Author Topic: Disappearing GUI (multiplayer)  (Read 555 times)

Offline Tethys

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Disappearing GUI (multiplayer)
« on: October 04, 2018, 08:39:38 PM »
For anyone who has experienced a disappearing GUI when hosting TKY or other game modes with multiple options menus (Misc, Add Ships, Player Ship and Region) it is quite simple to fix. You will want to find the multiplayer mission files \scripts\Multiplayer\Episode\Mission*\Mission* (the py may initially be in the src mission directory, copy it over to your main mission directory)

Look for SUB_PANE_WIDTH and SUB_PANE_HEIGHT at the top of the file under # UI positioning info and use the following values, in any missions where you would like to have a working GUI

Code: [Select]
SUB_PANE_WIDTH = 0.978125 + 0.08
SUB_PANE_HEIGHT = 0.9845833 + 0.1

I decided to fix this because when you click on the null space outside of SUB_PANE_WIDTH or SUB_PANE_HEIGHT it causes an inescapable black screen; resorting to Alt+F4