Bridge Commander Central

BC Forums => BC Technical Support => Topic started by: Beond The Grave on October 26, 2006, 03:41:12 PM

Title: bpc n prommie bridge
Post by: Beond The Grave on October 26, 2006, 03:41:12 PM
i have bridge plugin core and the prommie bridge installed, but they mess my game up so i want 2 install them. i put a sperate install of bpc, but i cant install prommie bridge cuse it says i need bcp (in the same sperate folder) how do i uninstall it? do i just delete bcp and that will deactivate the prommie, or what.
Title: bpc n prommie bridge
Post by: MLeo on October 26, 2006, 06:03:16 PM
It won't disable the Prometheus bridge. I think the requirement is a bug in the installer.

BP Enabled bridges will work without BP, just a lot of features of that bridge won't work, it's even possible that it won't look as good without BP installed.
Title: bpc n prommie bridge
Post by: Beond The Grave on October 26, 2006, 08:12:45 PM
cool. im gunna delete bpc. if i have more problems ill be back.
Title: bpc n prommie bridge
Post by: MLeo on October 27, 2006, 02:38:45 AM
What particular problem do you have?
Title: bpc n prommie bridge
Post by: tiqhud on October 27, 2006, 08:33:55 AM
If memory serves Mark had made mention of the prommie bridge requireing BPC in the seperate install, because , forgot an uploaded the wrong exe ,and got side tracked with reallife and for got to replace it, probbably did not help, since I posted it at BC before he was ready (possibly my fault) :(

 #25 - Posted : on 10-09-2006 at 16:18  
crud it doesnt require it, I used the wrong template for the installer loll. I will tlak to an admin about getting the exes replaced with ones that dont force u to install core.
Title: bpc n prommie bridge
Post by: Mark on October 29, 2006, 06:00:28 AM
i didnt forget to replace it, i just decided it wasnt that big a deal really, I would rather wait until BP MVAM is released and then re-release then.