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BC Forums => BC Technical Support => Topic started by: bcummings on March 19, 2019, 11:43:38 PM

Title: Dropped frames and crashes
Post by: bcummings on March 19, 2019, 11:43:38 PM
Hi folks, nice to see that BC still has a good following. I've been away for a few years as I did not have a PC. I'm back running BC with Kobayashi Maru on an HP Omen. Not the best gaming PC in the world, but it's able to run most everything on high to max graphics settings.

That being said, I'm getting a lot of dropped frames, especially on high graphical settings. I know that this isn't an uncommon problem. I'm also running into crashes after a while in game. Also aware that this is pretty common. Any thing I can do on my end to get BC to run a bit smoother and more stable. I am running in compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 3). Not sure what else I should or can be doing.

I'm receptive to advice and questions. Thanks in advance, folks!
Title: Re: Dropped frames and crashes
Post by: King Class Scout on March 20, 2019, 06:26:47 AM
I think by now it's common knowledge you do not install BC in the program files folder on W7 and up.  W10 is apparently wishy-washy on choking on BC; some people have problems, some people don't.

there's a bit of an error with KM's 10.02 patch that locks out any adjustments.  the cause seems to be the 10.02

the KMclean batch file, which purges voxxelizer bits, helps knock errors down but can cause lockups in other areas, and KO's your settings, turning all the mods on at once.  info is included in the readmes about this.

I find that a full power off shutdown restores full smooth running when BC starts to hitch.  we tend to leave the comp in sleep mode, so something's always building up.

also check the various fix threads, here, for other advice.  I had to archive binge repairs after updating my '11 install a year after reactivating it.

please note that there are only 3 of us actually actively modding atm.  nearly everyone else has retired, and the mod archives online have been totally purged down to the early Baz and Wiley ships from 03 besides the few releases for the past 2 or 3 years.  consult the various downloads available here for additional ships and such.