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Recreational Forums => Techies Discussion => Topic started by: Killallewoks on August 25, 2011, 10:45:54 AM

Title: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Killallewoks on August 25, 2011, 10:45:54 AM
Well ladies and gentlemen its nearly hear possibly one of gamings biggest showdown in years but which one are you getting? They are two different games unfortunately things are turning sour between the two and EA and Activision are swapping sly remarks about the opposition's app. Regardless I'm getting BF3 been a bigger fan for longer and modern warfare 2 just didn't live up to MW1.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: FarShot on August 25, 2011, 12:05:27 PM
If I can, I'd get both.  If only one, BF3.  If none, well.... none. :(
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on August 25, 2011, 01:13:46 PM
just didn't live up to MW1.

i disagree, though the multiplayer pretty much stayed the same, the storyline for the campaign was very good to say the least, i would definitely get both, but i lean more towards MW3, mainly because i want to see how that story unfolds more, and i REALLY want to try out that Survival Mode, however i hoping it dosnt turn out like black ops.... f*cking hate that game.  :facepalm:

though i havent played battlefield except for its multiplayer (wich wasnt that bad in my eyes, i liked the ability to change the loadouts for classes before every spawn) it still looked like a good game to me.

my only things are infinity ward getting dropped from it, the fact that the graphics didnt look too much updated in the trailers (wich one of the developers said in an interview that they were more focused on gameplay elements then graphics) and i PRAY that the developers have taken measures to permanently BAN any user using hacks... i hate those cheap cheating assholes.

all in all, i plan on getting BOTH, but im getting Skyrim BEFORE any of the two... ive been waiting on that game for EVER!!
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: FarShot on August 25, 2011, 01:38:55 PM
...but im getting Skyrim BEFORE any of the two... ive been waiting on that game for EVER!!

Amen, brother.  Amen. :D
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: TheConstable6 on August 25, 2011, 07:46:14 PM
As sick as I am of this debate I'm getting both...and playing them after I play Combat Evolved Anniversary & Forza 4  :D!
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Killallewoks on August 25, 2011, 09:41:26 PM
 :( 2011 My wallet my poor wallet.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Billz on August 25, 2011, 10:26:00 PM

The whole CoD franchise became heavily convelouted around CoD 3, and every game since then, has basically been a "cut and paste" job of the game that came before it.

Battlefield suffers from exactly the same problem, just over a longer development cycle and less games.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Vedic on August 30, 2011, 05:48:51 AM
You can't really compare Battlefield & Call of Duty together, there to different games, one is an Run & Gun, and the other an Team work game. CoD doesn't try to be real, Battlefield dose. Battlefield doesn't try to be an Run & Gun, it an Shooter with Team work. There simply to  different games.

I also herd that BF3 will have an bad MP server loader, but I can't remember if that was  PC only, or PC & Console.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Mustang on August 30, 2011, 03:43:17 PM
I'm tired of CoD fanboys saying that the multiplayer in CoD is so much better than battlefield.

It isn't.

Battlefield multiplayer is such a drastic improvement over the copy/pasta job that is Call of Duty. It takes thought and actual skill to play multiplayer in Battlefield. Sniping especially.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on October 01, 2011, 10:10:56 PM
i just played the BF3 Multiplayer beta...

needless to say, even as a MW junkie i am IMPRESSED.
thus far the beta has beat out MW2 by a loooong shot..

soo many vast differences over MW that i cant even begin to name because ive only dabbled in BF2.

but from what ive seen i am truly impressed, the demo map is HUGE, the gunplay is waaay better than MW.
my only catch is occaisonally the screen goes blue, and stays in that hue untill you die again, im kicking that one to the fact that it is a beta build, so im just brushing it off.

i dont know if its available on Xbox live or not, but it IS on PSN, so if your a fellow PS3 owner, do yourself a favor and download the beta, its well worth the 30 minute wait TBH.

unless InfinityWard counters this and puts out a MW3 demo of SOME kind, then i think BF3 is gonna win this one before it gets going....

what did you guys think?
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: metalnick on October 02, 2011, 06:54:46 AM
AFAIK it will be on XBL but won't support as many players as the PC version. I think PC will have 64 player matches and XBOX360 will have 32. Or it could be 32/16. Can't quite remember right now.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Killallewoks on October 02, 2011, 07:50:49 AM
The beta is fantastic despite the scaling back on resoltions for download size. Certainly an achievment in design for 6 year old hardware, yeah consoles only get 24 players but the maps seem to do good job of hiding that fact. I cant wait!
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on October 02, 2011, 01:31:06 PM
The beta is fantastic despite the scaling back on resoltions for download size.

