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BC Forums => BC Scripting => Topic started by: DANZ_VON_LUCK on September 26, 2013, 07:58:03 PM

Title: Slight shuttle launching problem
Post by: DANZ_VON_LUCK on September 26, 2013, 07:58:03 PM
Ok so I have the TMP Constitution set to launch type 3 shuttles. It carries 8 with max number of 12 and it launches them fine but when i press return shuttle it says the shuttles too big for the bay. Whats the problem and how do I fix it???
I tried doing a search but couldnt find anything (plenty on launching shuttles but not much on getting them back lol, great for marooning bad crew i guess  :P )
Thanks in advance for any help
Title: Re: Slight shuttle launching problem
Post by: ACES_HIGH on September 26, 2013, 09:00:29 PM
maybe Defiant or Starforce can chime in here, it's been a while since I've messed with that, but as I recall it had something to do with the size of the shuttlebay in the hardpoint.
Title: Re: Slight shuttle launching problem
Post by: King Class Scout on September 26, 2013, 11:25:51 PM
this is a matching problem involving the hardpoints of both the shuttle and the launching ship.  what you've got is a shuttle that's too BIG for any of the bays.  most people don't scale match ships, anyway.
Title: Re: Slight shuttle launching problem
Post by: KrrKs on September 27, 2013, 07:58:57 AM
The solution for this would be to search the ships Hardpoint in: scripts/ships/hardpoints
(it's a .py file, you can open it with any standard text editor, like e.g. notepad.
On another Note: Delete the corresponding .pyc file for the changes to have an effect)

and alter the .setRadius values for (both ?) the Shuttlebay and Shuttlebay_OEP (or whatever their actual name is) Properties.

AFAIK no Shuttle (even the horribly oversized ones) is bigger than 0.5 game units.

If that still is not big enough you could get the actual shuttle size in Quickbattle, if you set the Playership to said Shuttle,
open the console ( press ^ (that could vary depending on keyboard layout))
and type:
import App
import MissionLib
print App.ShipClass_Cast(MissionLib.GetPlayer()).GetRadius()

The Shuttlebay -size must be at least that large.
Oh, also the Console always assumes US / Qwety layout; so if your Keyboard uses something else it would be much less frustrating to search beforehand where stuff like y/z, "_", and the brackets are positioned on that layout.
Title: Re: Slight shuttle launching problem
Post by: tiqhud on September 27, 2013, 08:59:10 AM
Title: Re: Slight shuttle launching problem
Post by: King Class Scout on September 27, 2013, 11:29:05 AM
well, this WAS developed over a decade ago, and the shuttles were designed to be visible over being launchable.

we MAY have to just shrink the shuttle radius (radii?) to like 0.1 to make them universally launchable.
Title: Re: Slight shuttle launching problem
Post by: tiqhud on September 27, 2013, 02:27:58 PM
or, Make shuttle bay property, radius bigger, with many damage points make stronger :D