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BC Forums => BC Bridge Modding => Topic started by: topas on February 03, 2010, 04:55:22 PM

Title: early TNG bridge
Post by: topas on February 03, 2010, 04:55:22 PM
Hi all

Started another project; this time with the Ambassador class in mind.

It's absolutely non-canon; but the bridge set that came with the TV-show was sooo lame and fitting a low-budget fan film rather than a big-sized starship being a direct precedessor to the Galaxy class...


A redress of the Ent-A bridge with a flair of early TNG;
Perhaps the Excelsior bridge would be more fitting due to the TNG helm consoles... Will experiment with that one too just to see what looks better; but wanted the rear wall to be like on the A

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

For now just a sort of teaser;

2days in the making so far;
LCARS are just placeholders
Need to work on the ceiling and do some minor fixes
Not animated yet
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Bones on February 03, 2010, 05:20:11 PM
Looking great there mate, I see you've decided to dump few screens ;) this certainly makes this bridge much more unique.

I think Enterprise B bridge would be a bit bettr set for this one due to TNG helm/nav stations and MSD screen behind cpt. chair
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: topas on February 03, 2010, 06:02:43 PM
Yes, this was the general idea; I did not want to spend my time on making sth that would be 'just another lcars'...dumped the top screens to resemble the design the rear stations on the D had

The thing with the Ent-B bridge is that it's not suited for use with WalkFx.. The back console behind the big chair disappears when you want to take your station there...
And I have chosen the A exactly because of the rear wall; wanted to dump the screens there and make it sort of like the sidewalls of the D-bridge [I think computer/memory core was located there, or somethin' like that]

Best solution for this particular idea to be 'as it should' would be an Ent-A bridge with Ent-D helm/nav consoles...  :dance
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: JimmyB76 on February 03, 2010, 07:39:30 PM
very nice thus far! :D
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Barihawk on February 04, 2010, 08:45:24 AM
Hey, it may not be canon but it certainly looks good :)
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: hobbs on February 04, 2010, 02:56:56 PM
i'm sold :) looks good with early tng lcars... and with lots of bridge stations makes it seem like a proper "working" starship if you know what i mean.

i like :) wish i could do bridges... ive always wanted one with an msd that shows shields and damage like the active console on some bridges but on an msd scale. (so that as captain you can see tactical info)
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Bones on February 04, 2010, 03:16:53 PM
i like :) wish i could do bridges... ive always wanted one with an msd that shows shields and damage like the active console on some bridges but on an msd scale. (so that as captain you can see tactical info)
Well I doubt you would be able to make whole bridge on your own... unfortunately none of us can, but you can always get yourself any graphic editor and try some LCARS drawing tutorials and try editing furniture around the bridge ;) few days of practice and you'll be able to creat you very first redress :) ...well technicaly it won't be few days but it's worth tryin' mate ;)
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: hobbs on February 04, 2010, 03:20:31 PM
any good programs you can think of? i have paint and gimp (not sure how to use the latter) and i have the tiniest budget you can imagine lol :funny
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Bones on February 04, 2010, 03:32:22 PM
Gimp should be good enough altho Paint Shop Pro 8 is my personal fav ;) (you can get 60 days trial free)
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Barihawk on February 04, 2010, 06:57:45 PM
All my work was done with Paint.Net and a number of plugins obtained from their forum.
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Bones on February 05, 2010, 01:53:33 AM
oh yeah I forgot, good one too and free ;)
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Shadowknight1 on February 05, 2010, 08:09:46 AM
Well, there's always the Excelsior bridge if you want TNG style forward consoles.  :P

This looks nice though
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: RifleMan80 on February 05, 2010, 12:22:02 PM
I love it!
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: brandonj on February 07, 2010, 11:05:49 AM
Oh, man, that's great!  I love it!  This is the kind of stuff we need for "generic" TNG era bridges!  And yeah, I think your mention of doing the same to the Excelsior bridge woud be AWESOME!  Keep it up!  This is great!  THANK YOU!!!
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: topas on November 02, 2010, 08:47:24 PM
Anybody has knowledge of whereabouts of Lurok91 maybe?
Wanted to hand this project over to him to finish as he requested... Yet, he's been offline for the last 5 months...

