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Ok i´m already getting some replies. Just to add, since we are a community, feel free to give me your homepage too or a link to a reference project. I will link them on my ModDB site to you to increase traffic to all of us.Update:Till now the following BC Shipmod/Bridgemod Heads are going into BCPE: P81, CG, Elminster, FekLeyr Targ, Redragon, Lurok, Raven Night, Flowrellik - 3 more pending by now
Just too let you know, Elmnister and I are (2) separate individuals, and he is retired. He gave me control of all his assets. Which are hardpoints and weapons. I handled the models and textures.
Ditto general reminder BR looks after my assets for BCMM and related projects
As an admin I reserve the right to ask: When will it be released?And then you reply "When it's done"
Don't make me report you and then I'll review my report
Now lets add some time travel paradox and the confusion is perfect
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