Oh, this will be so Awesome!!! Like a Browser with tabs and separation? Too much. Loving in!!
Yes, the UX is based on browser behavior (somewhat). So key points:
1. Material design
2. Light and dark themes
3. Tab based
4. You can separate, reorder and move tabs from window to window within the same process
So what is worked on\implemented:
1. Full HP editor (without 3d sorry). It might come in the future though ;) -- WIP
2. You can create new HPs (though I don't see much use without the 3d part) -- WIP
3. TGL editor (edit and create) -- DONE
4. TGL and HPS can be imported\exported as tgls,py and json -- DONE
5. You can load PYC hardpoints -- DONE
What is planned:
- Foundation plugin creator
- New TDIE
You can see the pattern here. It's a third gen modern replacement for BCUT and TDIE.
Also with this is the CLI component which can dump PYC, PY and TGL contents to console window or file. Supports also same formats as GUI app: TGL, PY, JSON outputs.