Author Topic: The Best Quality Ships and Mods  (Read 10324 times)

Offline King Class Scout

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Re: The Best Quality Ships and Mods
« Reply #40 on: June 30, 2011, 08:00:16 AM »
i dunno about the Mirandas (though I betaed).  I think they need a little tweaking, even now.

and I'd drop the Hutet/Ketracell White facility pair.  the textures and models are fine, but they are overmassed in the hardpoint, and refuse to turn (i prefer the KM version of the Hutet)
OS novel fan

Coming Soon: King's Mod Tuning Shop

best line I've ever read
Me: mine [my bridges] would probably be simple to get the characters to use.  the only person that sits is the captian.
Baz: space is vast there[sic] legs will be tired by the time they get to the next planet