Author Topic: Star Trek Starship Collection  (Read 3880 times)

Offline Lord Tribble

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Re: Star Trek Starship Collection
« Reply #40 on: March 08, 2014, 07:02:43 AM »
Just got mine delivered. Bit of a mixed bag. Nacelles and dish seem to be correctly attached (allowing for a little bit of discrepancy at this scale) but the saucer is definitely rotated slightly. I think the sauce reg is rotated as well. One of the bussards sticks out more that the other. Also the panelling on one nacelle is much darker than anywhere else of the ship. The missing hull reg and inside nacelle reg instead of long vent (completely missing in the mould) doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would, but I expected a bit better.

Offline nxadam1701

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Re: Star Trek Starship Collection
« Reply #41 on: March 08, 2014, 03:13:15 PM »
Well like I typically do, I'll complain and still buy it, Trekkers disease lol
On another note, my damn D'Deridex keeps falling, the head is very heavy compared to the rest of the model and the piece that holds it doesn't really snap and secure the way the BOP does. I can't even move or tap my computer table, it just falls. Already dented my table from the head's point. Ehhh.


Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Star Trek Starship Collection
« Reply #42 on: March 09, 2014, 11:55:05 AM »
Well like I typically do, I'll complain and still buy it, Trekkers disease lol
On another note, my damn D'Deridex keeps falling, the head is very heavy compared to the rest of the model and the piece that holds it doesn't really snap and secure the way the BOP does. I can't even move or tap my computer table, it just falls. Already dented my table from the head's point. Ehhh.


Seems to be a common complaint about the Warbird.  Seeing as I don't have one, I'm going to make a suggestion anyways.  Would the stand work if you attached it to the front wings, or would it not work there?  Honestly, that would've been a good place for the stand to attach...the D'Deridex Warbird is very front heavy in any instance.

Pre-ordered the Akira-class model and magazine, getting more tempted by the Defiant and the Equinox.

To Boldly Go...Again.

Offline nxadam1701

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Re: Star Trek Starship Collection
« Reply #43 on: March 09, 2014, 01:20:37 PM »
I tried. The holders are designed to attach to certain places only not from anywhere, ehh. Crazy glue :idk:

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Star Trek Starship Collection
« Reply #44 on: March 09, 2014, 08:17:45 PM »
I tried. The holders are designed to attach to certain places only not from anywhere, ehh. Crazy glue :idk:
Well...I guess it's better than big, gaping holes in the bottom of the secondary hulls.

To Boldly Go...Again.

Offline nxadam1701

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Re: Star Trek Starship Collection
« Reply #45 on: March 09, 2014, 08:27:51 PM »
Well...I guess it's better than big, gaping holes in the bottom of the secondary hulls.

Kind of sad about it too bc out all I have received so far, the Rommie was my fav detail wise. The rest left my annoyed. And of course the one I'm like ok, not too bad, keeps nose diving into my table. Ehhh.

I'm looking fwd for the Ferengi and the Nausican.


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Re: Star Trek Starship Collection
« Reply #46 on: March 19, 2014, 02:16:25 AM »
just got my NX and warbird (issues 4&5), I have to agree that the warbird is poorly balanced, mine hasn't fallen over, but it's listing to starboard.  Unlike Adam, I'm a bit disappointed with the detail on the warbird.  It might just be my experience with building, painting and weathering models, but the hull is too uniform.  Sure it's got generous weathering, and lots of painted on windows, but the lack of aztecing and detail under the weathering makes the weathering stand out too much, it's like they applied the heavy mud wash to cover up the lack of detail, rather then a light wash to enhance the detail that's there.  Also, while it agrees with the renders in the magazine, the nacelles look overly long.

The NX-01 is somewhat better, the aztec is well done,although much more simplistic then the pattern on the Ent-D.  That being said, the hull color is overall far to light, on the show it was more of a dark titanium or steel color, this is more like a silver.  The stand is far sturdier then the warbird, but it is difficult to take on and off because of the position in the cutout between the aft catamaran hulls.  Detail painting is a letdown, the saucer impulse engines are the same shade of gray as the manifolds, they're not painted separate, the catamaran hull engines are painted the same solid blue as the deflector, and the divider between them is painted blue instead of grey, and the main deflector is also solid blue instead of bronze with blue behind it.  The windows are unpainted, but since they're atleast molded on and consistant on the whole model, they're not too bad.  Also, there is a broken seam on the sides of each nacelle, up by the bussard collectors and the plastic strips that separate the upper and lower Warp field grill assemblies on the warp nacelles are all warped.

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Star Trek Starship Collection
« Reply #47 on: July 08, 2014, 10:51:58 PM »
Got my Akira-class and NuEnterprise models.  Quick review.

Akira- I absolutely LOVE this model.  I had no problems with the ship itself, though I think maybe part of the underside of the weapons pod is misaligned very, VERY slightly.  I love just how much of this ship is metal. I think the only plastic sections are a small bit on the underside of the weapons pod, the warp nacelles, and the ventral side of the saucer.  All that praise aside...there is one major flaw.  I wasn't shipped the base for the stand, and sadly, Eaglemoss couldn't assist me since I'm not a subscriber.  So I'm having to wait on Entertainment Earth to get back to me.

Enterprise- Thankfully, the deflector dish and saucer were properly aligned.  Nacelles...not so much.  They're both rotated very, VERY slightly towards the centerline of the ship.  The port nacelle was also attached wrong so the bussard was pointing more towards the center.  However, I was able to gently pry the engine off the pylon and essentially fixed it.  It's not perfect, but it's better than it was.  The NCC-1701 on the outside of the starboard nacelle has a bit of paint missing. The underside of the engineering hull is missing the NCC-1701 and the inside portions of the nacelles have a registry instead of vents.  That being said.  It's still a much better model than the Playmates, Hot Wheels, and Hallmark versions of the ship.  I would honestly put it on par with the DVD model of the ship.  The Eaglemoss does have better aztec detailing all over as well as proper detailing on the front of the neck, including the torpedo launcher, but the DVD ship feels more solid and is well aligned all over.

All in all, pretty decent models.  I'm glad to have a model of a ship that's very obscure and has rarely had models made of it.  If I can find it, I want the Defiant.  Probably going to get the Prometheus, Valdore, and Relativity.

To Boldly Go...Again.