouble with Tribbles.
Worf is the grandfather of Worf in "The Undiscovered Country"


   Tribbles... they were all Commander Spock could think of. It would take over 17 years for Cyrano Jones to remove every one of them from the rather small Deep Space Station K-7. He would also have to pay for the "wheat" that was eaten by the infestation of tribbles on K-7.
   Arne Darvin also had a lot to answer for by the Federation and Klingon Empire. He had planned to poison all of the "wheat" that was aboard the station. Later there was an antimatter detonation outside the  station which appeared Klingon but had detonated after the IKS Gr'oth had left the area.
   Spock meditated in his quarters, washing away all emotions. He had only just finished when the aleart sirens sounded, calling every crew member to battle stations.

   Once he arrived on the bridge, he saw what threat was looming over the Enterprise, A Klingon C-8 battleship, the most powerful ship in the quadrant other than the Romulan Vro'rath designs.
   It had three nacelles attached to a much larger D-7 shaped hull. The feat of engineering was twice as long as the Enterprise and more than twice as wide.
   "Captain" Uhura said, "They are not hailing us should I try to get their  attention?"
   "Yes, Lieutenant hail them, ask them why they are in Federation space, Spock, analysis?" James Tiberius Kirk replied.
   "The ship is a standard C-8 Class warship. it has twelve disruptor cannons, two photon torpedo launchers, and one plasma torpedo launcher that appears of Romulan origin. Shields include a primary shield generator and ten centimeters of hull plating." Spock responded.
   "Sir they are responding.... they don't seem too happy." announced Uhura
   "Put them on the view screen, and activate the universal translator." Kirk ordered.
   The 3 nacelled ship flashed out of sight replaced by a white shinned rigged Klingon. He was rather old with gray hair dominating his head. "James Kirk, I am Worf, Son of Reterh of the House of Reterh, where is  Arne Darvin? I have orders to collect him from your custody." the large Klingon asked.
   All eyes turned to Kirk who replied; " Arne Darvin has been put on trial for 12 accusations of breaking Federation Law, and is to be shipped to your government as soon as the trial is finished."
   "Then my orders are to witness these "trials" and make sure they do not harm his Klingon heritage. Qapla' Captain, may I warn you though if Darvin is aboard your ship then I will not hesitate to hunt you down an send you and your ship to Gre'thor"
   Then as soon as it had been there it was gone! The ship had cloaked and now it had disappeared.
   "Captain" Spock said, "The Klingons appear to have either created, traded for, or stolen a Romulan cloaking device."
   "Yes Spock" replied the captain "I will notify Starfleet officials of this incident."
   "Sir, where is Darvin?" Asked Uhura "He wasn't seen after the JAG called for a hearing."
   A blank look appeared over every face on the bridge. No one knew where Darvin was or how he escaped Federation Custody.
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Re: Star Trek Proxima
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2011, 05:20:33 AM »
For now it starts very good! :thumbsup:

Offline Tuskin38

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Re: Star Trek Proxima
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2011, 10:37:42 AM »
Hmm, but didn't Odo say the Klingon's disavowed any involvement (Mission Impossible style) of Darvin?

But this is a Fanfic, anything can happen. And I really like it so far. Please continue :D

Offline deadthunder2_0

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Re: Star Trek Proxima
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2011, 11:11:50 PM »
Part 1 of Chapter 1


   Starfleet R&D  Dr. John Hart looked out the window of his masterpiece. The USS Proxima was the first twin warp core vessel ever made by Starfleet. Out the window on the first engineering hull he could see the second engineering hull, the main deflector dish, the saucer section, the hull connection section, and two of the ships six sensor arrays.
   The Proxima class starships were the largest ships ever to be produced yet, at nearly 600 meters long and 200 wide, they were almost twice the size of the standard Constitution class explores, and packed twice the punch. The ship had two large fighter bays carrying thirty Lightning class attack fighters and six non-combat shuttles.
   Equipped with six photon torpedo tubes, twenty-eight phaser turrets, and eight pulse arrays, it was the heaviest armed starship in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.
   Her dual core system allowed a four warp nacelle array instead of the Federation class rather inefficent design which was just a three nacelled Constitution class ship with eight more phaser arrays. This new arrangement allowed for speeds of over warp eight on the old scale or warp four on the brand new scale developed for the "transwarp" studys of the Excelsior project.
   This ship was the best multi-role starship ever created, and with so much volume for labs, colonization equipment, cargo and weapon systems. The twenty-three deck ship was so large, it had more mass then the Romulan Vro'rath type warbirds.
   Still in a modified drydock facility, the Proxima was ready to launch.

   Captain Eric Land sat on the bridge of the USS Texas, a Miranda class light cruiser. He was a short Bolian whose skin was unusually light, almost white instead of blue. His bridge was a custom shaded blue toned bridge, after all blue was a sacred color to Bolians.
   "Sovak, is the Proxima ready to leave drydock?" He asked.
   "Yes sir, Admiral Nogura  just sent us a order to escort her to Deep Space Station K-7." the young Vulcan replied.
   "Thank you commander, lets get ready to go!'

