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Recreational Forums => Trek Discussion => Games => Topic started by: Tuskin38 on October 27, 2013, 11:06:42 AM

Title: Star Trek: Armada 3 Mod Stealing models?
Post by: Tuskin38 on October 27, 2013, 11:06:42 AM
I friend linked me to this Sins of a Solar Empire Mod yesterday... And I think some of their models are Stolen.

Their Scimitar I'm pretty sure was ripped from STO. I've been flying it since July, I know that model and texture.

my friend says the Borg Tac Cube looks like its from Legacy, or possibly a legacy mod

I think their D'Deridex is stolen as well, not sure from where, but the model and texture looks very familiar.
Title: Re: Star Trek: Armada 3 Mod Stealing models?
Post by: Killallewoks on October 27, 2013, 11:12:21 AM
Kori as a member of the dev team we are NOT stealing models from anyone. The model creator Maxloef also created the Aftermath mod for Bridge Commander and he's ported a lot of models from that into sins.
Title: Re: Star Trek: Armada 3 Mod Stealing models?
Post by: Tuskin38 on October 27, 2013, 11:40:48 AM
Since you're a team member I must believe you and admit defeat to this. I apologize to the dev team.

Well, if I'm wrong, then who ever made your Scimitar Model/Texture must have used the same references as STO, because the textures are nearly 1:1 with each other. Place meant of all the little details, the little squares and rectangles details, are exact.

Credit to both texture artists I guess. The detail common to both models are not on the Scimitar in Nemesis.

Is it possible your texture artist used the STO model as a basis for his texture? Not ripping it but inspired by? I just can't get over the similarities.
Title: Re: Star Trek: Armada 3 Mod Stealing models?
Post by: Killallewoks on October 27, 2013, 12:11:48 PM
Since you're a team member I must believe you and admit defeat to this. I apologize to the dev team.

Well, if I'm wrong, then who ever made your Scimitar Model/Texture must have used the same references as STO, because the textures are nearly 1:1 with each other. Place meant of all the little details, the little squares and rectangles details, are exact.

Credit to both texture artists I guess.

Is it possible your texture artist used the STO model as a basis for his texture? Not ripping it but inspired by? I just can't get over the similarities.

The STO model was a base as it was the most comprehensive material we could find, there's not much on the Schimitar for reference and getting a clear screen-cap from Nemesis is nigh on impossible. Max is a little obsessive, (were not slave drived promise  :funny) and it shows.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Armada 3 Mod Stealing models?
Post by: Tuskin38 on October 27, 2013, 12:14:21 PM
That would make sense, ok.

Yeah I have Nemesis on Blu-Ray, that isn't any better haha. It looks like they just upscaled the SFX from the DVD Release.

He did get something right that STO got wrong, the colour of the 'grills'(?) on the Warp Nacelles.
They're green in STO for some reason.

Again I apologize.