If anyone wishes to get the sourcefiles for this and carry om, feel free to PM me ;)
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: JimmyB76 on November 02, 2010, 09:15:58 PM
he said a few months ago that he would be gone for like 6 or more months...  im sure when he is back in town, he'll post here again...
what is it that youre stuck on?
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: leemason on November 04, 2010, 04:42:43 PM
Lurok91 was last logged on November 1st so maybe he back and that could mean bridges  :yay:
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Morgan on November 04, 2010, 05:39:15 PM
Lurok91 was last logged on November 1st so maybe he back and that could mean bridges  :yay:
Anyone can log in and check this website, but modding the game and/or providing assistance is a whole 'nother story...
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: JimmyB76 on November 04, 2010, 06:21:45 PM
in either event, when lurok is back and has time for BC, im sure he will post again :)

in the meantime - topas, what is it youre stuck on?
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Lurok91 on November 05, 2010, 03:24:16 AM
More info on my own update thread, but re: Topas' bridge.  I loved work he'd done and contacted him about six months back to ask about using his work on future new bridges rather than let it go unused or languishing. But as he's now back here, I guess the bridge mod community can give him as much support and help as I can and hopefully he can get released as a bridge retexture.  At some point I'd quite like to do a whole new late-TMP/TNG bridge - maybe something like this bridge - but again more info on this on update.  Good luck, Topas  :)   His textures do look beautiful ingame.  Lot of care and attention.
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: King Class Scout on November 05, 2010, 07:06:15 AM
would you guys PLEASE rig these bridges to keep the camera OFF felix's back?  i have a hard time trying to use TMP styled bridges cause the view stays in the bottom left corner, and you can't see what your shooting at.

Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: JimmyB76 on November 05, 2010, 07:40:53 AM
ive already done a fix for that, i thought it was out there somewhere...  it is just a simple script tweak in the character's script, as far as how the camera zooms and to where...
ill upload that later, a fix to where hitting F2 while on the bridge to manually fire zooms forward to the viewscreen instead of at felix...
just give me a few days as ill moving into a new apartment in the city this weekend; but once i settle in, ill find the script and get it to ya...
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: King Class Scout on November 05, 2010, 10:42:21 AM
*looks out the window for flying pigs and to see if it dropped below freezing in Purgatory*

this is a first for admin that does more than wield the Banhammer and do maintenence!

*deletes pun to keep on topic*
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: JimmyB76 on November 05, 2010, 11:23:15 AM
this is a first for admin that does more than wield the Banhammer and do maintenence!
heh youre relatively new here...  in my 8 years on the BC scene, i have been known to be useful here and there for things other than being forum staff :P
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: flarespire on November 05, 2010, 11:26:05 AM
hmm, i wouldnt change those Lcars, maybe tweek them, but not replace them, it gives it an original feel but still retaining the early TNGness.....
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: topas on November 05, 2010, 06:27:03 PM
I see that the files are in good, experienced hands now ;)
Good luck in using those.

What am I stuck on? Basically on having completely no time to fiddle with lcars or anything related... :roll lots of RL issues.

PS:Nice bridge proposal there btw; love the 'cosy/warm' feel it has to it
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: flarespire on November 05, 2010, 06:33:12 PM
mine?  :D well, these bridge ideas you have are pretty cool, maybe when i get the inferno done(new ship, go have a look at the image in my "my WIP's and ship designs thread...), you could help out on a bridge for it?, just asking, you dont have to XD
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Lurok91 on November 06, 2010, 04:28:33 PM
Have had a little free time and felt inspired to work on new TNG bridge.  Amazing how quickly can pick up Max again  :)  Still a WIP...using Topas' textures and FoAS's chairs. Still having probs getting anims to work (lifts and chairs) but hope have time to trial and error.   Any reasonable feedback re:  lcars, colour schemes welcome. 
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: hobbs on November 07, 2010, 05:49:16 PM
this is great work!  :bow:

may i suggest? a captains console?
not the mediocre style they have on the Defiant Class but a substantial one with all the bridge stations (ed: from left to right a panel with Engineering, Tactical, Helm and Ops/Science) this would give the captain instant access to any information he/she needs.

Ignore the above if you didn't want to here modelling ideas.

the lcars should be similar to the ones i see on your screen-shots, and the colour scheme should be to my mind light. early TNG was a time of relative peace not the recent war times we saw in later times, ds9 or voyager.

just my thoughts. I'm looking forward to this... love new bridges :)
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Lurok91 on November 11, 2010, 05:55:16 AM
this is great work!  :bow:

may i suggest? a captains console?
not the mediocre style they have on the Defiant Class but a substantial one with all the bridge stations (ed: from left to right a panel with Engineering, Tactical, Helm and Ops/Science) this would give the captain instant access to any information he/she needs.

