Author Topic: Crew Sound functions  (Read 636 times)

Offline AdmiralKathryn

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  • Starfleet Captain
Crew Sound functions
« on: August 06, 2007, 11:16:01 AM »

 Can anyone tell me which .py files give the commands to the crew as to which sound file should be played when a certain button is pressed? for example when you press the scan area button in the science menu, where in the scripts does it tell the game to play the voice effect of miguel? I looked in the character .py files in the Characters directory but couldn't seem to find them. I started scripting a while ago and got back into it again and I had an idea for a mod that I don't think has been done. I'd like to essentially give the captain (you) a voice. I was planning on scripting it so that:

Example one: When you currently select a character, they say "Yes sir" or something to that effect. What I wanted to do was create a new entry to have (in my case janeway sound effects) say "Helm" or whatever station it was, then for the character to say the "Yes sir" part.


Example two: when you go into a menu (example helm) and press the docking button, you would have your captains voice say, "Initiate Docking procedures", then have the default sound play, something like "Docking procedures engaged."

Plus if it was possible, have sound effects tied to actual commands such as when you press 9 for full impulse, your sound effect would play with the captain saying something like "Full impulse" (similar to legacy).

I would like to include this function for all commands and buttons to give it an extra sense of actually being on the bridge.

I hope this is the correct place to post and would like any comments or help.

Thanks for listening ;)