Author Topic: Mass Effect 3  (Read 7312 times)

Offline captain_obvious

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #80 on: April 02, 2012, 08:09:27 AM »
The very model of a scientist Salarian.
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Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #81 on: April 03, 2012, 07:13:40 PM »
I feel kinda bad for Joker.  He falls in love with a robotic body that, even if it is "fully functional" as Data might say...he'd probably be in sickbay for a month afterwards.

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Offline Aeries

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #82 on: April 03, 2012, 07:27:06 PM »
I feel kinda bad for Joker.  He falls in love with a robotic body that, even if it is "fully functional" as Data might say...he'd probably be in sickbay for a month afterwards.

But with all that cybernetic "umph", surely it would be worth it! ;)

One thing that really bugs me about ME:3 is that you never do get to see the Alliance SR-2 fully fixed up and shiny like she was in ME:2. :(

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #83 on: April 03, 2012, 07:51:35 PM »
True.  The Alliance hadn't quite finished refitting the SR-2 before the Reapers attack.  But at least all of her primary systems were intact and not scheduled to be installed on Tuesday.

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Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #84 on: April 04, 2012, 03:26:23 AM »
I just found something funny, after disabling Geth server on Rannoch via jumping into Geth consensus we are asked by some crew members while on Normandy, if we are sure this is all for real ? Joker even asks Shepard if he's certain he isn't trapped in virtual reality of Geth right now  :lostit: I wonder if it was done for purpose to make us think about the ending even more :P

Offline Killallewoks

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #85 on: April 04, 2012, 03:54:57 AM »
I sure hope not, that would be the cheapest rip off of Total Recall ever.  :funny

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #86 on: April 04, 2012, 04:01:38 AM »
Well, there is the indoctrination theory...

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Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #87 on: April 04, 2012, 04:10:07 AM »
I sure hope not, that would be the cheapest rip off of Total Recall ever.  :funny

You know it was the first title that came to my mind when I heard Joker saying that :D must be another dialog easter egg :P

Yeah there is but then what would be the point of showing us the stargazer with kid scene at the end ? if whole ending was just an indoctination halucination then all that happened wouldn't be true

... but we can also think about it like this :

Shepard gets blasted by Harbinger, whole Citadel scene with TIM and creepy kid is only in Shepards head, tampered with Reaper indoctrination.

What if after Shepard is down, fleet gets pwnd really hard and is ordered to retreat, which would explain why Joker flew Normandy through the Relay, maybe Reapers succeded and the Normandy was all that was left when it crashed on planet, Reapers would never find them because there was no tech or advanced civilisation on the planet (Normandy does not count because we must presume the ship was way too damaged to be functional).

So maybe the cycle was successful for Reapers...

Offline Killallewoks

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #88 on: April 04, 2012, 04:19:11 AM »
You know it was the first title that came to my mind when I heard Joker saying that :D must be another dialog easter egg :P

Like the rest, there sure are quite a few.

@ Shadow, the Indoctrination theroy is plausable and I hope it is true, It would have been better if war assests did something but what can you do.

Offline Aeries

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #89 on: April 04, 2012, 11:01:33 AM »
@ Shadow, the Indoctrination theroy is plausable and I hope it is true, It would have been better if war assests did something but what can you do.

It is; it's the only logical conclusion Bioware could have used with an ending like that. Additionally, it leaves the community with an open-ended world to develop fan-work in. I'd go so far as to call the indoctrination theory a fact, because it's exactly what I'd have done in their position.

Offline Killallewoks

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #90 on: April 04, 2012, 11:25:03 AM »
It is; it's the only logical conclusion Bioware could have used with an ending like that. Additionally, it leaves the community with an open-ended world to develop fan-work in. I'd go so far as to call the indoctrination theory a fact, because it's exactly what I'd have done in their position.

