Author Topic: Kobayashi Maru 1.0 - Opinions, Comments  (Read 4597 times)

Offline JimmyB76

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Re: Kobayashi Maru 1.0 - Opinions, Comments
« Reply #40 on: July 30, 2007, 11:32:48 AM »
i for one think KM1 is probably the top 5 best things that has ever happened for BC (NanoFX, DS9FX, and BP Core are also in the top 5) - having been on the scene for like 5 years, i have seen the release of almost every mod made for BC, and this has to be IMO the most massive and complex thing ever done...  i truly applaud and am so very much thankful for Defiant and the KM Team for all their hard work, time spent, and incredible effort they have put into this mod for all of us to enjoy (free of charge), and for keeping BC alive...

i was aggravated by all the people crying about how long it was taking and how many people pleaded for some sort of beta or early release or complaining about how they had to wait...

but now, i am just astonished and frankly appalled by how much negative and utter rude feedback alot of whiny kids are spitting out...

this is a copy of the post i made in KM1's comment section regarding the incredible amounts of negativity from alot of people towards this mod (i have posted a comment at bcfiles in about 2 months, until today)...

it really saddens me to hear just how harsh and critical and downright rude some people are being about KM1... it's like there is no acknowledgment, appreciation, or gratification whatsoever from them, for all the people who put so much of their time and effort and work into this... and for what? to hear some people (who do nothing but sit on their behinds, throw tantrums, nitpick, and act like spoiled rotten children) slam and trash the work... this doesnt apply to any one person/people, moreso a description of the attitude i am seeing from some... it's like nothing is ever good enough, to hell with all the massive improvements from 0.9.1 to 1.0; some people still just nitpick and crap on it because they demand to be serviced like a king! first they were crying and complaining about how long it was taking, and now theyre crying and complaining about some few slight things with the mod... why are people like that?? even on KM's own forums there are alot of people with this attitude like "this sucks! and im not satisfied!" there is a huge difference between supportive and constructive criticism, and just trashing and slamming... i havent seen any positivity behind the nitpicks people have relentlessly doled out...

at least there are some respectful and appreciative comments out there, tho... some people at least are thankful and glad with what they have and recognize how much better it is than before they have it and can ignore petty and slight things... but i am surprised just how many of the opposite kinds of comments there are...

this has been happening for a long time now... i remember some years back when this was a respectful and supportive community, but it sure has gone downward the last several months... what has happened?? modders just cannot win anymore... and they're leaving the community one by one because of this... but who can blame them? it really does sadden me, all the negativity from some people because i can absolutely guarantee - those are the types of people that will kill this whole community... keep up the sour attitude guys, and you'll kill it all for all of us... it will be the death of everything for BC...


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Re: Kobayashi Maru 1.0 - Opinions, Comments
« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2007, 12:15:02 PM »
 I hope my first post in this topic was viewed as constructive criticism.
 What annoys me and everyone are the people who for instance get a file or mod or Potd or whatever that has a rating and then without saying a word in comment. Stick a 1 in there. I cannot stand that, I mean at the very least if you truly truly dont like something you should at least back it up in a civilised way in the comment section. Or just dont do anything to spil the opinion of everyone else who might enjoy it.
 The people who are slowly killing the community for modders by whining and moaning and demanding perfection should try and see how hard it is them selves and then say the same thing. ( I for one cant get a registry done lol so I really cannot imagine the work involved in changing things to the extend the KM team does )
 They cannot be allowed to kill such a fine community thats my view anyway.


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Re: Kobayashi Maru 1.0 - Opinions, Comments
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2007, 01:56:24 PM »
I hope these ungreatful n00bs havent frightened you off completely from BC modding. I know i have made some posts of issues like the NanoFX not working properly... but all in all i really enjoy KM 1.0, and it is very pleasing for me that my Quantum Torpedo has been done justice in terms of firepower and matched ship balancing.  8)

Offline Bones

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Re: Kobayashi Maru 1.0 - Opinions, Comments
« Reply #43 on: August 01, 2007, 05:46:52 AM »
i for one think KM1 is probably the top 5 best things that has ever happened for BC (NanoFX, DS9FX, and BP Core are also in the top 5)

If not the top mod cuz it contains all the best mods ever made and all these mods are playable in multiplayer which is the best best best thing ever made !

Oh and I almost forgot is that galaxy in KM1.0 is C2 galaxy retextured to look like scotchy galaxy ?