   Captain Gregory Nance stood on the rather large bridge of the USS Proxima, NX-1801. The registry number was one of the best parts of the ship, it was built exactly 100 ships after the USS Enterprise.
   Nance was an tall human with a small amount of Vulcan in his blood. He had long blond hair, and not a single strand of gray. At 25 years old, he was the youngest captain in the fleet.
   The captains chair was also very large. More like a throne, it was the only chair in the fleet to have a seat belt installed on it. The chair was a custom shade of light green, along with the rest of the bridge. It had a touch screen readout display, the first ever used on a starship.
   The rest of the bridge was just as amazing. There was a large master systems display (MSD) right between the two turbolifts.  There was no handrail like on other starships, instead, there were 2 stations to the left and right of the captains chair.
   The ship also had touch screen controls, another first for a Starfleet ship. The main computer core  was fast enough to process the touch data, and could pilot the whole ship, allowing it to be run by five crew members.
   Even with those capabilities, the ship was run by a crew of 500, 200 more the the standard Constitution class starship. It was a big ship, in need of a large crew. In fact, the ship was so big that the Watchtower class starbases had to leave their bay doors open in order for it to dock.
   Nance's main bridge crew consisted of his Executive officer and Communications operator Commander Barret Roberts, Helmsman Lieutenant Commander Sara Campbell, Science Officer  Ensign Tenal, Tactical officer  Lieutenant Andrew Grey, and Doctor Kenny Kassing.
   Roberts was the exact oppisite of Nance. He was short, dark skinned and fearsome looking. Looks could deceive, he was the smartest XO in all of Starfleet, other than Spock, the Enterprise's XO.
   His career was very decorated, he served on the Bombay, Stratagarrius, Excalibur, Federation, Farragut, Intrepid, Daedalus, and the Star Leauge. He had been known for unwavering loyalty, but would ignore a direct order if it meant the safety of the ship and it's crew. In other words, he was the epitome of a first officer.
   Campbell was a purebread human woman with her long blonde hair led down, ignoring Starfleet's uniform code that called for a bun of hair. At only 23 yers old, she had risen through the ranks faster than any other officer in history. She joined Starfleet Academy at the age of 14, graduated  at 17 and had moved just as fast in Starfleet.
   Tenal was a rather young Vulcan, only forty years old. She had gone through the Vucan art of Kohlinar, graduated from the Vulcan Science Academy, and joind Starfleet 2 years later. A typical Vulcan, she was ready for any job other than singing campfire songs. She was very tall, so tall that the standard two meter doors to her quarters were heightened to 2.5 meters.
   Andrew Grey was a very heavy Tellerite, who was born on Andor. He served as the Cheif of Security and the  Tactical officer. The weight he accompanied with him was all muscle. He required himself and his security team be in the best physical shape possible. If underestimated, he could strike hard and fast.
   Kassing was the person you would not expect to be a doctor. He was born with Turrets Syndrome, and was the most nervous person on the ship, execpt for when he was in sickbay. He hd been compared to Dr. Phlox of the original Enterprise that as in service before the Federation was founded.
   Nance surveyed his bridge crew, all of whom he had been classmates with at the Academy.
   "Captain, I am receiving a message from Admiral Nogura, he is coming aboard with our new Chief Engineer, and he will be staying aboard during our first mission." said Roberts who was standing at the comm console.
   "Great, Barret come with me, we want to greet the Admiral with the best possible style. Oh, and Andrew, hide those cases of Romulan Ale so Nogura can't get a hold of any of the stuff." replied Nance, who had kept his crew on a first name, very casual basis.

   In Engineering Hull B's fighter bay a luxury transport landed on a small pad which would normally house a non-combat shuttle. It was a large blue air tram with two impulse engines and a small cockpit. Out of the side door steped Admiral Heihachiro Nogura, and a young  Lieutenant Commander.
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Offline deadthunder2_0

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Re: Star Trek Proxima
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2011, 08:36:28 PM »
The rest of chapter 1, the whole chapter is just over 10 4.5*5.5 pages long at font size 8 DejaVu Serif also my first cover concept is attached

   James Kirk looked at his log. It had been three days since Montgomery Scott left for a tempoary posting on a unnamed starship. While his tempoary Chief Engineer was good at his job, it was nowhere near the same on the Enterprise without Scotty...

   "Admiral Heihachiro Nogura, permission to come aboard?" requested Nogura.
   "Ay lad my boy, I'm Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott, premission to come aboard Sir?"
   "Granted, both of you, I look foreward to meeting you Mr. Scott, as you will be a part of my crew so-
   "Captain, Mr. Scott is you tempory Chief Engineer, He will be leaving after this mission, and I will elaborate in a confrence later this afternoon."