yea... they stood out on the 52" like a sore thumb, i was the only one in the house who noticed lol  :funny

did anyone else have the screen get "stuck" blue for a life after a deployment like i did?
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Killallewoks on October 02, 2011, 03:41:52 PM
yea... they stood out on the 52" like a sore thumb, i was the only one in the house who noticed lol  :funny

did anyone else have the screen get "stuck" blue for a life after a deployment like i did?

I use the 360 and from what ive heard its ps3 issue. The 360 though suffers ocassional screan tearing, the resolutions looked iffy sometimes even on my 24 inch HD. Still looks pretty though.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on October 02, 2011, 04:24:31 PM
yea i had some tearing and clipping issues as well on the PS3, not to mention the occasional pink flash.

i died and fell through the ground!
then i made the joke to my roommate, "must be a new feature to bury the corpses!"

not to mention i got "stuck" in the ground by the bridge near the first 2 assault points countless times, there were a few jitters as well, kinda like COD does when the host is changing, was sprinting down the hallway, went to enter the crawlspace there, and then suddenly appeared at the end of the hall!
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Killallewoks on October 02, 2011, 05:35:42 PM
Just think at least we are getting a beta so the final game has a final layer of polish. The thing is hardly any of these bugs are game breaking just annoyances which a whole team can rectify in days. :D
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on October 02, 2011, 10:58:48 PM
Just think at least we are getting a beta so the final game has a final layer of polish. The thing is hardly any of these bugs are game breaking just annoyances which a whole team can rectify in days. :D

oh hell yes, i have a feeling that this was put together simply to slap IW in the face and see how it did in the open for a spell.
it WOULD be nice if the perks you unlock in the beta changed over to the actual game, but i can see how it would be unfair to those who didnt participate.

what ROYALLY pisses me off as a MW fan is that there IS a beta for MW3... but its a CLOSED beta, and you have to QUALIFY for it.
what the qualifications are i have no clue... probably depends on how much you invested into Activision  :facepalm:

Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Killallewoks on October 03, 2011, 03:31:47 AM
Also not forgetting the websites that are up Activisions metaphorical a-hole that they'll praise it regardless. Ive been on google news 24/7 and some websites such as koutau (spelt wrong) which i thought was trusted turned out that publicity is more important.

I just want a ballenced opinion not some fanboy on both sides forcing there ideals down my neck.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on October 19, 2011, 12:46:10 PM
if there need be anymore evidence to the theory that BF3 will most likley have the lead for multiplayer... let this vid be it!!
most likley this is the PC version with the 64 player matches, but given how intense the gunfights got in the beta... it will STILL be pretty badass on the consoles

i have already dropped the 60 bucks to preorder it through gamestop, so now i will have the weapon pack AND the expansion from day one. HOWEVER, i plan on at least renting MW3 to see how the campaign story pans out, and maybe dabble with the multiplayer.
but im already sold on the BF3 multiplayer.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on October 24, 2011, 03:27:52 PM
MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!!! whos gonna be at the release parties for BF3?? i WILL BE!!!

if anyone needs some squadmates on PSN, throw me an add: F813CyAn1d3Killa.

my mic is dead ATM, but i WILL be getting another cheapo next paycheck.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Killallewoks on October 24, 2011, 05:16:42 PM
Damn it i have to wait till friday.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on October 24, 2011, 05:59:22 PM
Damn it i have to wait till friday.

thats right.... euro release isnt till the 28th..... sorry mate, ill let you know how it is before hand ;)
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on October 25, 2011, 12:37:13 AM
JUST picked up my copy........
guys, you WANT the limited edition, it COMES with an M1911 pistol, but you have to join the EA Gunclub, no big friggin deal..... i LOVE that pistol.

the return to kirkland expansion is NOT up on the serves yet, and EA does not know WHEN that will happen.
but from what i was told, it SHOULD be by the time e European release is out.

so for those overseas who STILL have a chance to preorder the game..... what the hell are you waiting for?!??!?

Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Darkthunder on October 25, 2011, 04:18:03 PM
CyAn1d3: It's called "Back to Karkand" (as in the name of the BF2 map "Strike at Karkand"), but the rest sound absolutely accurate.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on October 25, 2011, 06:37:16 PM
CyAn1d3: It's called "Back to Karkand" (as in the name of the BF2 map "Strike at Karkand"), but the rest sound absolutely accurate.

Sue me.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Darkthunder on October 25, 2011, 07:17:19 PM
What's with the hostility?

All I did, was correct the spelling. A typo is one thing, and I wouldn't remark on such minutae. But when you completely misstype the name of the map (pack), how is it wrong for me to point that out?
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Nebula on October 25, 2011, 07:28:07 PM
And this was completely pointless to report... please only use that button on the major infractions.

All I am going to say here is that both of you need to step back and cool.

A correction of a typo does not need to escalate into a fight.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Trim on October 25, 2011, 07:33:49 PM
It's not wrong just a little rude IMO.  Carry on men.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on October 25, 2011, 09:17:21 PM
What's with the hostility?

All I did, was correct the spelling. A typo is one thing, and I wouldn't remark on such minutae. But when you completely misstype the name of the map (pack), how is it wrong for me to point that out?

no no hostility. just friendly sarcasm :P
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: TheConstable6 on October 25, 2011, 09:38:35 PM

Actually pretty impressed. Extremely impressed.

On a console, the game manages to be lucid, fluid, and responsive. I always found BFBC2 to be clunky at best and terrible at worst on a console. BF3 smashed my expectations with its beauty and wondrous gameplay. The shooting finally feels good - I had major problems with the choppy, unresponsive gunplay in BFBC2.

I must say I am sick of the hype BF is getting (mostly for not being CoD) but it's a fine game...not a game good enough to distract me from Halo Reach (w/ godly title update :D)

Will give my thoughts on MW3 when said time has arrived.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Darkthunder on October 25, 2011, 11:23:11 PM
It's not wrong just a little rude IMO.  Carry on men.

So you wouldn't be annoyed by people typing things incorrectly, when it's easier to write it more properly? Karkand (7 letters), Kirkland (8 letters). One is correct, the other is not. The incorrect one is exactly 1 letter longer to type out. Perhaps my annoyance stems from years of experience from people mistyping a word such as "rogue", and instead typing "rouge". The two might spell similarly, but they are miles apart for what they are meant to be.

To Nebula: I reported the post, since it was (in my opinion), quite offensively written, even if CyAn1d3 later clarified it was meant as sarcasm. I thought the report function is meant for various reasons, including reporting such things you find offensive. Perhaps I was mistaken.

TL;DR: Sarcasm is not always understood by the person on the receiving end.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: JimmyB76 on October 26, 2011, 02:23:32 PM
ok enough drama ffs!

So you wouldn't be annoyed by people typing things incorrectly, when it's easier to write it more properly? Karkand (7 letters), Kirkland (8 letters). One is correct, the other is not. The incorrect one is exactly 1 letter longer to type out. Perhaps my annoyance stems from years of experience from people mistyping a word such as "rogue", and instead typing "rouge". The two might spell similarly, but they are miles apart for what they are meant to be.
ok - seriously??  
no one likes the spelling police or nitpickers...  you didnt need to point out a spelling error, you know...  you could have just left it alone...  frankly, i found your post to be slightly sour, and your post to trim even moreso - the tone is so arrogant sounding and snotty...  besides, im fairly sure everyone understood what CyAn1d3 meant and the thread would have gone on just fine without the spelling error not having been pointed out as it was...

To Nebula: I reported the post, since it was (in my opinion), quite offensively written, even if CyAn1d3 later clarified it was meant as sarcasm. I thought the report function is meant for various reasons, including reporting such things you find offensive. Perhaps I was mistaken.
the post was not offensively written, youre just being a bit hypersensitive and almost seemingly looking for a problem...
nebula is correct - the report post button should only be used if someone is posting something that is a serious breach of forum rules...  someone saying "sue me" is hardly a breach of forum rules - if you felt CyAn1d3 was being snotty to you it is only because you were seemingly being snotty to him by playing spelling police...
a moderator should be PMed if you feel someone is being offensive to you...  the report post button is not there to alert the entire staff that you didnt like what someone posted to you...

