I tried expanding my BC Supermod v3 with NFXv2 and BPCore: Gold. When I installed NFX, I got an error regarding the ship defs. The original code in some of the ship files read like this:
Foundation.ShipDef.NXAkira = Foundation.AkiraDef(abbrev, species, { 'name': longName, 'iconName': iconName, 'shipFile': shipFile, "SubMenu": SubMenu })
I changed them to this in order to work with NFX
Foundation.ShipDef.NXAkira = Foundation.FedShipDef(abbrev, species, { 'name': longName, 'iconName': iconName, 'shipFile': shipFile, "SubMenu": SubMenu })
Then, I had an issue with scripts/Custom/AdvancedTechnologies/data/_int_.py. The second line of _int_ had this
from ATP_Config import *
and I commented it out, as it was giving me a BSOD.
Now, I cannot start a new game or load a mission from the missions section. Here is my error report.
Edit: I tried QB and I get the same error. The load screen shows, and then all I get is a black screen, with no cursor.