Author Topic: Story Mission E1M3 crashing  (Read 927 times)

Offline Anew9

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Story Mission E1M3 crashing
« on: October 23, 2018, 09:48:24 AM »

I just finished tweaking the ship hardpoints to a point that I am happy with, got through the 1st two missions without a hitch then once I got the 3rd mission where the warbirds decloak and fire on the sovereign the game crashes - as soon as the disruptors hit the sovereign shields the game gives up.

It's driving me nuts.

I've tried replacing the py files of ALL the ships involved with the standard stock ones and the game still crashes at the moment the sovereign gets shot at.

The only thing I've been modifying is the hardpoint py files of the game and the sfx. I've also installed a very low-quality texture mod for the stock ships.

This game is more temperamental than I could ever have imagined.

Offline Blackrook32

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Re: Story Mission E1M3 crashing
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2018, 04:41:28 PM »

I just finished tweaking the ship hardpoints to a point that I am happy with, got through the 1st two missions without a hitch then once I got the 3rd mission where the warbirds decloak and fire on the sovereign the game crashes - as soon as the disruptors hit the sovereign shields the game gives up.

It's driving me nuts.

I've tried replacing the py files of ALL the ships involved with the standard stock ones and the game still crashes at the moment the sovereign gets shot at.

The only thing I've been modifying is the hardpoint py files of the game and the sfx. I've also installed a very low-quality texture mod for the stock ships.

This game is more temperamental than I could ever have imagined.

This is only a guess; its a hardpoint script problem with your modified Warbird.

Depending on how you altered the .py file, with either a misspelling or bad copy and paste. Either post a console report or a copy of the modified hardpoint. That will prove more helpful in identifying your problem.

" Fortune Favors the Bold "

Offline vonfrank

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Re: Story Mission E1M3 crashing
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2018, 07:04:49 PM »
Does the game crash when the Warbirds first fire on the Sovereign (the instant they begin firing) or does it crash when the weapons hit the Sovereign's shields? Depending on which it is may show if its the Warbirds that are a problem, or the Sovereign. Also potentially the Bird of Preys since they start attacking once the Warbirds open fire.

Keep in mind, this particular mission uses a special sub-hardpoint for the Warbirds and BOPs. These files reference the primary hardpoint file and then make tweaks accordingly to buff the BOPS and nerf the Warbirds. If something in the sub-hardpoint doesn't make sense with your new primary hardpoint files for those two ships, the game might crash.

Offline Anew9

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Re: Story Mission E1M3 crashing
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2018, 02:10:11 PM »
This is only a guess; its a hardpoint script problem with your modified Warbird.

Depending on how you altered the .py file, with either a misspelling or bad copy and paste. Either post a console report or a copy of the modified hardpoint. That will prove more helpful in identifying your problem.

How do I get the console report?

Offline Anew9

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Re: Story Mission E1M3 crashing
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2018, 02:11:35 PM »
Does the game crash when the Warbirds first fire on the Sovereign (the instant they begin firing) or does it crash when the weapons hit the Sovereign's shields? Depending on which it is may show if its the Warbirds that are a problem, or the Sovereign. Also potentially the Bird of Preys since they start attacking once the Warbirds open fire.

Keep in mind, this particular mission uses a special sub-hardpoint for the Warbirds and BOPs. These files reference the primary hardpoint file and then make tweaks accordingly to buff the BOPS and nerf the Warbirds. If something in the sub-hardpoint doesn't make sense with your new primary hardpoint files for those two ships, the game might crash.

It crashes the instant weapons begin hitting the sovereigns shields/ when the ships start opening fire.

I've tried replacing the modified sovereign hardpoint with the stock one but the game still crashes at that exact moment.

I've replaced the modified sovereign script with stock - didn't work
I've replaced the modified birdofprey py with stock - didn't work
I've replaced the rankuf py with stock - didn't work.
I've replaced the E2 warbird with stock - didn't work.
I've replaced the modified warbird with stock - didn't work

I'm stumped.

Offline JimmyB76

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Re: Story Mission E1M3 crashing
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2018, 12:09:12 AM »
check if your Sovereign HP has its torpedo section of the ship HPs to look like this:
Code: [Select]
Torpedoes.SetMaxTorpedoes(0, 350)
Torpedoes.SetTorpedoScript(0, "Tactical.Projectiles.PhotonTorpedo")
Torpedoes.SetMaxTorpedoes(1, 0)
Torpedoes.SetTorpedoScript(1, "Tactical.Projectiles.QuantumTorpedo")
Torpedoes.SetMaxTorpedoes(2, 0)
Torpedoes.SetTorpedoScript(2, "Tactical.Projectiles.PhasedPlasma")

even if you don't want your ship to have Phased Plasma torps, there has to be an entry for it nevertheless)...

also, check the HP of Sovereign E3M2 to have the same 3 torp entires in scripts/ships/hardpoints folder

if that doesn't work, please provide a console report...
there is a stickied thread in Tech Support forum that explains how to go about obtaining one...

Offline Anew9

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Re: Story Mission E1M3 crashing
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2018, 09:29:11 PM »
check if your Sovereign HP has its torpedo section of the ship HPs to look like this:
Code: [Select]
Torpedoes.SetMaxTorpedoes(0, 350)
Torpedoes.SetTorpedoScript(0, "Tactical.Projectiles.PhotonTorpedo")
Torpedoes.SetMaxTorpedoes(1, 0)
Torpedoes.SetTorpedoScript(1, "Tactical.Projectiles.QuantumTorpedo")
Torpedoes.SetMaxTorpedoes(2, 0)
Torpedoes.SetTorpedoScript(2, "Tactical.Projectiles.PhasedPlasma")

even if you don't want your ship to have Phased Plasma torps, there has to be an entry for it nevertheless)...

also, check the HP of Sovereign E3M2 to have the same 3 torp entires in scripts/ships/hardpoints folder

if that doesn't work, please provide a console report...
there is a stickied thread in Tech Support forum that explains how to go about obtaining one...

I solved the problem by reinstalling the stock game and putting my modified hardpoints back in. Worked.

Offline Morgan

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Re: Story Mission E1M3 crashing
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2018, 12:05:59 AM »
Even though this is solved, I'd also like to point out just for future reference if anybody mods the SP hardpoints.  I had this problem myself and tracked it down to the RanKuf hardpoint not having Antimatter Torpedoes in the hardpoint.  If they're not there, it will cause a crash.