DT - all due respect but you are being too argumentative and tense, this is the second thread ive recently seen you be confrontational... you know i respect you personally, but youre being a bit intense...

also - when a staff member makes a point, thats the end of it - there is no more back-talking and debating with them; you really should know better than this...

this matter is now closed and this topic will please move on and get back ontopic...  any more arguing, debating, nitpicking, rudeness, snotty tones, etc - any of this from anyone will not go over well... 
please guys - lets just drop this here and move on ok?  thx :)
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on October 26, 2011, 11:16:49 PM

anyone else notice how much of a pain in the arse the planes and heilos are to fly?
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Nebula on October 26, 2011, 11:32:43 PM
did you invert the axis on the controls? that makes it much easier lol
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on October 27, 2011, 12:07:19 PM
did you invert the axis on the controls? that makes it much easier lol

nope, though when i get home tonight ill have to give it a shot.

if i could swap the mapping between the left and right thumbsticks (ps3) it wouldnt be that much of an adjustment.....

(funny story)

i was playing rush last night @ caspian border, and spawned in one of the Hueys as a passenger, the "pilot" was heading to the attack points and was flying the thing pretty good, i figured id drop in behind everything, sneak in and take out the points, im gunning down guys in the open field, racking up kills and whatnot, next thing you know the chopper goes down from a pilot fault in the MIDDLE of the 2 points, SOMEHOW i was the only one out of the bunch who survived the crash with like 8% health (probably cuz i bailed right before the chopper hit the ground) and booked it to the nearest point, i arm the charge and take cover to guard it while its ticking down and start recharging health, i get to about 25% health and climbing.. then an enemy jet smashes into the building i was taking cover in.... at least the point got taken out  :funny
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Killallewoks on October 27, 2011, 10:29:29 PM
Shall not stop playing until i see daylight! Kharg i love you.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: TheConstable6 on October 28, 2011, 05:38:25 PM
OK Single-fire is beast-mode I had out an AK74-M playing Conquest on Caspian Border and my hit detection was soooo much better at range, the thing was like buttah.

Shotguns are so good, it's a blast to use them on TDM w/ Assault...sadly I haven't unlocked slugs yet but when I do... :evil:

For the life of me I can't fly helis even w/ inverted axes but no matter as my friend's a master and I can just hitch rides  :D

What do vous, meis amis think of TDM? Heresy in a BF game?
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on October 28, 2011, 10:09:02 PM
OK Single-fire is beast-mode I had out an AK74-M playing Conquest on Caspian Border and my hit detection was soooo much better at range, the thing was like buttah.

Shotguns are so good, it's a blast to use them on TDM w/ Assault...sadly I haven't unlocked slugs yet but when I do... :evil:

For the life of me I can't fly helis even w/ inverted axes but no matter as my friend's a master and I can just hitch rides  :D

What do vous, meis amis think of TDM? Heresy in a BF game?

for the heilos, i put my sticks on southpaw, that seemed to help AAAALLOOOOOTTT with my piloting skills, was in rush earlier and managed to circle the point with 2 gunners and kept the area clean.

i got the physical warefare pack from GS cuz i preorderd, and that shotti you get with the fletchette(?) rounds is BEAST .... although you CANT "upgrade" the damn thing

as for TDM in BF3, its not a COD style, but damn, i think its actually BETTER TBH.

oh BTW, whats the LONGEST headshot you guys got? my boy just nailed a 340 yard headshot, and i picked 5 250+ headshots in a row... HOPE you dont get caught on the buisness end of my scope  :evil: (f*cking LOVE that SV98 with the 12x scope and straight pull bolt)

PSN users, PLEASE add me: F813CyAn1d3Killa, i NEED me some good squadmates. (just let me know your from BCC)
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Killallewoks on October 29, 2011, 04:34:19 AM
Helo's are a pain but i have a tip. Stay in cockpit mode, you have a greater sense of orientation which keeps you stable, the same applys for jets too. TDM is also incredibly tactical for a basic run and gun game mode, would be better with viehcles to mix it up a bit. Dont use the shotgun but my M4 serves me well.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Tally on October 29, 2011, 12:43:54 PM
my pc is loving BF3 so much...I was an avid Bf2er on pc too(AIX mod was, still is awesome), all my settings on ultra with full AA and AF....runs and looks like a wet dream, dusting my x52 flight stick off now and pc is getting hooked up to my wall mounted lcd tonight through my HD amp

Ahh happy days ahead  :yay: :yay:

MW2 stunk to high hell, got suckered for BlOps(piece of s***) apart from original CoD and ok WaW was alright, they should've stuck keeping that to WWII. Worst thing they ever did for Cod was introduce crappy perks and bs console ports for us avid pcers in that franchise

MW3 will be no different imo...same game engine...same perks system and even crappier gameplay, at least with BF series you have to earn your ranks, weapons etc with a decent amount of gameplay and above all else TEAMWORK.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on October 29, 2011, 01:21:04 PM
MW3 will be no different imo...same game engine...same perks system and even crappier gameplay, at least with BF series you have to earn your ranks, weapons etc with a decent amount of gameplay and above all else TEAMWORK.

from what ive read up on and seen, it looks more like a $60 expansion pack for MW2..... wich is a MAJOR bummer, they may as well have just put it up for download as a 30$ expansion...
plus i already see how the hackers and noobs are gonna exploit the new system they have in place..

also considering how Activision treated the top two head honchos @ Infinity Ward... ive lost ALOT of respect for activision and their greed...
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Defiant on October 30, 2011, 02:10:39 AM
Please people, boycott BF3. It is using Origin which violates your privacy. This is a no go!
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Killallewoks on October 30, 2011, 05:57:51 AM
Please people, boycott BF3. It is using Origin which violates your privacy. This is a no go!

Good job i have a 360 then. :)
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on October 30, 2011, 12:10:28 PM
Please people, boycott BF3. It is using Origin which violates your privacy. This is a no go!

ive got BF3 on PS3, and the Origins app keeps wanting to install on my comp, wich i dont allow, and never will lol.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: TheConstable6 on October 30, 2011, 12:39:53 PM
my pc is loving BF3 so much...I was an avid Bf2er on pc too(AIX mod was, still is awesome), all my settings on ultra with full AA and AF....runs and looks like a wet dream, dusting my x52 flight stick off now and pc is getting hooked up to my wall mounted lcd tonight through my HD amp

Ahh happy days ahead  :yay: :yay:

MW2 stunk to high hell, got suckered for BlOps(piece of s***) apart from original CoD and ok WaW was alright, they should've stuck keeping that to WWII. Worst thing they ever did for Cod was introduce crappy perks and bs console ports for us avid pcers in that franchise

MW3 will be no different imo...same game engine...same perks system and even crappier gameplay, at least with BF series you have to earn your ranks, weapons etc with a decent amount of gameplay and above all else TEAMWORK.

I was a huge BF2er too  :D my brother and I wasted our childhoods mostly playing SP Conquest on the map w/ the nuke reactors...Dailian Plant IIRC
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Darkthunder on October 30, 2011, 01:32:07 PM
I'll say this much, the CO-OP missions in BF3 are friggin awesome!!! Thou it helps if you make sure to use voice chat with your partner, there's alot of places where you need to time your shots with your partner.

To be honest, i'm totally loving this game (despite the flags being a little too close to each other in multiplayer).
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Tally on October 30, 2011, 05:02:40 PM
yeah Dalian and the lads online used to goof around in the aircraft....pulling syncronised flying. then bailing out and free falling with the planes then swapping planes in mid, or one on aircraft flight deck as other zooms in and jumps out while the other hops in...hopefully without crashing and pissing off other players by wiping them out.

Any of you play the AIX mod that introduced A10's, harriers, other choppers etc etc....was friggin awesome and still have it installed now on my BF2
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: sovereign001 on November 04, 2011, 12:40:25 PM
I don't think there needs to be a vs... Bf3 wins this on all fronts. Graphics wise, it's amazing. Prove? Just watch some dx11 examples, actually you don't need to, just watch some normal gameplay footage. Mw3 looks good but somewhere it's getting average.

Gameplay, bf3 is a bit more realistic and you got some more freedom. I've played mw1-3 and black ops. It went from good to bad. Black ops was one pure rail way shooter. Press X and suddenly i see my character popping his gun and shooting, explosions all the way. It's extremely linear. Also you don't get any connection with the characters. In mw2, i had a brief moment when the character "ghost" died. It was a wtf moment. But the last game black ops, nope.
In bf3, there is a scene where everything freezes when a character dies, the music is extremely powerful and it pushes you from the current world, it's extremely powerful and definately one for in the books.

Music? Bf3, just check out youtube and listen to the ost. Yeah, bf3 wins this easily and this comes from a person who has played all the call of duties and even bought them (except for the mw2 and black ops, i rented those :D)
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: TheConstable6 on November 05, 2011, 02:45:07 PM
I didn't think this would happen...but I got burnt out of BF3 for the time being, waaaayyyy too quickly. So now I'm playing mostly Gears 3 and Halo 3 (just cuz I can  :D). That being said...I['m feeling like all I need is a bit of a respite. Maybe some Conquest next week to cool my TDM jets.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on November 05, 2011, 10:57:52 PM
I didn't think this would happen...but I got burnt out of BF3 for the time being, waaaayyyy too quickly. So now I'm playing mostly Gears 3 and Halo 3 (just cuz I can  :D). That being said...I['m feeling like all I need is a bit of a respite. Maybe some Conquest next week to cool my TDM jets.

ive been mostly playing rush & the squad variants.
TDM is ok, but i like the more tactical aspect of the multiplayer instead of racking up the kills lol
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: TheConstable6 on November 07, 2011, 11:40:24 PM
ive been mostly playing rush & the squad variants.
TDM is ok, but i like the more tactical aspect of the multiplayer instead of racking up the kills lol

I know I'm an absolute whore, but TDM is soooo fun! I would play more Conquest but all my friends are on PS3 and I'm on Xbox...
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on November 08, 2011, 01:00:48 AM
I know I'm an absolute whore, but TDM is soooo fun! I would play more Conquest but all my friends are on PS3 and I'm on Xbox...

..... including me lol
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: TheConstable6 on November 09, 2011, 11:58:25 PM
..... including me lol

Yes Including you  :P
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on November 10, 2011, 12:56:25 PM
Yes Including you  :P

im sorry guys, i just cant bring myself to OWN an xbox.... y would i want to pay for multiplayer outside my ISP bill?
why would ANYONE? i know its a good system and all that, but thats just my basis for not ever planning on owning one lol
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Villain on November 14, 2011, 08:51:16 AM
Someone complaining about Origin? You know it's no worse than Steam, right? Oh no! EA now know what games I like to play and will show me things I would potentially buy anyway!

Heaven forbid a company try to sell something.

That aside, I'm not a fan of Origin. I have Steam. I have Hi-Command (As of a few days ago). I don't need /another/ loader.

I've seen MW3 played, and I've cringed watching people try to fly helicopters in BF3 on the PS3. Meh. Tribes, Payday and Space Marine, tbh.

im sorry guys, i just cant bring myself to OWN an xbox.... y would i want to pay for multiplayer outside my ISP bill?
why would ANYONE? i know its a good system and all that, but thats just my basis for not ever planning on owning one lol

You're paying for a service that that majority of the time won't pit you against people from overseas when you don't live in the States, is self-funded (As opposed to how Network operates), and actually has a CSR team behind it (Among other rubbish like early access blah blah blah). You don't HAVE to subscribe to it, you can still buy games, DLC, demos etc... But if you're aiming to play something online on any console, they always come out on both so who cares?  :idk:
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Darkthunder on November 14, 2011, 09:17:53 AM
Someone complaining about Origin? You know it's no worse than Steam, right? Oh no! EA now know what games I like to play and will show me things I would potentially buy anyway!

If Origin -only- did what you describe above, I would have no issue at all with it. However, it's been proven that Origin does a complete scan of both your hardware, and what software (and files) are on your system. It does -not- merely scan what games you have.

As for my objection to Origin, I feel it's an unnecessary extra step in order to play the game. For specifically BF3 (on PC), you have the following order:

- Launch Browser
- Visit Battlelog
- Locate and join server
- Origin launches (if not already launched)
- Game launches

Bad enough having the server browser via Webpage (when it worked fine for 9 years prior in BF games, being integrated into the game itself). The only way to launch a game (singleplayer, coop or multiplayer) is via Battlelog, which automatically starts up Origin, and -then- Battlefield 3. If i'm launching a SPECIFIC game (in this case BF3), from the BF3 website, shouldn't it launch the game directly, and ignore Origin completely? Origin is fine, as a downloader (much like Steam), but it should not be a requirement to run a bunch of extra apps in the background, taking up precious resources, scanning your system etc.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Villain on November 14, 2011, 09:26:30 AM
So you're opposed to EA/DICE knowing the kind of specs people are running their game on? They get an idea of both the budget of their user-base and which "side" of the Graphics Armies is more prevalent.

