Author Topic: BSOD - Invalid Syntax error - line 42 wFX_MaxRandomDistance  (Read 890 times)

Offline rtdsbg

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I recently changed some graphic settings  and when i exited the game and tried to reload it I got the bsod. Any help is appreciated.

Offline KrrKs

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Looks like the config file did not update correctly.
Go to your BC Directory scripts\Custom\NanoFXv2 and open the in Notepad or Notepad++
Pretty much at the bottom there is
wFX_MaxRandomDistance =
, Type a Number after that and save. (In my Setting it is 30)
Oh, and delete the NanoFX_Config.pyc. That should fix it.

Offline rtdsbg

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Thanks for the help, it worked perfectly! Sorry I took so long to reply.