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BC Modding / SFX 6.0 AKA Premium SFX Library
« Last post by MrSFX on September 14, 2024, 03:43:13 PM »
After long long years, it's finally happening. With the power of the tools I have at my disposal, sound effects will be at their best.
What you'll be hearing is a mix of: already existing sounds AKA pasted just to be in the collection all at one place, sounds pulled from the actual shows and movies, shows and movies sound effects remade using various sound sources from Star Trek Games and etc.

This will be the best collection there's been. The 5.0 from what, 2018 was already great, I remember starting the SFX stuff back in 2016 before the server wipe after which I had to remake the account. Good times then. Might also do some bridge work like I did helping fully canonize that Voyager bridge from Lurok.

I'll attach a few previews below. Here's what I did, these are anywhere from 90% to 100% close to the real thing:

Klingon Disruptor Cannons - pulled from DS9 battles, background music cleaned up, edited heavily with another very similar transient already existing in some Trek games, but quiter than the DS9 sound and blended to mimic the DS9 sound as close as possible. 90% similar.

Nemesis Quantum Torpedo - pulled from Nemesis, background music cleaned up, has a small flyby trail. I'd say this is the closest you'll ever get since the JLS Sovereign had that SFX back in the day, this one is cleaner.

NX Phase Cannon - as close to real thing as possible, the main part of the sound is from the episodes, but the followup is actually one of the phaser loops from KM2011.10, as it has the same pitch and same sound and spectre, so blending that in made it perfect and indistinguishable from the 100% show one. 90% similar to show.

TNG Photon Torpedo - from S01E01, albeit the attack AKA main fire sound before the trail has been boosted contrary to the trail, as I've found a clean TNG torpedo without the trail, but this one is the best I think. Sounds closer to Q Who when the Cube is chasing them. EQ'd, suppressed Warp noise.

Ships & Tech Talk / New Miranda Class phasers found
« Last post by starfox1701 on September 09, 2024, 11:10:57 PM »
Ok this is some of the evidence I have collected to show 6 additional ball style phasers on the Reliant version of the Miranda studio model.  These phasers are located in 3 pairs; 1 under the impulse engine, and 1 pair each on what look like casemates mounted on each end of the roll bar between the cannons.

pic1) Reliant stern- This shows the back of Reliant during the production of TWoK with a blow up of the impulse engine. you can see the phasers poking out in frame

pic2) Ventral stern Heritage Auction- This shows the underside of the model with the ventral of the impulse engine in frame. you can see the phaser banks with the balls removed.  They where cut of during the conversion of the model to the USS Bozeman. The phasers where not repaired for the models finial appearance as the USS Saratoga in the DS 9 pilot a year later.

pic3)    Hero Reliant roll bar phaser cannon assembly at some point during the 90s-  This shows the entire assembly including both cannons and both phaser casemates. not the casemates are marked above and below red rimed yellow boxes of type used for the phasers elsewhere on the ship but the phasers themselves are the same blue as the cannons and torpedo tubes.

pic4&5)  Both are of the battle damaged  roll bar phaser cannon assembly These other views are of the same part of the ship from the battle damaged model used for the final sequence in the Mutara Nebula as Enterprise is withdrawing. this is a different model from TWoK  but the roll bar phasers are still clearly visible.

      This the ambush remastered to 4K 48fps. when the ambush is played at .25 speed you can clearly see the phaser casemates, not the forward cannon firing at Enterprise.
BC General / Help with repairing ship.
« Last post by Tng_Fan on July 04, 2024, 07:32:41 PM »
Hello, so I am getting back into playing the game after a while, along with using the KM MOD. I mostly just play in quick battle and make my own battles and warp around. I remember before, that you could dock with Star base 12, and they would repair your destroyed systems, but now I can't dock at the base. I also tried warping to dry dock and was able to dock with that, but it didn't seem to repair my ship.

Does anyone know where I can go to have the systems that are completely destroyed fixed?


Edit: Never mind. I was able to dock at one of the dry dock facilities and repair the destroyed systems. It just took a little while for the repairs to start.
BC Modding / Re: Bridge Commander Platinum Edition Progress
« Last post by Mario on June 20, 2024, 02:03:48 PM »
It is delayed due to dev RL stuff.
BC Modding / Re: Bridge Commander Platinum Edition Progress
« Last post by CMDR CHESS on June 18, 2024, 09:48:57 PM »

Is this counter still up to date  :readme:

I too need to know. Looks interesting. Is it just a facelift of all the models without any "mods"? Or, is that the New Galaxy 2.5 From BlackRook that I see in the pics?

Will, when will it upload. any beta version out there?
BC Modding / U.S.S. Enforcer Mesh Complete
« Last post by Centurus on April 28, 2024, 06:48:40 PM »
I stopped work on this ship, and basically everything 3D related, in 2012, due to IRL duties.

Finally got the modeling bug that I couldn't resist.

I've now finished the model itself.  I am hitting a massive roadblock with mapping.  Mapping is a major, well you know.  If I can't figure it out on my own, I'll see if someone can map her for me.

So, what's been done since I last touched this model?

1: I unified the saucer and aft end of the hull.  This allows the rim of the saucer to seemlessly flow to the aft end of the ship.

2. Redesigned and remde the impulse engines.  They're completely different from what I made before, and I think much more appropriate.

3. Made new pylons.  Not as curvy as the original ones I built.  They are shorter, which allowed me to lower the rollbar.

4.  Added a fin or top panel to the main deflector pod.  An homage to the old torpedo pod from the Miranda Class we all know.

Like I said, the model is complete.  I'm trying to learn to map, but it's beyond difficult.  I'm determined to see this finished!!
BC Modding / BCMM Romulan Campaign ship vote
« Last post by Mario on April 28, 2024, 02:50:28 PM »
What? Yes, we're porting the SFC3 campaign to BC, so cast your vote for the Romulan playable ship here:

Oh, Klingon campaign has been ported over the past 3 months completely.
BC Modding / Re: BCMM
« Last post by cordanilus on April 27, 2024, 09:40:38 AM »

What did I do here? 🤣🤣
Just have to wait and see. 😎😎

And of course,

Hello. 🤠
BC Modding / Re: BCMM
« Last post by Blackrook32 on April 26, 2024, 10:03:52 PM »
You guys here browsing the forums know that BCMM is in development?

A simple tech demo

If you want to see what it the goal head over to

Making Lurok's dream come true after a decade :)

Lots going on, under the Hood....  :D

BC Modding / Re: BCMM
« Last post by Lurok91 on April 26, 2024, 02:38:22 AM »
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