There's also an opt-out feature.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on November 14, 2011, 12:29:29 PM
So you're opposed to EA/DICE knowing the kind of specs people are running their game on? They get an idea of both the budget of their user-base and which "side" of the Graphics Armies is more prevalent.

dosnt microsoft do something SIMILAR 24/7 whenever an error report is generated?

but the origin issues really has no effect on me as i play it on a console.
but i can imagine the feeling of intrusion.....
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Darkthunder on November 14, 2011, 02:21:20 PM
So you're opposed to EA/DICE knowing the kind of specs people are running their game on? They get an idea of both the budget of their user-base and which "side" of the Graphics Armies is more prevalent.

There's also an opt-out feature.

I don't know if you PURPOSELY chose to ignore what I said.

If Origin -only- did what you describe above, I would have no issue at all with it. However, it's been proven that Origin does a complete scan of both your hardware, and what software (and files) are on your system. It does -not- merely scan what games you have.

Scanning my hardware is fine. Scanning my installed games is fine. Scanning every individual file on harddrive is NOT fine. Also NOT fine being forced to have the program running in background.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: TheConstable6 on November 15, 2011, 07:15:25 PM
Thoughts on MW3 -


The maps are a giant sh*tstain and are a complete pain to do anything other than run around w/ a goddamn ACR 6.8 or UMP and spray your way into oblivion. They are bland, lacking in any semblance of variety, and cater to one play style only - running around w/ Marathon, Quickdraw, and Steady Aim or Stalker and trying to be Rambo.

The spawn system makes these ^ failures 10000x worse. I cannot believe how bad the f*cking spawns are. One time I running into a room near the middle on...Dome IIRC...w/ my Mk14 and killed a guy in the middle...only to have one spawn in the walkway behind me and another literally right where I just dropped the guy. Utter folly.

The shotguns are actually worse than they are in Black Ops (I seriously did not think this was possible in any way, shape, or form, but with the KSG12 it took me 4 shots on a 4-bar to kill a guy maybe 10m away!) it is exceedingly difficult to snipe w/ any degree of competency on these maps, and LMGs now make you move slower than Steven Hawking in marshmallow fluff, drop off badly at range, and have brutal idle sway.

All the assault rifles and SMGs are amazingly powerful, except for the simply horrendous M16A4 which borders on unusable, and all of them except the CM901 and PM-9 (just a reskinned Mini-Uzi so it was gonna be garbage) have very little recoil and stupendous range.

I would recommend a vasectomy over trying to reason w/ this pile of white dog sh*t.

RIP Infinity Ward. You certainly were not responsible for this catastrophe. West and Zampella, welcome in Respawn Entertainment, and take out the trash once and for all.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Tally on November 27, 2011, 01:28:14 PM
well EA/Dice are doing themselves no favours with the PoS patch they've implemented to BF3 game was running sweet as a nut pre patch, not been able to play a game since as it crashes, white screen of death, BSoD, gfx all fked up if i do get in game and crashes within 20-30seconds if i manage to get on game.

5 clean driver installs, 3 game reinstalls and countless game repairs thru "origin" and then i finally get these crappy errors.


if i do get into game I'm getting crap like this vv

They have been a lot worse that it looks....constant flickering of all gfx,EA response...."we would suggest your hardware is not upto games minimum specs"...Muppets
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on November 27, 2011, 10:00:02 PM
i would be PISSED.

the consoles arent without issues as well, i get weird screen flickers once in awhile in MP, but they are not much of a nuisance, HOWEVER, in the campaign op where you are in the tank towards the end, where you have to defend Black untill evac arrives @ the bank, i would turn the turret and the screen would go white at certain positions. restarted and it was fine.

but ive heard MASSIVE problems with the PC...
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: Killallewoks on November 28, 2011, 05:14:02 AM
The curse of BF games on PC, BF2 as I recall was horrificlly buggy when that was released.  Damn Tally thats really unfortuante hope they fix it soon.
Title: Re: BF3 vs MW3
Post by: CyAn1d3 on December 17, 2011, 01:12:36 PM
back to karkland is out, and im happy to say the maps and guns are WELL worth my preordering the LE.
if you dont have it, i suggest you get it.


for my console players (namly ps3), im recruiting for my platoon.

look up CyAn1d31700 in the battle log and apply if you wanna join.
the details are all there :P