Author Topic: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers  (Read 56008 times)

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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #660 on: December 01, 2010, 10:49:53 AM »
Agreed. Guess we'll see how the ratings fare in the US after a 3-6 month hiatus. Really pisses me off when they have super long breaks between "mid seasons". Surely, it would be enough to break for Christmas, and return sometime in January? (like most shows do)

indeed.. I believe the CEO wants to kill off all Scifi on the channel so he can rename it again to something more to his liking >.>
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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #661 on: December 01, 2010, 11:54:02 AM »
Something like the WWE....seems that's the only thing they want on SyFy right now is fricken "wraslin'" :(
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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #662 on: December 02, 2010, 05:42:47 AM »
Something like the WWE....seems that's the only thing they want on SyFy right now is fricken "wraslin'" :(

I know I can't stand that! Now If they added the effects to the wrestlers moves like they show in the commercials I might watch it LOL.

I personally am also not a fan of these mid season finales, by the time it comes around for the shows to come back on you almost completely forgot what happened and have to catch yourself up.

Something tells me though that that seed ship is either going to be destroyed or become a new toy for the Destiny, almost like in Power Rangers where they start to find/discover all the other zords. First they got their fresh off the factory line shuttle, and now they are getting the seed ship...again. That ship is just going to get bigger and bigger until it's big enough or fast enough to get them back to earth, and continue/finish Destiny's original mission on the way.
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Offline Psyco Diver

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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #663 on: December 02, 2010, 04:06:57 PM »
I think cloe is going to stop the aliens somehow honestly, the fight was going pretty badly

Offline Billz

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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #664 on: December 16, 2010, 06:13:20 PM »

 :banghead: :bitch:  :lostit:  :( :( :(

Goodbye stargate franchise. You have been a great companion since 1994.  :cry:
Can't wait for 2014 to start.

Offline Psyco Diver

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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #665 on: December 16, 2010, 09:30:25 PM »
that sucks, I can see why because it is a very different show from the other 2 stargate shows, I read alot of star gate fans didn't like the show much. I hope another network will pick them up, maybe AMC or somthing like that. Personally I was hoping for a third season is for them to feature maybe the crew of a daedelus class ship exploring and stuff like that, but with the same mood SG1 and SGA had

Offline Darkthunder

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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #666 on: December 16, 2010, 09:58:41 PM »
that sucks, I can see why because it is a very different show from the other 2 stargate shows, I read alot of star gate fans didn't like the show much. I hope another network will pick them up, maybe AMC or somthing like that. Personally I was hoping for a third season is for them to feature maybe the crew of a daedelus class ship exploring and stuff like that, but with the same mood SG1 and SGA had

One major problem, is that one of the showrunners to SGU stated that SGU was a "Drama-centric" show, and not as much of a "SciFi-centric" show. I think comments like this is what drove alot of the previous Stargate fans away. Throughout Season 1, SGU was pretty much nothing but internal bickering and drama. The first half of Season 2 was admittedly alot better, with some actual gate activity and mythology thrown into the mix. But seeing as most people who get into a show, judge it by how it began, the damage was sort of done already. Add to that, putting the show on Tuesday nights, the busiest night of the week, and going up against power-shows like NCIS:LA did nothing to improve it's already shoddy ratings. Sanctuary which still airs on Fridays, is still doing good in the ratings area.
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Offline Psyco Diver

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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #667 on: December 17, 2010, 12:00:48 AM »
true, but most spin off shows seem to always suffer during their first season to find their place, TNG, DS9, and heck Fraiser (HA wasn't expecting that reference) come to mind but went on to be great shows once they made their own personality. I like the second season also so far, but I think these mid season finales are not helping at all, I can see the show starting to develop too, thats why I hope another network picks them up, I think this can be a great show as long as it doesn't fall into the Voyager or Lost pitfalls. Its a different creature than SG1 and SGA, SGA felt more of the same but was still a fun show that I still enjoyed

Offline Tuskin38

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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #668 on: December 17, 2010, 12:46:29 PM »
I'm still blaming Tuesday nights.

Offline Lionus

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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #669 on: December 17, 2010, 03:59:00 PM »
Meh. This new show-like thing never caught my interest. Good riddance I say. Now, if they would continue Atlantis instead.. LIKE THEY SHOULD'VE DONE IN THE FIRST PLACE! :bitch:
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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #670 on: December 20, 2010, 04:38:10 PM »
yeah, it's those damn tuesdays, not only is is competing with both NCIS shows, but also Glee, The Event and a ton of other shows, I'm glad I don't have a nielsons box, because I almost never get to watch it on time, my family always insists on watching glee and the event instead.  It was better on fridays, what the heck is Syfy doing airing wrestling anyway?!?  This just proves that Syfy isn't worth watching anymore.

Who's going to be sending in tissue boxes this time? :bitch:

Offline Bren

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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #671 on: December 23, 2010, 04:56:16 PM »
I just learned about this today. I was really starting to enjoy this show. It was wobbly, but there were really starting to be some lovely science fictional plots in it!

It can't possibly wrap everything it's set up in a hacked-together final?, or in some telemovie... so it's just gonna shudder to a stop.

I think they should blow up the ship. That'd at least be an end for the story. An unsatifactory end, but an end.

