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BC Forums => BC Technical Support => Topic started by: Spartan118 on August 11, 2007, 08:36:32 PM

Title: DSFX help
Post by: Spartan118 on August 11, 2007, 08:36:32 PM
Hi all, im new to these forums and also to Bridge Commander :P i know its old and who cares. Anyway I just downloaded and installed the Mod DS9FX and everything works exempt for two things. One when I start quick battle I cant go to DS9 and also all the ships have white and sometimes pink blocks around them so its very hard to see. Anyone know what the problem is?
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: Jb06 on August 11, 2007, 08:39:04 PM
you need to install nanofx... white blocks are blinkers. install nanofx and white blocks turn into lights/blinkers

Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: startrekw_george on August 11, 2007, 08:56:03 PM
you should install KM 1.0, it has most of the latest mods on it.
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: Spartan118 on August 11, 2007, 09:46:37 PM
ok, I put in nanofx and now I have a bigger problem, whenever I run the game it lets me go to the main menu and then thats it. none of the buttons work and the only way to quit is alt+ctrl+del :P
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: bsilver2988 on August 11, 2007, 10:10:24 PM
okay man.  Here's what you do.  Save yourself a lot of time.  Uninstall Bridge Commander and reinstall it.  Then, install the bridge commander 1.1 patch.  Then install the mod Kobayashi Maru 1.0.  It's available at  That will give you so much, you can't even imagine, among them ds9fx

Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: Nighthawk on August 11, 2007, 10:53:59 PM
this should be in Support Forums......

*regrets not having M0d P0wahhh*
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: startrekw_george on August 11, 2007, 11:05:08 PM
there should be a massive sign for new people to the site to save themselves some time and download KM1.0. it would help a lot of people.
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: JimmyB76 on August 12, 2007, 08:08:57 AM
this is a link to BCS's DS9FX Tech Support forum...
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: Spartan118 on August 12, 2007, 12:15:00 PM
ok one last thing, other then at is their anywhere else I can download Kobmaru? Because ever time I try downloading for BCfiles my internet crashes and I cant use my phones or internet for like 10 min. And I have a very fast internet, not 56k its a cable modem.
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: MLeo on August 12, 2007, 12:33:24 PM
It sounds like a router being overloaded.
If you have a router, and you, or someone else on the router is using a p2p application, please ask them to either stop, or to limit the (maximum) number of connections.

Aside from that, you can download it from the official KM website.
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: Spartan118 on August 12, 2007, 06:48:15 PM
First remind me that p2p means. Also its not my router because when the internet dies the router looks fine but when I look at my cable modem the lights indicating that it detects the cable and the light indicating that it data is running through it (web surfing) are off. So its a problem either with my company or with my modem. Any ideas?
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: MLeo on August 12, 2007, 06:56:04 PM
Peer to peer, file sharing programs.

And when the router "overloaded" it generally means it can't send data through (so no lights on the modem).

If the above isn't your case, then you should be asking: "Are there any other sites having the same problem?"
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: startrekw_george on August 12, 2007, 08:13:35 PM
Let me remove this for you. -MLeo
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: Spartan118 on August 12, 2007, 09:18:06 PM
isent the router the thing that is connected to ur modem and then connects multiple computers to it?

But anyway this has happend befor (though not with a download usually it happens with some online game) and usually after I try enough times that I give up then it works :P
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: startrekw_george on August 12, 2007, 09:29:58 PM
ya, the router is what connects to the modem.
Title: KM 1.0
Post by: Picard_1 on August 13, 2007, 03:43:26 AM
I use KM 9.1 with DS9FX. It runs much smoother with less glitches. Not to mention KM 1.0 doesn't include the DS9FX Ships.
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: MLeo on August 13, 2007, 09:29:13 AM
I'm afraid that isn't the problem asked here.
Let's go back to the original problem, ok?

If you want to download it from another site, the Kobyashi Maru homepage has a download link (locally).
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: Spartan118 on August 13, 2007, 09:59:28 AM
sigh, im tring all the sites I can find and they go to about either 25% or 50% and then the modem dosent read the cable :(

*Removed rest of post*
I'm afraid you aren't allowed to ask that here. -MLeo
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: MLeo on August 13, 2007, 10:03:45 AM
sigh, im tring all the sites I can find and they go to about either 25% or 50% and then the modem dosent read the cable :(
Tell me about your network situation?
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: Spartan118 on August 13, 2007, 10:42:08 AM
wheal im not an expert when it comes to networks but here is whats happening: I have a modem and a router connected to it (obviously). Some times, its never happened with downloads before, When im doing something that requires the internet lets say an MMO I will stay connected for a while, lets say 5 to 10 min and then my connection starts to slow down and suddenly I lose connection. After that no matter what I do it the modem (not the router) will not connect for about 15 min. After that everything goes back to normal.

But like I said this has happened before and usually after about two days of continually trying it suddenly works. So i'll just try again :P

oh and were can I ask that question which I cant ask here?
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: MLeo on August 13, 2007, 11:22:11 AM
wheal im not an expert when it comes to networks but here is whats happening: I have a modem and a router connected to it (obviously). Some times, its never happened with downloads before, When im doing something that requires the internet lets say an MMO I will stay connected for a while, lets say 5 to 10 min and then my connection starts to slow down and suddenly I lose connection. After that no matter what I do it the modem (not the router) will not connect for about 15 min. After that everything goes back to normal.

But like I said this has happened before and usually after about two days of continually trying it suddenly works. So i'll just try again :P
Ah, but, you say it's the modem, but, all your traffic has to go through the router first. ;)
I know that if you have used a lot of connections (such as with p2p and some mmo's) and the router isn't programmed (out of your controll) or doesn't have the hardware resources to handle it, then it won't allow any connections through.

oh and were can I ask that question which I cant ask here?
No where on this website. Warez is illegal and this forum won't help promote it.
Title: Re: DSFX help
Post by: Spartan118 on August 13, 2007, 12:58:45 PM
thats not the way I see it. I have 6 cables coming from my router and 3 from my modem. for the modem I have the power, the main cable bringing the data and also a Ethernet cable going to the router. For the router I have the power, Ethernet cable to the modem and then 2 cables going to both PC's in my house, another just like them going to my 360, and another connecting all the phones in the house. So you see the modem is first not the router.

And dont worry about it anymore it finnaly worked without crashing.

oh its illegal? hehe ops