Author Topic: The Dark Knight Rises WARNING: SPOILER ALERTS!!!  (Read 2661 times)

Offline 1DeadlySAMURAI

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises WARNING: SPOILER ALERTS!!!
« Reply #40 on: August 20, 2012, 07:10:22 AM »
Not every trilogy is that way.  Most, yes, but there is one famous trilogy where every movie stands on its own.  Indiana Jones.

And my problem with Rises isn't so much that it ties in to the previous ones, it's that it ties a large amount back into the first movie.  If you haven't seen the first one, you'll be confused when R'as al Ghul's name comes up.  And yes, I realize this is nitpicking.
So it's an exception that proves the rule. Still, trilogy's SHOULD tie in to each other IMO.
Anyone would get confused watching only the last installment of any trilogy.

Well, you can nitpick if you want. I just disagree with you. :P

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises WARNING: SPOILER ALERTS!!!
« Reply #41 on: August 20, 2012, 12:01:30 PM »
*shrugs* I will nitpick it and the rest of the trilogy because I think that they don't quite capture the character of the Batman.  Plus I hate the cowl in both movies and the bat-suit overall in The Dark Knight/Rises.

That being said, they are still very good movies, and unlike most trilogies, don't really have a weak film that I'd skip if I felt like it, ie. Temple of Doom, Jurassic Park 3, Spider-Man 3.  Plus, it sure beats Batman & Robin.

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