I knew I was being indoctrinated as soon the wierd blurry stuff started with TIM and Anderson, neither of them were there in reality. The shooting of Anderson was a symbollic atempt at discourging the destruction of the Reapers. The death of TIM was to not allow the control one as the cycle would end and the reapers purpose ended. Synthesis represented the death of everyone, the merging of Organic and machine the very thing the Reapers wanted to achieve. It was a mental battle one not screwing with Shepard but the player itself.

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #91 on: April 04, 2012, 12:45:43 PM »
But even without the idea of Shep being indoctrinated(which I feel is downright depressing, no matter how logical it is)...I think the only ending that really leaves itself to expansion is the synthesis ending.  The control ending, maybe, but I doubt that would work forever.  But in the synthesis ending, peace would be total, and with the help of the Reapers, they could likely rebuild the Mass Relay network.  In the destruction ending, they just lose way too many possible resources.

And personally, I think that the Normandy could get back on her feet in any of the endings as long as the crew survived.  The ship looked more or less intact, just a bit of scarring on the hull.  Hardly qualifies as the worst crash landing ever.  After all, it's Joker flying the ship, not Deanna Troi. :funny

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Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #92 on: April 04, 2012, 03:28:14 PM »
For me it was a mentality play from Bioware, Paragon action - Control the Reapers was in fact the worst ending because you can clearly see it only in this ending that the kid is smiling when you choose it (the kid represents the Reapers) so we can presume Shepard fails to control them as soon as the game ends). Also we can se TIM in this ending prelude because he wanted to control Reapers from the very beginnig.

Destroy the Reapers would serve the paragon ending as we can clearly see Anderson presenting the best option for US (not the U.S. but us :P ) throughout whole ME we wanted only one thing - stop the Reapers, this option is just what we wanted to do and I think bioware showed the N7 guy who is presumably Shepard to be barely alive at the very end, he resisted the Reaper indoctrination... at this point something must have happened that stopped Reapers (maybe the Crucible fired, while it was unable to do so when Shepard was indoctrinated in both Control and Synthesis ending). If we listened to Zaed, a person stubborn enough can live through everything...

Synthesis is for me kind of lie against Shepard to make him think he is doing everything right but infact he's killing all organic life with Synthetics ( just look what cybernetics could do to Shepard - Overlords intrusion, Reaper intrusion on many ocasions) for me it is like add Reaper code to humans and make them became Reapers in close future...

Normand lost her FTL drive along with FTL engines and most likely tantalus core, we can clearly see both seconday and primary engines mounted on wings explode and fly apart from the ship... it's only Bioware's lazyness to show us perfectly intact model with only skin scares to hull... in fact the ship should be ripped in half without any signs of FTL or sublight drive ... so the normandy crew is pretty much stranded which was explained with stargazer scene...

Offline Aeries

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #93 on: April 04, 2012, 03:33:35 PM »
But even without the idea of Shep being indoctrinated(which I feel is downright depressing, no matter how logical it is)...I think the only ending that really leaves itself to expansion is the synthesis ending.  The control ending, maybe, but I doubt that would work forever.  But in the synthesis ending, peace would be total, and with the help of the Reapers, they could likely rebuild the Mass Relay network.  In the destruction ending, they just lose way too many possible resources.

And personally, I think that the Normandy could get back on her feet in any of the endings as long as the crew survived.  The ship looked more or less intact, just a bit of scarring on the hull.  Hardly qualifies as the worst crash landing ever.  After all, it's Joker flying the ship, not Deanna Troi. :funny

She had her engines torn off her hull like a fly's wings, how is she gonna fly again when half her hull needs to be rebuilt...?  :P

Also, i would have to disagree and say that the reaper destruction ending leaves the best possibility for expansion; with the mass effect relay network gone, new eezo cores need to be built for more effective ftl travel; if written well enough, one could orchestrate everything from re-encountering other races to interracial wars and etc etc. The reaper synthesis ending would lead to the galaxy being indoctrinated and thus, nothing to build from... sucky poop.

