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BC Forums => BC Technical Support => Topic started by: Flowrellik on September 08, 2014, 05:22:49 PM

Title: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: Flowrellik on September 08, 2014, 05:22:49 PM
OK I have a very major dilemna here.
I have bridge commander with aftermath in but I installed one ship, Wicked Zombie's Lexington, and all of a sudden BOOM! Error on startup in quickbattle.
little help here?
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: hobbs on September 08, 2014, 07:17:54 PM
hmmm maybe have a look at getting rid of the carrier file if it has one or double check the requirements for that ship
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: KrrKs on September 09, 2014, 06:51:31 AM
Like Hobbs said, the Lexington's carrier file was faulty, afaik.
Nevertheless a console printout might be helpful.
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: Flowrellik on September 09, 2014, 11:25:40 AM
Well, I got rid of the carrier file for the Lexington. Seems like it works better now.
Thank you guys
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: hobbs on September 09, 2014, 01:50:06 PM
glad to help :) as payment you can create a ship for the forum :D
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: Flowrellik on September 10, 2014, 08:10:12 PM
sadly I dont have 3dsmax :c.
Im a decent HPer though.
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: hobbs on September 11, 2014, 02:30:59 AM
sadly I dont have 3dsmax :c.
Im a decent HPer though.

use gMax its free :)
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: Flowrellik on October 22, 2014, 01:17:19 PM
I'm sorry for the necro bump but this is urgent.
I've been meaning to ask this question but is there a ship limit that Bridge commander can handle?
So far Ive been making a TMP/TOS era compile(Private) and well....lets just say getting into quick battle became a 50/50 Crap shoot. I load up to quick battle, making sure everything is in place, so far so good, by time I hit the bridge its either successful or just a BSOD crapout.
Ive got a decent amount of ships in as is, but BC just keeps crashing. Is there any way to fix this? I made sure no ship clashes with one another.
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: KrrKs on October 23, 2014, 07:56:44 AM
The answer depends a bit on what exactly the Question is/when the Bsod occurs:
(Large parts of guesstimation on my part involved)

I just noticed you meant BSoD, not CTD, so disregard the other stuff. BSoDs are usually (afaik) caused by faulty or missing scripts, ship(file)s or (Bridge-) animations. You should still be able to get a console printout, to help ascertain what exactly caused it.
-Also, does this happen when a specific ship or bridge is used?

If you mean "how many ships can BC handle at once"/ or the BSOD occurs after loading a QB with a large number of enemy/friendly ships (or ships with large textures):
I don't know, but not that many. It depends a bit on your hardware, but there is also a memory leak in BC's engine involved.
 (As fas as I remember there was some sort of custom patch for that once, but I can't find it anymore)
Personally, I can run only about 10 Ships or so simultanious, or it gets really bad and CTDs after a time.
But someone stated to have run up to 40 ships at once, in the past.

If you mean "how many ships can BC(foundation) handle in total"/ It crashes upon first entering QB:
That number should be pretty much limitless (or as much as python allows it to). In any case this would crash on main menu loading, not QB entering.

Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: hobbs on October 23, 2014, 01:14:18 PM
hmmm id check the size of the ships textures.
on my install mine crashes if the textures are 2048's
though it tends to CTD

you could trawl though this too lol,71.0.html
sorry just trying help
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: Flowrellik on October 23, 2014, 03:08:42 PM
its not the texture size or anything like that. The ships I used are from Phoenix bondi, Wiley Coyote, starforce productions, Gmunoz etc.
the amount of ships I have in game as of now are decent sized even with textures. Its just that BC now is more of a crapshoot in starting up quickbattle with the plethora I have
50/50 chances of loading up or failing giving me a BC error message (My BSODs).
I might look back to see if something is screwy.
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: King Class Scout on October 24, 2014, 10:05:32 AM
double check your carrier files again.  also, one of Nix's TOS packs had a lot of derp problems we never did work all the bugs out of, or figure out an exact reason why (the one with the rarely seen Federation class dreadnoughts and TOS style mirandas).

hobbs has got a point though.  those of us that had stock graphics cards would cough and gag over 1024 sizes, and the BC engine still has that infamous memory leak to it.  i've watched BC steal 4 Gig of ram for itself.
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: Flowrellik on October 24, 2014, 07:19:35 PM
You know after all this time I'm surprised no one has ever and I mean EVER made modifications to the engine.
Seriously, its been years since Bridge Commander's release. It should be A-OK to make a better or perhaps a fix to the engine.
Also, now that you mention it, I did get the Forrestal Class.....and Wicked Zombie's ArkRoyal.
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: King Class Scout on October 25, 2014, 11:50:31 AM
Activision was bought by Blizzard, so anything that Activision still has the rights to is even MORE restricted. IE the IP belongs to a MAJOR games manufacturer.  that's why the excalibur project came out...they're trying to make a scratch engine to replace the BC one.
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: Flowrellik on October 25, 2014, 11:56:47 AM
I just hope this engine can take BC Stuff easy (Like a Direct Transfer but with more options to play around with).
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: Mario on October 25, 2014, 12:04:36 PM
You know after all this time I'm surprised no one has ever and I mean EVER made modifications to the engine.
Seriously, its been years since Bridge Commander's release. It should be A-OK to make a better or perhaps a fix to the engine.
Also, now that you mention it, I did get the Forrestal Class.....and Wicked Zombie's ArkRoyal.

1. License doesn't allow it
2. No source code was ever released of the game engine. So how can someone expect to fix something that you don't have the source code to?
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: Flowrellik on October 27, 2014, 12:29:08 PM
ok. I made sure the carrier files are deleted, and one by one Ive been adding ships in (deleted the custom files too).
I have a gorn fleet (6 low poly Klingon Academy era ships), 2 klingon ships and the Midway by WickedZombie and the Dyson class by Gmunoz.
I added the Atraiu class, and all of a sudden WHAM. BC errors out.
wth is going on? It worked before, why not now?
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: KrrKs on October 28, 2014, 08:40:42 AM
I remember tinkering with the Midway carrier, to get it to work as I wanted. But I believe that was just HP editing.
Anyway, without console report there is not much I can say.
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: King Class Scout on October 28, 2014, 10:53:51 AM
almost sounds like it could be the wicked zombie mods.  I know GM's Dyson never gave me trouble
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: Flowrellik on October 28, 2014, 12:52:46 PM
So I have to pretty much edit the hardpoints to WZ"s works then?
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: KrrKs on October 29, 2014, 06:55:53 AM
Nah, the HPs should have nothing to do with it. More likely it's a faulty plugin of some sort.
Really, without a console printout, there is not much we can say/do.
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: Flowrellik on October 29, 2014, 03:19:02 PM
Guess I can start from scratch. I know what ships to use so it should not be that bad.
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: hobbs on October 29, 2014, 04:19:47 PM
Guess I can start from scratch. I know what ships to use so it should not be that bad.

can you go to the logs folder and show us what it says in the most recent file?
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: moed on October 29, 2014, 07:41:39 PM
So I have to pretty much edit the hardpoints to WZ"s works then?

Sounds like you do. I've had to - through the years -  edit some of WZ's works but not that often. Usually everything worked fine for me... Then again, I have a pretty beefy system and I can load 50+ high poly/high-res texture ships at 1920x1200 and everything is totally smooth.

I'm not sure if that's exactly what you mean by the problems you've been having but if it is, maybe upgrade your video card and up your RAM?

Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: King Class Scout on October 30, 2014, 12:54:13 PM
some of us got in the habit of automatically maintenence tweaking our installs.  i've also gone over some of the extra scripts with a Python editor that has the ability to spot the typos.

Hobbs has a point, though.  I got so used to spotting what the problems were through the console reports, and knowing by the reports alone where the problem was.  it turns out to almost ALWAYS be some sort of minor thing in a script.
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: Flowrellik on November 01, 2014, 10:23:52 PM
Im gonna go with Moed.
and yeah my PC now (before it was Emachine but that died now I have HP), even though its been 2-3 years, has been pretty reliable, ESP. with Bridge commander.
Now, I want to know, since some ships are "Carrier ships" and a majority of said ships is None other than Wicked Zombie, Phoenix Bondi and I think Gmunoz too, whats the best way to fix their hardpoint? I know deleting the carrier files themselves help but I want to know if there is additional things I can add on to this.
Title: Re: constant BSOD with BC
Post by: King Class Scout on November 02, 2014, 09:45:06 AM
if I was fully active with my stuff, I'd pounce right now and tell you about what half the little problems are.  If I remember correctly, half the time, a carrier is calling for a craft that doesn't exist in ANYBODY's install.  there's also size issues, as I've found out.