Bridge Commander Central

BC Forums => BC Scripting => Topic started by: Tethys on January 18, 2020, 06:56:54 PM

Title: Cargo Bays
Post by: Tethys on January 18, 2020, 06:56:54 PM
Here is a little thing I have been working on this week for KM, figured some of ya'll might wanna play around with it. Description in the script. No mutator at the moment. scripts\Custom\QBautostart\ThisFile

It's still a ways from being finished, but it works. A few bugs need to be worked out, like if you're destroyed before your replicator finishes making parts, the game may crash. I believe this because the way I remove the menu when the ship is destroyed, the timer disablers do not seem to work properly yet. The exe has crashed on me in 1 of 1 tests (happened by chance). I will test that more extensively before the next release.

Update: I tested and it did not crash, I assume it was a previous fault that has been since corrected. The timer disablers still do not work though. Some ships like the Galaxy and Sovereign only have one cargo bay, I can fix it one of 2 ways: manually adding a check for shiptype or I can edit the hardpoint to fall in line with how I've setup the way the cargo bays are generated.

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Title: Re: Cargo Bays
Post by: KrrKs on January 19, 2020, 10:28:09 AM
That looks pretty cool!