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #94 on: April 04, 2012, 03:52:27 PM »
Sorry, I just can't justify the destruction endings to myself.  Unless the DLC ending changes the outcome, I'm taking it at face value, and the destruction endings would kill EDI and the geth in addition to the reapers.  Considering that Shepard helped both EDI and the geth become fully sentient beings, I consider that to be unacceptable losses.

And I just rewatched the synthesis ending.  Normandy's engines don't get ripped off in that one, whereas they do in the control and destruction endings.  I don't know why that is, but there you go.  I went with synthesis, therefore my Shep's Normandy could survive.  Besides, Normandy has a Scottish engineer, and if Scotty has taught us anything, it's that a Scottish engineer is the best asset to have on any space-faring vessel.

Basically, without the reapers to help rebuild the relays(since I'm sure I remember that they had a hand in the creation of them in the first place), the galaxy is screwed.  To put it in Star Trek terms, they went from having a transwarp network to everywhere in the galaxy to being stuck with ships with standard warp drives.  Humanity would be fine, they're within striking distance of home, as are the krogan.  The rest of the fleet though, they're like poor Voyager, stranded very far from home.  Frankly, if I were in the shoes of the quarians and asari, I'd be mighty pissed at humanity for stranding them so far from home.

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Offline captain_obvious

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #95 on: April 05, 2012, 10:29:57 AM »
The asari would be ok. They can eat and drink pretty much anything we can.  It's the Turians and the Quarians I'd be feeling sorry for what with them being dextros unable to eat or drink any of our foodstuffs.
I miss :bigdance:

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #96 on: April 05, 2012, 01:00:10 PM »
Bioware announces Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut DLC coming this summer.  The best part?  It's FREE.

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Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #97 on: April 05, 2012, 02:55:49 PM »
hahaha they admit it ! it's not worthy of charging money for it  :evil:

j/k lol

That's great news I guess, I wonder if they'll care to answer some questions in it and maybe throw in missions like retaking Omega

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #98 on: April 05, 2012, 04:25:02 PM »
Free DLC is always good.  As long as you get it before April.

I just think the galaxy deserves a happy ending.  Couldn't care less about Shep, I figured he or she'd sacrifice themselves to save humanity.

EDIT: A buddy of mine had a good idea about the end of ME3 and why the Normandy is fleeing Earth.  He thinks that Shepard pulls himself up sometime like an hour or so after the reaper blast hits and the Normandy picked up the crew and tried to escape because the battle is going terribly.

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Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #99 on: April 18, 2012, 06:04:13 AM »
Free DLC is always good.  As long as you get it before April.

I just think the galaxy deserves a happy ending.  Couldn't care less about Shep, I figured he or she'd sacrifice themselves to save humanity.

EDIT: A buddy of mine had a good idea about the end of ME3 and why the Normandy is fleeing Earth.  He thinks that Shepard pulls himself up sometime like an hour or so after the reaper blast hits and the Normandy picked up the crew and tried to escape because the battle is going terribly.

Exactly my thoughts, Hacket might have ordered the fleet to retreat and leave only few ships to hold off reapers from the crucible...

there is too many 'but' tho, I doubt Joker would take retreat order so easily, so would Normandy crew, second thing is that Hacket knew it's a win-or-die scenario so I doubt he would order fleet to retreat unless the fleet was beaten to dust and only few survivors were still in fight, also there wouldn't be anyone to pick up because we can look closely at our companions lying in the pool of their own blood, even if they survived, wouldn't it be a bit far fetched that Normandy came down to pick them up while moments ago shepard had to perform suicide run to the conduit beam because this was the only way to get closer to it and get past all the reapers around ??? not even a shuttle would be able to land there I would guess ... I hope Bioware will not go cheap on explaining this part as it's now the only thing that seems strange to me (concerning the ending)