Offline Voyager16

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Re: Kobayashi Maru 1.0 - Opinions, Comments
« Reply #44 on: August 01, 2007, 06:33:01 AM »
It is the C2 Galaxy,  with the textures from the SNS ;)

Offline Mustang

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Re: Kobayashi Maru 1.0 - Opinions, Comments
« Reply #45 on: August 01, 2007, 10:01:45 AM »
i was aggravated by all the people crying about how long it was taking and how many people pleaded for some sort of beta or early release or complaining about how they had to wait...

but now, i am just astonished and frankly appalled by how much negative and utter rude feedback alot of whiny kids are spitting out...

this is a copy of the post i made in KM1's comment section regarding the incredible amounts of negativity from alot of people towards this mod (i have posted a comment at bcfiles in about 2 months, until today)...

it really saddens me to hear just how harsh and critical and downright rude some people are being about KM1... it's like there is no acknowledgment, appreciation, or gratification whatsoever from them, for all the people who put so much of their time and effort and work into this... and for what? to hear some people (who do nothing but sit on their behinds, throw tantrums, nitpick, and act like spoiled rotten children) slam and trash the work... this doesnt apply to any one person/people, moreso a description of the attitude i am seeing from some... it's like nothing is ever good enough, to hell with all the massive improvements from 0.9.1 to 1.0; some people still just nitpick and crap on it because they demand to be serviced like a king! first they were crying and complaining about how long it was taking, and now theyre crying and complaining about some few slight things with the mod... why are people like that?? even on KM's own forums there are alot of people with this attitude like "this sucks! and im not satisfied!" there is a huge difference between supportive and constructive criticism, and just trashing and slamming... i havent seen any positivity behind the nitpicks people have relentlessly doled out...

at least there are some respectful and appreciative comments out there, tho... some people at least are thankful and glad with what they have and recognize how much better it is than before they have it and can ignore petty and slight things... but i am surprised just how many of the opposite kinds of comments there are...

this has been happening for a long time now... i remember some years back when this was a respectful and supportive community, but it sure has gone downward the last several months... what has happened?? modders just cannot win anymore... and they're leaving the community one by one because of this... but who can blame them? it really does sadden me, all the negativity from some people because i can absolutely guarantee - those are the types of people that will kill this whole community... keep up the sour attitude guys, and you'll kill it all for all of us... it will be the death of everything for BC...

Agreed 100%. I mean, in my opinion: yes, KM 1.0 *might* have a couple of things that could be better; and that's a huge *might*. That doesn't give *anyone* the right to bash it as harshly as they've been...

People need to learn that everything isn't always going to be perfect; believe me, it won't be. Who has the right to bash over a year of work just because "oh, the stars suck" or "oh, I don't like the nebulas". A lot of work went into KM 1.0, over the stars, nebulas, ships, just to name a few. You don't like the stars? Cope. I'm sure there's a way to change them. Don't like the nebulas? Tough. I'm sure there's a way to change them, although I can't *possibly* see how anyone could dislike the ownage nebulas that came with the mod.

That's just my opinion, anyways...


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Re: Kobayashi Maru 1.0 - Opinions, Comments
« Reply #46 on: August 01, 2007, 10:24:14 AM »
 The nebula's own man!

Offline Voyager16

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Re: Kobayashi Maru 1.0 - Opinions, Comments
« Reply #47 on: August 01, 2007, 12:26:12 PM »
my opinion.  there are 'some' people. who consider KM as their lives.   have no problem with that. b?t: for over the half year, we heard: OMG Month delay :'(   and again, and again, and...well I made my point.

Point is, We didn't want to release *testers* but it did.  I admit, there are bugs, things which are not complete.  b?t we did work on this for a long time.  and than when it's released. you see that the guys who cried about delay, are now crying cause they dont like it.  sorry to say it like this.  but thats how I think about it ;)


Offline moed

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Re: Kobayashi Maru 1.0 - Opinions, Comments
« Reply #48 on: August 01, 2007, 06:07:15 PM »
Just my 2 cents... there is no measure to how thankful and greatful I am to not only all the creators of KM 1.0 but to every single mod ever created for BC, and finally, to the BC community as a whole.

BC is over 5 years old and because of all the mods and especially the people who created them, it is IMHO the best by far Star Trek game ever.

I hope that Mark will return, he has been/is one of the best modders out there and his contributions have been invaluable.


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Re: Kobayashi Maru 1.0 - Opinions, Comments
« Reply #49 on: August 02, 2007, 01:04:04 AM »
it really saddens me to hear just how harsh and critical and downright rude some people are being

it's like there is no acknowledgment, appreciation, or gratification whatsoever from them, for all the people who put so much of their time and effort and work into this... and for what? to hear some people (who do nothing but sit on their behinds, throw tantrums, nitpick, and act like spoiled rotten children) slam and trash the work...

Couldn't agree more.