Author Topic: Star Trek Beyond - Images, Videos, Discussion, etc  (Read 4056 times)

Offline Tethys

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Re: Trek XIII - Images, Videos, Discussion, etc
« Reply #60 on: February 07, 2015, 07:42:00 PM »
I dont know if this has been covered already, but Orci was the one who co-wrote the terrible reboots... I have little to no hope for a restoration of the timeline at this point.. its all going downhill fast...

Offline Tuskin38

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Re: Trek XIII - Images, Videos, Discussion, etc
« Reply #61 on: February 09, 2015, 03:58:06 PM »

Yep. I love it when these writers casually introduce a overly-powerful plot device without thought to the consequences to the story and future stories.

But technically they did. The long range beaming was introduced in the last movie. They beamed from Delta Vega to the Enterprise. They reused the plot element in ITD.

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Re: Trek XIII - Images, Videos, Discussion, etc
« Reply #62 on: February 09, 2015, 04:23:41 PM »
But technically they did. The long range beaming was introduced in the last movie. They beamed from Delta Vega to the Enterprise. They reused the plot element in ITD.

Delta Vega to Enterprise was relatively nearby. Earth to Qo'nos (which is based on real-life Omega Leonis), is 112 lightyears away. It took the Enterprise (NX-01) 4 days at Warp 4.5 to reach them, it took Khan 2 seconds.

What's the point of starships, when you have Transwarp Beaming? Stupid technology is stupid. And I for one am glad that the writers (and director) have all been removed from further Trek movies.
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Offline Bones

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Re: Trek XIII - Images, Videos, Discussion, etc
« Reply #63 on: February 09, 2015, 05:04:34 PM »
I remember when I didn't catch the line at first while watching ITD in cinema, then I watched it second time and I laughed my ass off when heard abour magic transporter device that get's you from Earth to Qo'nos :D

Damn, in Nemesis trasporting without pad was almost impossible so Geordi had to come up with magic pocket transporter, but since JJ set both characters and tech to overload, now you don't need ship to travel across galaxy, not even transporter pad to travel ridiculous distances... do you remember days when Trek transporters required huge emiters, enormous pattern buffers, it was hard to get a lock on target and everything could disrupt them ? :P

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Re: Trek XIII - Images, Videos, Discussion, etc
« Reply #64 on: February 09, 2015, 11:41:05 PM »
But technically they did. The long range beaming was introduced in the last movie. They beamed from Delta Vega to the Enterprise. They reused the plot element in ITD.
Yes, and it doesn't change the fact that writers don't understand the consquence of introducing such an uber-technology to the universe. It's just as story-sabotaging as the magic blood. Like Darkthunder says, it makes the idea of starships almost obsolete. The fact they used it again is more like double-downing on a horrible mistake then establishing continuity. It'd be like if Brannon Braga refrenced "Threshold" over and over in Voyager scripts after that episode.

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Trek XIII - Images, Videos, Discussion, etc
« Reply #65 on: March 01, 2015, 10:56:48 AM »
I remember when I didn't catch the line at first while watching ITD in cinema, then I watched it second time and I laughed my ass off when heard abour magic transporter device that get's you from Earth to Qo'nos :D

Damn, in Nemesis trasporting without pad was almost impossible so Geordi had to come up with magic pocket transporter, but since JJ set both characters and tech to overload, now you don't need ship to travel across galaxy, not even transporter pad to travel ridiculous distances... do you remember days when Trek transporters required huge emiters, enormous pattern buffers, it was hard to get a lock on target and everything could disrupt them ? :P
Transporter technology has always been rather fluid.  Even in TNG, there were times where someone was beamed from a planet either directly to the bridge or sickbay, so it doesn't bother me one bit.  Though they could have explained it by one plot element through Admiral Marcus.  Khan could've used a network of Section 31 transporter relays.  That would've been better, IMO.

Khan's so-called "magic blood" isn't magic.  Even in "Space Seed" McCoy commented on Khan's recuperative abilities.  The only reason Kirk was able to be revived was because he was barely dead.  Personally, I found Kirk's sacrifice well done.  Unlike Spock, he didn't have an "out".  He had no katra to pass on.  You could see it in his eyes before he slugged Scotty.  He knew he was going to die.  Granted, I wish they'd have used some makeup on Pine like they did with Nimoy.

Now, I haven't heard anything about Orci being removed from the ST3 staff altogether, but I am more than a little wary of the new director.  Simon Pegg writing gives me hope, but all these rumors about Paramount wanting it to have some elements of Guardians of the Galaxy worries me.  Studio and executive meddling can totally ruin this movie.

To Boldly Go...Again.

Offline Vortex

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Re: Trek XIII - Images, Videos, Discussion, etc
« Reply #66 on: March 01, 2015, 01:56:12 PM »
^^ At the time, Spock didn't have an "out" either. Until STIII, there was no such thing as a Katra.

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Trek XIII - Images, Videos, Discussion, etc
« Reply #67 on: March 01, 2015, 08:46:04 PM »
^^ At the time, Spock didn't have an "out" either. Until STIII, there was no such thing as a Katra.

That was actually the only reason behind the "Remember" scene was to GIVE Spock an out just in case Nimoy wanted to come back.

Also, I hope that with Abrams only in a producing role that we'll have far fewer lens flares.

EDIT: Recently read some comments from Simon Pegg about how he wants to get back to the positivity of Star Trek as well as the exploration.  That's what I've been wanting since 2009.

To Boldly Go...Again.