Steamrunner Class Mod Pack w/ Bridge Set v.2.0
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* Original Mod: 04/15/2010, 04/05/2011, 10/20/2016, 11/05/2016, 12/17/2016, 12/24/2016
* Modding Tool: Paint Shop Pro 7
* Modding Time: 2 Weeks
* Customized Steamrunner Bridge; based on the 3rd Era Nebula Bridge v.3.0
* Click below to play Steamrunner Bridge Preview video:


* Latest Foundation | Bridge Commander Universal Tool (1.8.1) * Highly Recommended;sa=view;down=6
    Bridge Commander
    BC 1.1 Patch       

* * MLeo's Skinning and Damaging Tool v.2.0;sa=view;down=27

* Sub Menu Mod    

((FTech: This is a Mandatory requirement. If you want to use the Reflector Shields & Ablative Armour.)) If you elect not too install FTech, it will not affect your Quickbattle game play in general. You will NOT be able to use the integrated tech.

Mod Description:

This mod pack will not replace the FC Steamrunner 1.0 mod. This is a 2.0 version of this model remapped by eclipse74569, to show ship registrations on the nacelles and shuttle bay section.

The Steamrunner Class is a tactical frigate, and in this mod will be treated as such.
This pack includes 15 ships, each with distinctive power output and torpedo compliment configurations. Think of it as each ship's Chief Engineer "tweaking" their ships. Each of the  sister ship scripts are written too be compatible with the FTech Sub Model mod.
The sister ships will show up on your (Federation Ship) selection list. All custom  ship scripts are compatible with the latest Sub Menu mod; each ship will have (3) torpedo choices.
The Ship Damaging Tool (SDT) by MLeo is also needed to show the fleet's ship registries. If you do not have (STD) installed; the registries will not show up in Quickbattle.

The special features added to the Steamrunner Class, are more realistic hardpoints; showing the Class(s) abilities as related in the VOY/DS9 Era. With the use of  FTech, Ablative Armour and Reflector Shields were added.
Each ship is unique in their own right. From the little nuances in shield deployment and strength, to impulse speed and repair time rates. This is intentional.  I'm sure you find a favorite one in this ship pack. :-)

This mod also includes a retextured version of the Nebula Class bridge set v.3 by 3rd Era|Excalibur Productions. This set will show the Steamrunner Class MSD  replacing the Nebula Class. Its not my intention to change the color scheme created in the original set. Also, I've added custom red alert sfx, by BSGT2TREKFAN88; to make the bridge set distinctive.

Steamrunner Class Torpedo/Phaser Specifications:
3 Torpedo Choices (varied for each sister ship)
* (FTech) Compatibility for Ablative Armour & Reflective Shields *
Canon Hardpoints and Subsystems

Ventral Phaser Strip (4)
Dorsal Phaser Strip (4)
Aft Phaser Banks (2)
Forward Torpedo Launchers (4)
Aft Torpedo Launchers (2)
Tractor Beams (1) Fore (1) Aft

* Improved Firing Arcs
* Improved Phaser Alignments (Phaser Bank Glide FX)
* Reflector Shields, Ablative Armour & Auto Targeting (FTech Only)

* Steamrunner Class Fleet
U.S.S. Steamrunner * NCC-52135
U.S.S. Appalachia * NCC-52136
U.S.S. Algonquin * NCC-71823
U.S.S. Allegiance * NCC-72153
U.S.S. Baton Rouge * NCC-72101
U.S.S. Cape Canaveral * NCC-71969
U.S.S. Cherokee * NCC-71834
U.S.S. Draconia * NCC-75624
U.S.S. Lake Placid * NCC-68210
U.S.S. Lake Pontchartrain * NCC-71598
U.S.S. Montpellier * NCC-64381
U.S.S. Obsidian * NCC-75241
U.S.S. Orion * NCC-73804
U.S.S. San Diego * NCC-71859
U.S.S. Shreveport * NCC-71787

**  MK: I Torpedo Compliment  **
200 - TNGPhoton
150 - VoyPhoton
  05 - Tri-Cobalt Photon

This Modification has been tested with BC Patch v.1.1, DS9FX Xtended, Galaxy Charts v.2,NanoFX2b, GravityFX, Bridge Core Plugin (Gold), EF2 Bridge Crew v.1.0. BCS-TNG: The  Beginning, QBAutostart v.9.1 & WalkFX.

* The Steamrunner Bridge uses the same animations from the Nebula Bridge set v.3.0 released by 3rd Era. The Nebula animations will be overwritten; if you have them installed.

* The ship textures are high quality .TGA (Targas), if you are playing Bridge Commander at a medium or low setting? The custom registries will not show.

* Texture corrections for the SCMPLake Pontchartrain & the SCMPMontpellier.

FTech Enhancements:

* Ablative Armour:  The configuration is the number of hit points the Armour has. It isn�t needed for the ship to have a non-primary hull property (optionally target table and critical), though if you want the health bar to display the status of the Armour, you will need a hull property called�Ablative Armour� and with the same amount of hit points you define in the dTechs key.