   The round conference room was built like every other starship's. It had a large viewscreen at one end, and mutiple small viewscreens in the center. The table was built to allow ten people to be seated, while chairs out to the sides were added to seat spectators, and flag officers. Nogura sat in one of those chairs waiting for the conference to begin.
   As if on cue, the bridge crew and Scotty entered the room. They sat down at the large round table in the middle, Nance closest to the door, and Kassing directly across from it.
   "Admiral, please, join us," Nance said.
   The Admiral stood up and took the chair next to Kassing and Scotty, and placed his papers on the table. It was a rather small pile to be a set of orders, only three or four pages not including the cover page.
   "Well after our shakedown cruise with the core of engineers, we are ready to set off. This starship, the USS Proxima will be the most famous ship in the fleet for  a few days, then nothing will be thought of it. I intend to not only make our ship one of the most respected, but one of the best. In our times we are on the verge of war on three fronts, The Klingon Empire, the Tholian Assembly, and the Romulan Star Empire. We will deter those wars. This ship is not on a five year mission, but will boldly go.....
   Do all of you know what our dedication plaque says? 'Don't waste a heartbeat", we will use every second we have on this ship to keep the ideals of the Federation, and as long as I'm in command this ship will never waiver from reality, and will always do what is necessary.
   Now I must pass this pass this conference to the Admiral, who i believe is ready with our orders."
   "Thank you Captain," Nogura said while standing up from his chair, "Three weeks go a Klingon criminal by the name of Arne Darvin aboard Deep Space Station K-7 went missing. Since then the Klingons have been attacking several of our outposts, but have left little to no damage, and the Treaty or Orgaina prevents us from declaring war unless Federation blood is spilled, and the last thing we need is a full scale war with the Klingons.    You mission is simple, protect the outposts along the neutral zone, but let the Klingons fire first, that way they can not declare war on the Federation.
   I don't need to remind you that a war with th Klingons will surely mean war with the Romulans, and we would never be able to stand a war against the two Empires.
   Your secondary objective is to locate Arne Darvin. He can't be very far from K-7.
   Once you reach the neutral zone, you will rendezvous with the Enterprise Mr. Scott will then transfer over and you permanent Chief will be transferred to you. You will also obtain some important cargo.
   Next you will head to K-9 over Sherman's Planet. There you will transport the cargo to the station.
   After that you will meet with the Miranda Class starship Reliant, and the Akula Class starship Essex. The Miranda class starship Texas will accompany you on your mission until, and these ships will form a patrol group under your direct command. If a Klingon ship exits the neutral zone into our space do not hesitate to fire. Chase them back across the border, or destroy them. They must be in our space to prevent a war with them.
   I will remain aboard until we meet with the Enterprise then I will beam over with Mr. Scott.
   I hope I have made this clear for all of you if there are no questions then you are dismissed."
   There were no questions, the Admiral had explained it so clear that no one needed any further explanation. The crew exited the conference room and headed for the bridge, well all except for Scotty, who made his way to engineering.

   Outside the ship, a small bottle of champagne floated through space. Over a century old, this bottle was saved for this special event. Suddenly it collided with a huge white hulk and shattered, spraying champagne over everything surrounding it.
   The Drydock lights went out, and space was pitch black, as the station was in Earth's shadow. Suddenly a bright light emmited form the white hulk, lighting the front of the huge starship. The black recently repainted registry was revealed, reading USS Proxima NCC-1801. Every other light on the ship light up, revealing the humongous starship's true glory. Her four nacelles light up in a huge array of orange and blue light. The impulse engines light dark yellow then slowly faded to a bright blue then up to a strong red.
   Jets of air shoot from the thrusters as the newest ship in the fleet launched for it's first mission, on that would turn out totally different than what it was supposed to be.
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Offline deadthunder2_0

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Re: Star Trek Proxima
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2011, 11:52:23 PM »
Cover Concept 2
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Re: Star Trek Proxima
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2011, 04:27:09 PM »
I'd love to have this story at "Star Trek: New Worlds", please grant me permission to copy & paste the story and novel covers to my site.
If At First You Don't Succeed, So Much For Skydiving.

Offline deadthunder2_0

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Re: Star Trek Proxima
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2011, 06:32:39 PM »
Fine by me, just make sure no one else takes it.
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Re: Star Trek Proxima
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2011, 12:36:34 AM »
Proxima Class Blueprints... Enjoy!

I have worked on the story, but I am not happy at what I have done, so it is a WIP.
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Re: Star Trek Proxima
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2011, 05:42:03 PM »
Ah Crabby Paddies, I completely forgot about doing your Cover.

I've got a bit work on my hands, with Personal projects, but if I can I'll try and get this done,

Again terribly sorry for forgetting.

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Re: Star Trek Proxima
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2011, 03:26:04 PM »
It's fine mate.
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