Author Topic: Mass Effect 3  (Read 7264 times)

Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #120 on: June 27, 2012, 01:03:46 PM »
Not to mention rebuilds gets much quicker, mass relays were Reaper tech so Reapers won't have much problem refitting them back online, Destruction ending is cool too but it looks even more far fetched than I thought :P I clearly remember Anderson saying the Citadel is not fully repaired after the attack of Sovereign (3 years after that, wards are still beaten) ... I doubt they would repair the relays in next 10 - 20 or even 50 years :P so yeah, Normandy IS still screwed, even tho Joker takes off the planet, he'll just fly until she runs out of juice... then perhaps they are dead :P

but, I have to agree on one thing, these endings should be called 'optimistic endings' if not 'over-optimistic endings' ... not that I don't like em ;)

Oh ... and just because of thiss stupid green circuitry pattern on lads I won't pick synthesis ending ... imagine Sam Fischer lurking in the shadows with his skin glowing like a christmas tree  :picardfacepalm: being unable to hide in the dark is not cool so it's a no go for synthesis ending for me ;)

Offline FarShot

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #121 on: June 27, 2012, 01:22:03 PM »
Shepard's DNA would only allow you to clone him.  His memories aren't there.  In control, Reaper Shep still possesses the memories, so he could continue the romance option and hang out with all his friends.  In destroy, yes his body is still there and alive, but you have to remember, he was seriously f***ed up.  If no one finds him soon, they're going to have to spend years back in Lazarus.

Destroy ending - It's shown that the Normandy can get around a star cluster fairly quickly, so maybe with the element zero core, ships can go faster than light.  Just nothing to make a significant hop across the galaxy without a mass relay.  Perhaps there is a colony they could make it to under their own power.

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #122 on: June 27, 2012, 01:35:26 PM »
All ships can go faster than light, there are several mentions of FTL travel throughout the series.

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Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #123 on: June 27, 2012, 02:05:27 PM »
Indeed they can (this is even shown in several cinematics like when Normandy runs from the Collector ship or the Cerberus shuttle jumping into FTL after escape from Lazarus station), heck , even flying from system to sytem in each cluster is FTL I guess, you need fuel to travel between systems so I guess FTL is quite limited to traveling around single cluster

Offline FarShot

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #124 on: June 27, 2012, 02:22:33 PM »
Well, just because a ship jumps off really fast does not make it FTL, I mean, we are talking about the speed of light here, that's pretty fast.

And I said that originally because Bones said the Normandy was screwed in the destroy ending.  If they have FTL then they aren't screwed, it'll just take longer.

So in short, I was countering Bones' initial statement of Normandy being screwed, but then by saying that there is FTL, you both hopped onto my side of the argument.  Guess that means we're all in agreement then. :P

Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #125 on: June 27, 2012, 02:52:39 PM »
Well, just because a ship jumps off really fast does not make it FTL, I mean, we are talking about the speed of light here, that's pretty fast.

And I said that originally because Bones said the Normandy was screwed in the destroy ending.  If they have FTL then they aren't screwed, it'll just take longer.

So in short, I was countering Bones' initial statement of Normandy being screwed, but then by saying that there is FTL, you both hopped onto my side of the argument.  Guess that means we're all in agreement then. :P
... sort of  :funny

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #126 on: June 27, 2012, 03:38:57 PM »
That would depend on where the Normandy was when she was kicked out of the Mass Relay jump.

FTL with eezo core=warp drive
Mass Effect Jump=slipstream

After all, with the Mass Relays, travel anywhere in the galaxy is possible.  Whereas with FTL, it'd be slow going.

However Bones, tech like the Relays doesn't just sit there for millennia without needing maintenance.  Therefore, some people in the galaxy have to be able to do some repair work.

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Offline captain_obvious

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #127 on: June 27, 2012, 03:51:35 PM »
Hehehe, Shep's DNA in everything :lol: :mindofachild:

I noticed the baby Krogan though!!!
I miss :bigdance:

Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #128 on: June 27, 2012, 03:57:00 PM »
That would depend on where the Normandy was when she was kicked out of the Mass Relay jump.

FTL with eezo core=warp drive
Mass Effect Jump=slipstream

After all, with the Mass Relays, travel anywhere in the galaxy is possible.  Whereas with FTL, it'd be slow going.

However Bones, tech like the Relays doesn't just sit there for millennia without needing maintenance.  Therefore, some people in the galaxy have to be able to do some repair work.
I see your point, makes sense about the maintenance, afterall the Citadel is also Reaper tech and Asari managed to use it and add to it their own tech, repairing Citadel would require some knowledge of Reaper tech.

Offline KrrKs

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #129 on: June 27, 2012, 04:52:52 PM »
My two cents about the Relay Maintenance: Considering that none of the current Council Species (or associated ones that we know of) were able to manipulate Mass Relays other than using them,
neither were able to build new ones (The protheans from Ilos being the only ones to have build a miniature prototype version); I think it is unlikely that it was maintained by the "normal" galactic Civilisations.
Instead I see 4 possibility's:

 1. MAss Relays don't need Maintenance. -unlikely

 2. They are maintained by the Reapers after every cycle. -could be, but 50k years since the last maintenance is still a dam long time

 3. Maintenance is done by a certain force/species, hidden to most users (or it happens so often, no one notices anymore). Something like the Keepers  do with the citadel. It could be that the Collectors were doing that job since the last cycle.

4. The Relays have automated internal repairing mechanisms, something like repairbots.
-My favourite even though it doesn't explain how the relays get the energy for being active for that long. Considering Eezo needs a Voltage applied to, to build up that mass effect beam, and I don't see any sort of solar panel or something similar on the surface, Relays need to have an internal power source, which most likely runs on some sort of fuel.
Or maybe an singularity, dark energy, quantum fluctuations, zero point energy..., I guess there are some concepts to get power out of thin air in sci-fi. :idk:

About the EC. The whole catalyst part of the Ending still doesn't make any sense. But it is actually half enjoyable now, and I don't get the urge to break my ME3 dvds in half.

The control and Synthesis Endings are still "Space Magic" TM but the new epiloges are well done
The one thing I still miss thou is some kind of KIRK ending (in all capital letters, yes). I mean, you can talk Saren and TIM into shooting themselves, why not that stupid broken Catalyst/Citadell AI. :dontcare:


I especially liked how they changed that one plot hole were your squadmembers miraculously teleported to the NORMANDY against the one were said ship just hangs out directly in front of Harbinger for 5 minutes and is totals ignored, while Harbinger is busy shooting anything that might have moved around it.  :facepalm:

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #130 on: June 28, 2012, 03:44:26 AM »
Okay, I still don't understand how the Catalyst doesn't make sense.  It's an AI put into place by an ancient race to attempt to broker peace between organics and synthetics, but the Catalyst's programming and abilities left it with only one conclusion.  Harvest the highly advanced races into purely synthetic organisms, absorbing their culture, history, etc. into a higher form.  When the Crucible docked, it contained the energy to open new possibilities for the Catalyst.  But only an organic could set these events in motion because if a synthetic controlled it, then the Reapers would be worthless.  In essence, you could consider Shepard to be the final part of the Catalyst.  Unless you turn and shoot it, of course.

Either way, I am now very torn between Synthesis and Control.  Synthesis, of course, offers the best solution, though I'm of two minds about EDI at the end.  On one hand, I'm happy that she now possesses the emotions that any sentient being has a right to.  On the other, I'm sad that the first real emotion she must come to accept is sadness and grief over the loss of Shepard.  Control has the benefit of not killing synthetics and giving the Milky Way the best defenses anyone could ask for.

But I cannot in good conscience choose the destroy ending.  Yes it kills the Reapers, but also kills the geth and EDI, both of which my Shepard helped gain true sentience.  Perhaps my renegade Shep won't give a crap, but that Shep'll likely side with the quarians anyways.

Also, some digging around in the download for this batch of DLC turned up some dialog referring to a Reaper called Leviathan going rogue.  Next SP DLC? :evil:

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Offline KrrKs

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #131 on: June 28, 2012, 07:52:06 AM »
Okay, I still don't understand how the Catalyst doesn't make sense.  It's an AI put into place by an ancient race to attempt to broker peace between organics and synthetics, but the Catalyst's programming and abilities left it with only one conclusion.  Harvest the highly advanced races into purely synthetic organisms, absorbing their culture, history, etc. into a higher form.

The first thing that makes me think that the AI is broke is that you can't preserve a culture by, in essence, killing the people composing said culture and pouring them into a shiny nice metal Hull. (Well, considering it is just an AI and i have seen computer programs doing more stupid things...)

The Catalyst originally said it controlled the reapers, now that was changed to something that sounded like it was part of a reaper hive mind (at least i got it that way) that also doesn't work with my definition of "preserving a culture"

The next thing in what the Catalyst said which made me go  :lostit: : So there was a species which found out that all somewhat sentient Synthetics rebel against their creators, so they build another AI to solve that problem  :hithead:
-... Curse you sudden but inevitable betrayal!

So that are the most stupid things only considering ME3.

But, there was this catalyst AI onboard the citadel the whole time. At the place where the defacto galactic Government sits.
This AI was, without external stimuli, able to get Shepard to the Crucible, meaning it has at least limited knowledge of what happens in, and around Citadel, so it most likely had enough available data to judge the civilisational standart in the galaxy.
-So why was Sovereign left behind as a Scout?

We have seen that the Catalyst can control at least some Citadel facilities, like that lift.
-So why did it not activate the Citadel Relay in ME1?
  Either it does not have that control, which is a design fault the Reapers should have been able to overcome during the millennia,
 Or it just didn't want to/ had better things to do, like, ...watching Elcor Shakespeare... or something.

Heck, I don't know. I guess the whole AI thing just doesn't work for me.

Oh, and about the Synthesis Ending (That was my original Choice, too): At first it was the lesser of three evils, now I'm not sure if it is the best, or actually the worst outcome. The new explanation to synthesis sounded more like the Catalyst uses your DNA profile to be able to instantly indoctrinate everyone in the Galaxy.  :roll

The new Control ending came out way better than before (well, all of the endings came out way better than what i expected, especially considering the MAss Relays don't explode any more)
What i still don'T like about it is, that the whole game you argue against TIM and the control option (there isn't even an Option to say "maybe it could work"),
And then suddenly you go: "Oh, he was right after all, well then..."
It also gives me a headache thinking about what the new, undead Reaper Shepard would do in a hypothetical far future, where most Reapers are destroyed due to whatever circumstances.

Destroy works surprisingly well for any Shepard who killed the Geth, or being Renegade and just don't caring about them.
If it weren't for the Geth it easily would be the best ending in my book.

The new Refusal ending is also rather good Imho. I mean, you don't shoot a Hologram and expect it to die, do you?.

But what I can't stress enough, even though there are still many problems -The new epilogues really changed my perception of the Ending(s),
And ME is finally fun playing again  :dance

Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #132 on: June 28, 2012, 10:46:41 AM »
So why was Sovereign left behind as a Scout?

We have seen that the Catalyst can control at least some Citadel facilities, like that lift.
-So why did it not activate the Citadel Relay in ME1?
Citadel was sabotaged by Protheans as Vigil said in ME1, last remnants of Prothean scientists from Ilos developed some kind of program that rewrites Keepers behavior to prevent them from opening the Citadel relay.

Sovereign was left behind incase of any pronlems with opening the relay.

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #133 on: June 28, 2012, 11:33:50 AM »
Obviously the Catalyst AI was limited in what it could do.  And I don't see how the Synthesis ending is indoctrinating anyone.  Unless you think Shep indoctrinates them.  The Catalyst really doesn't do a damn thing but present the options open to you.

And let's be honest here.  This is science fiction.  Leaps in logic are expected.  A lot.

To Boldly Go...Again.

Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #134 on: June 28, 2012, 12:06:04 PM »
I'll just sum it up and say, ME3 finally got nice old fashioned happy ending it deserved :)

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #135 on: June 28, 2012, 02:10:09 PM »
Agreed.  No matter what ending you choose, Shepard becomes the traditional hero and sacrifices himself/herself to save the galaxy.  Unless you have a perfect EMS and choose the Destroy ending, so Shepard takes a breath.

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Offline Aeries

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #136 on: June 28, 2012, 10:39:52 PM »
I'll just sum it up and say, ME3 finally got nice old fashioned happy ending it deserved :)

I really like the new (ish) endings as well (I chose to indoctrinate the indoctrinators this time rather than blow it all up)... Although, on that note, I've spotted several technical errors in their DLC that could have been addressed (Nothing major, and nothing that caused me to dislike it as a whole).

I really love, too, how this DLC opens up SO many opportunities for post-reaper fanfics. :3

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #137 on: July 01, 2012, 03:20:14 AM »
I really like the new (ish) endings as well (I chose to indoctrinate the indoctrinators this time rather than blow it all up)... Although, on that note, I've spotted several technical errors in their DLC that could have been addressed (Nothing major, and nothing that caused me to dislike it as a whole).

I really love, too, how this DLC opens up SO many opportunities for post-reaper fanfics. :3

Agreed, the previous endings pretty much screwed the crew of the Normandy and as for the rest, we were left wondering.  Plus the Control ending was woefully under-explained originally.  In a way, the Control and Synthesis endings are similar in that the Reapers help the galaxy rebuild and all that, it's just different guiding principles.

To Boldly Go...Again.