* Reflector Shielding (aka Corbonite Shields): Reflector shielding will send torpedoes back where they came and pulse weapons flying. But reflecting puts a mild strain on your shields. Which is 10% of the damage done by the torpedo or pulse weapon.

* Auto Targeting: This gives any ship a decisive advantage in Quickbattle. 100% Accuracy. Also the auto-targeting is set for a 6 to 1 ratio hit, on enemy sub-systems; in order of importance.

* Regenerative Shielding: The shields regenerate 100% faster (as calibrated for this pack). This also depends on the energy reserves of said ship, while in combat. This does NOT a god ship make; it prevents a shield vector from completely collapsing, from a direct sustained bombardment.

* Tri-Cobalt Photon: This is a powerful weapon of last resort. Firing this will drain your ship's Main Battery by 45%. It is not recommended to use this weapon while your ship's energy reserves are low, though the destructive yield is extreme. You will have a standard issue of five total.
** NOTE: the Tri-Cobalt Photon will NOT fire, if you do not have enough power. **

* Torpedo Compliment: As stated, the Fleet has a choice of three as a base. But not all ships  follow the standard guidelines. Because of the energy cost of the Tri-Cobalt Weapon, so those are the 'easter eggs'! :) You will need to install Elminster's Common Weapon pack v.3.6

* Stand Alone Ships: Basically, the "STCMP" labeled on all the ship scripts, prevents the scripts  from overriding anyone elses works. As mentioned in the mod descriptions.

* High Resolution Textures: These are .tga or targas; If you are running Bridge Commander on an medium or low setting? The textures will NOT show up in game.

* NO NanoFX Running Lights: Though I love the mod, I've always gotten complaints after a mod release, most common; My Ship has "Squares" . So, I just didn't add them to this pack. Though, if your not using NanoFX?  Really, your are missing out, just saying....

Manual Installation:

1. Unzip all files.
2. Open your Bridge Commander folder directory.
3. Copy and paste the STCMPv2.5's datascriptssfx folders into the Bridge Commander main directory .
4. If prompted to overwrite any files? Select "Yes".


Modding Credits:

Original FC Steamrunner 2.0 Texture & Mesh: eclipse74569 (textures, phaser array models and photon torpedo) & P81 (Original mesh)
Original FC Steamrunner Hardpoints: Starforce2
Original Steamrunner Ship Icon: C2X
Original Nebula Bridge Set v.3 : 3rd Era|Excalibur Productions

Steamrunner Bridge Set retexture|video: Blackrook32
*Red Alert Klaxon: BSGT2TREKFAN88
*Steamrunner MSD outline: Mark / modified by Blackrook32
*Steamrunner Appalachia Plaque: Rob_Archer
STCMP Registries/Hardpoint Variants/Conversion Pack Scripting/Bridge re-Texture/Packaging: BlackRook32

** Special Thanks to the following Modders **
* FC Steamrunner: eclipse74569 (Thanks for donating the 2.0 model) :-)
* 3rd Era|Excalibur Productions
* Starforce2 (love the original HP, just sharpen her teeth a bit.) :-)
* Rob_Archer (Steamrunner Class fanatic & cohort in crime) ;-)
* Federation Torpedoes from DKealt's Torpedo Pack v.2.0 by DKealt (Unmodified)
* MLeo for FTech- ((Finally got around to using it, lol)) :-P

* Steamrunner Class Orthographic views on Header: Adam Hienbuch

Copyrights and Permissions:

Star Trek, Star Trek: Bridge Commander, Star Trek: Elite Force II, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek:  Enterprise and all related sounds and images from the various productions are the sole copyright of Paramount Pictures | CBS Distribution. No copyright infringement is intended.
This is a "Freeware" Mod and it's content NOT to be sold or distributed for sale in ANY shape, form or manner. I'm NOT making a profit off of this, NEITHER SHOULD YOU!!

Please "Ask" for permission if you plan to host this Mod other than it's place of Download origin. The Author(s) reserve the right of "Final Approval" of any public release of this Mod. The Author(s) are not responsible for any damage occurred while or during the installation of this mod. Or for the loss of any data on your PC.


Give Credit where credit is due. . . It's only Polite.

* * Mod Projects W.I.P.* * (BlackElm Productions)
* New Orleans Class Mod Pack v.2.0
* Excalibur Class Mod Pack v.1.5 (Slipstream Enhanced)
* Nebula Class Mod Pack v.1.1 (Generational Tech)
* Akula Class Mod Pack v.1.0
* Bridge Commander: Generations

Thanks to the BC Community for your support with past projects....
Just install in the game, start it up and Rock On!!

Keywords: TNG DS9 ship packs 
Posted by: Blackrook32 February 20, 2017, 08:50:33 PM

Rating: ***** by 1 members.