Ignore the above if you didn't want to here modelling ideas.

the lcars should be similar to the ones i see on your screen-shots, and the colour scheme should be to my mind light. early TNG was a time of relative peace not the recent war times we saw in later times, ds9 or voyager.

just my thoughts. I'm looking forward to this... love new bridges :)

Good suggestions, though I'm not sure if captain console for this style of bridge.  Still, what do others think?  I think capcon generally good idea and if not for this, would work on other bridges.   

Agree about war/peace ideas also.  But remember the Ent B had a brownish colour scheme.  Anyone else thoughts on colour scheme?

Have chair and door anims working ingame.  Also trying Ent B-style lcars to see how that looks/feels. 

Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: King Class Scout on November 11, 2010, 07:12:12 AM
like the design of the ships hull, it seems that interior sets reflected the car interiors at the time they were made (Next G bridges were all tans and beige).  however, I just CAN'T see a Charcoal grey, black, and silver bridge scheme.  EWWW.

the problem is, there's not much in the way of Neutral colors other THAN the "beige" set and the "greys" set, and they're overused.  and almost any other color scheme is too Garish to stand.  it's gonna be a hard decision.
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Lurok91 on November 11, 2010, 10:35:12 AM
like the design of the ships hull, it seems that interior sets reflected the car interiors at the time they were made (Next G bridges were all tans and beige).  however, I just CAN'T see a Charcoal grey, black, and silver bridge scheme.  EWWW.

the problem is, there's not much in the way of Neutral colors other THAN the "beige" set and the "greys" set, and they're overused.  and almost any other color scheme is too Garish to stand.  it's gonna be a hard decision.

Agree. Sometimes I've tried more unorthodox colors, and invariably the canon-ites tend to go 'ewww...that's not right'.   Thought DS9 was interesting for stretching the color palette.  Sometimes Defiant interior looked salmon-y, other times normal gray. Probably more set lighting than anything else.  And wasn't the Sao Paolo's trimmings purple? 

Anyway, here's Venture Bridge with TMP lcars and different carpets. 
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: 007bashir on November 11, 2010, 10:47:11 AM
its Interesting how colorchanges can change the bridge's era.  These two bridges look completely different, but indeed they are the same. Very good.
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: King Class Scout on November 11, 2010, 12:16:14 PM
Agree. Sometimes I've tried more unorthodox colors, and invariably the canon-ites tend to go 'ewww...that's not right'.   Thought DS9 was interesting for stretching the color palette.  Sometimes Defiant interior looked salmon-y, other times normal gray. Probably more set lighting than anything else.  And wasn't the Sao Paolo's trimmings purple? 

Anyway, here's Venture Bridge with TMP lcars and different carpets. 

mabey try Pastels rather than intense colours.  as for what you DID use...*chuckle* looks exactly like what I'd automatically recolour a bridge.  my deco pallett runs to those colours.
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: hobbs on November 11, 2010, 02:29:45 PM
how about paler colours like almost white greys and very pale white-blues?

would mirror external ship colours
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Lurok91 on November 11, 2010, 02:49:47 PM
some ingame video

and more WIP pics on textures....

Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: mckinneyc on November 13, 2010, 03:43:12 PM
I love those chairs on the Venture bridge, I think that is what is making it feel different.
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Nexxus21 on December 01, 2010, 07:53:55 PM
Nice work... I am especially looking forward to both the Ambassador and Venture bridges. Finally someone has reworked those chairs way over due ;)
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: topas on October 22, 2011, 03:49:39 PM
Hi folks

After a looong time, I decided to try if I stil got it and make a BC retexture. As the original files are lost (Lurok has them, but it will take some time before I get them) I started a retexture form scratch. I'm almost half-way there, but have managed to make sth that fairly resembles the original from the first post in this topic. The noticable difference - this time I decided to put more fine wood there. After having watched TNG Season 1 I noticed it was used a lot, not only in starship interiors, but indoors (like Starfleet HQ etc.).

( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

My BC install is not the most stable one, don't remember if I had this last year, but now I'm getting constant crashes (for instance when trying to go to red alert on this bridge....), so my work is interrupted, and slow...
Eventually I'll post some more shots in the time to come ;)
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: JimmyB76 on October 22, 2011, 04:33:20 PM
very nice!!  :)
please keep going with it!  id love to see your take on a military-style and/or late ds9-era bridge retext on this!
and any crashes or drama from BC - please feel free to ask so we can try and help ya with that!
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Bones on October 22, 2011, 05:04:37 PM
looks really good, I love that cosy feel to it ;) ... damn I still have some military styled bridges Jimmy ... just borrow some more time from the Maker so I can finish those :P

I'd love to go back to bridge modding soooo badly !!!

topas mate, if ya need any help, I can provide many textures ( mostly displays etc.)
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: topas on October 22, 2011, 07:05:47 PM
Dzi?ki, Bones, in advance ;) We'll see abou that. Time is the prime factor in my case too. I have a lot of work in RL, a 1-year old daughter, and a second one being awaited in February. Plus, the free time I get I try to spend on the main modding project of mine, which is meant for an other game. (a WW2 Polish mod ( (much easier to be modded than BC btw, with a 6-year younger engine giving lots more of possibilities to be honest)

While Star Trek has been with me for the last 20 years, and probably will still be for the next to come, I will see this as a side-project.
So, maybe a slow-paced, but steady development, just for fun - no full time occupation for sure.
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: ACES_HIGH on October 22, 2011, 10:59:10 PM
that's a little too much wood paneling, it wasn't quite that prominent on the show.  Also, some of these wood panels (the ones around the doors in particular) look quite large, too big to be made from a single piece of wood as they look now.  I suggest that you either break them up into smaller panels, or keep the wood detailing to a minimum.  Although it was used extensively on other sets, the only wood detailing on the Enterprise D's main bridge was the tactical rail and the computer access panels used during the first season.  If you want to use wood, I suggest putting it on the handrail.  The handrail used on the battle bridge during the first season was wooden.
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Lurok91 on October 23, 2011, 08:22:24 AM
Lovely texture work, T,  and like wood effect. Always impressed with how you make your ingame bridges look good in screenshots.  Maybe I just need a better pc/gfx card  :)   First present promised myself.  In meantime,  as promised as soon as I get drives back I'll get original textures to you.
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: topas on October 23, 2011, 08:52:31 AM
Thanks for the comments

As for the wood, the turbolift area (as other larger wooden surfaces there) are not a single piece, but are made of smaller pieces, as on the screenshot with the viewscreen. It's just when you're farther away it gives an impression of being like this.

Originally I was doing an Ambassador bridge - now, we have Mr.Probert's Ambassador concept available, so I thought this may go well with it. As the name of the class says it's supposed to be a noble, elegant ship of diplomacy; fitting an admiral or commodore, hence the wood, even if it was not as extensively used in the series. (ST3 featured some Starfleet longue, or whatever it was, it had a looot of wood).

Anyway, for those who dislike wood in such quantity, a different version then ;)

PS: @Lurok -> thanks in advance, do take your time, I'm not in a hurry. Oh, and just went thru your thread - can't see anything wrong with pics there, good presentations and I don't see any visual difference. Maybe it's the subjectivity or modesty rather than pc-specs? ;)
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Bren on October 24, 2011, 08:35:47 AM
I really think you nailed the early-TNG look with the woodier version. It's got a very strong vibe of late-1970's office building, executive floors. IMO, that's PERFECT for the Lost Era, and perfect for Probert's Proto-Ambassador.

I really prefer the woody version. A potted Ficas plant in the corner beside the turbolift would perhaps be a step too far, but you never know! :p
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Darkthunder on October 24, 2011, 11:32:29 AM
For an "early TNG bridge", I would love to see the TMP Connie chairs get replaced with the Galaxy class counterparts, and thus possibly replacing the forward console (helm/ops), with the Galaxy version. Just an idea.

Love the wooden version thou. Perhaps make the hand rails in wood as well?
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: mckinneyc on October 24, 2011, 12:31:09 PM
Are those lights either side of viewscreen alert status indicators? If they are they are the most beautiful ones I've seen
Title: Re: early TNG bridge
Post by: Captain_D on November 02, 2011, 07:50:55 PM
Very nice all around.

Especially like the access panels above the work stations, nice touch. :thumbsup: