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BC Forums => BC Scripting => Topic started by: MrSFX on December 09, 2017, 05:37:52 AM

Title: Bio Molecular Class 10 Torpedo?
Post by: MrSFX on December 09, 2017, 05:37:52 AM
Has anyone tried ever to do it like in Voyager? We do have some technologies here such as breen shield drainers but wondering if somehow someone would be able to make this Class 10 torpedo. Eg: you launch a torpedo that is slow and powerful in like let's say middle of the fleet as I recall from Voyager and its effects affect many if not most of the ships?
Title: Re: Bio Molecular Class 10 Torpedo?
Post by: Morgan on December 09, 2017, 11:41:30 AM
Well it'd be easy to get an accurate look and power - make it green, slow moving, and powerful.  However, for accurate mechanics, it'd need to time-delay a Species 8472 ship after a few seconds.  That might be possible with FTech, but I'm not sure there's a plugin for it.
Title: Re: Bio Molecular Class 10 Torpedo?
Post by: FekLeyr Targ on December 09, 2017, 04:11:29 PM
IIRC, that torpedo caused "splash damage", which is in essence damage caused to nearby persons or objects.
NanoFX introduced something like that to exploding ships.
Perhabs it is possible to have something like this for projectiles. :)