The real thing that pisses me off is that with Caprica gone, and Misfits and Doctor Who off the air til the new seasons begin, I've got nothing to watch! Worse still, barring Star Wars The Clone Wars (which is more like an espresso shot compared to the full-course dinner of a 45-minute show like BSG or SGU) there is NO space opera on the air.

And if Blood and Chrome tanks, there will be NO space opera on the air for quite some time to come!

We needs the space operas!

If there's some decent space opera I'm not aware of, PLEASE! LET ME KNOW!
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Offline Billz

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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #672 on: December 23, 2010, 07:15:57 PM »
I just learned about this today. I was really starting to enjoy this show. It was wobbly, but there were really starting to be some lovely science fictional plots in it!

It can't possibly wrap everything it's set up in a hacked-together final?, or in some telemovie... so it's just gonna shudder to a stop.

I think they should blow up the ship. That'd at least be an end for the story. An unsatifactory end, but an end.

The real thing that pisses me off is that with Caprica gone, and Misfits and Doctor Who off the air til the new seasons begin, I've got nothing to watch! Worse still, barring Star Wars The Clone Wars (which is more like an espresso shot compared to the full-course dinner of a 45-minute show like BSG or SGU) there is NO space opera on the air.

And if Blood and Chrome tanks, there will be NO space opera on the air for quite some time to come!

We needs the space operas!

If there's some decent space opera I'm not aware of, PLEASE! LET ME KNOW!

There's this little franchise that started in the 60's. You may have heard of it. It's called Star Trek. Apparently, it's popular but don't quote me on that.

(J/K  :funny  :D )

In all seriousness though, the CEO at SyFy is trying to kill off the sci-fi genre. That much is clear. I'm going to miss the stargate franchise. It has been a great companion since 1994.

Like you said though, apart from the Doctor Who christmas episode airing tomorrow (tecnically, it's now the 24th where I am, so I'm right, lol), the start of season 3 of Misfits (I knew I wasn't the only fan  :dance ), and with Chuck (it's a spy comedy, with nerds) on it's midseason break until sometime next year, there isn't much sci-fi going on at the moment.
Can't wait for 2014 to start.

Offline Bren

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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #673 on: December 25, 2010, 06:28:02 PM »
Yeah, Misfits is great. Though I worry that it's teetering on the precipice (of nonsensical crap) that Heroes gleefully dove headlong into in it's season one finale, and hasn't been heard from since.

Just clocked the Doctor Who Chrimbo Special, it was alright.

And Trek Star? WTF is that? *stands up from chair and tugs bottom of tunic down*

But yeah... space opera that I haven't seen that isn't Babylon 5 is what I'm looking for.

And more topically, damn, I really liked this CMBR pattern plot they have just set up. Wish we could have seen that blossom. Here's hoping another network picks it up, but that hardly ever happens. The only show I remember that happening for was... oh! Stargate SG-1...
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Offline Lionus

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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #674 on: January 05, 2011, 11:27:41 AM »

But yeah... space opera that I haven't seen that isn't Babylon 5 is what I'm looking for.

problem solved.  ;) *runs*
Star Trek Quad-nacelle fanboy Extraordinaire

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But tell him
While he wanders his starry sea
Remember, remember me."

Offline Bren

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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #675 on: January 10, 2011, 09:42:38 AM »
Not sure I get the joke, really - sorry!

I liked Revenge Of The Sith. It was perhaps the most palatable of the new trilogy, hovering around the same level as Attack of The Clones. I appreciate Star Wars, but I'm not a huge fan. I certainly don't evangelise the original trilogy at the expense of the new, but I do think the original was better. For a kids show, as I said, the clone wars is surprisingly good. I get the feeling they're tweaking their demographic up beyond teenager into the 18-24 bracket in the latest season. Lots of meaty political plots, very little moralising.

Anyway, as regards Stargate, I hope we get at least one more movie before the franchise is laid to rest in a shallow grave beside the dumpsters on SyFy's backlot.
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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #676 on: March 09, 2011, 10:06:09 AM »
New episode was great, glad it's back finally. Annoyed at Chloe's magical recovery thanks to the blue's, but overall I liked it. The small touch where they're working on the probe and Brody backs up twice as far as the others had me giggling. Just wondering what the calculations Chloe wrote were for, as Rushs expression seemed suss.

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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #677 on: March 09, 2011, 12:21:01 PM »
Sadly, even if the remaining 9 episodes are as good as this weeks episode was, i'm assuming there is no turning back from cancellation at this point. Several of the actors have already been signed onto new acting jobs.
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Offline Psyco Diver

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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #678 on: March 09, 2011, 06:20:14 PM »
It was a good episode for sure I think, I just don't see how their going to wrap things up in 9 episodes though

Offline Darkthunder

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RE: StarGate + Series Topic Discussion - May Contain Spoilers
« Reply #679 on: March 09, 2011, 06:42:42 PM »
It was a good episode for sure I think, I just don't see how their going to wrap things up in 9 episodes though

That's the thing... The filming had already concluded on Episode 20 (final episode), before the announcement of cancellation. So the show will literally end on a cliffhanger, if it's absolutely impossible to renew it. With actors being moved over to other acting jobs, I doubt we'll see a continuation, much less likely any SGU movies.
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