Author Topic: Favorites/Best Of's (Series Eps, Cpt, Characters, Ships, Villians, Film, Etc.)  (Read 2220 times)

Offline JimmyB76

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ok before there are too many "best of's" or "favorites" or whatever threads, it is best to have just one for all groups...

the other threads have been deleted; in the "Best Episodes" original thread, all sorts of other categories started being added and it was getting sidetracked already...

so we'll start over and have everything be in one thread...  
please feel free to repost anything that you may have posted in other threads...

edit - i apologize for having to make anyone retype what theyve already typed, i meant to archive the other threads for safe keeping to PM anyone back what they posted, but i accidentally removed them instead of archiving them, so i apologize for that...  please dont get all angry at me for my error, either repost or dont...  simple as that...

anyway -
in this thread, post your favorites/best of for:
Episodes for each Series (not all series need be listed), your favorite captain, your favorite secondary character(s), your favorite ship, your favorite villain, and so forth with a brief explanation as to why that's your top choice(s) if youd like...  and you dont need to put in a response to each and every category of course...

please keep this thread ontopic, do not spam it - this is not going to be a debate thread or anything like that...  perhaps only one post per person is needed...  any posts that do not fall into this criteria will be deleted...

i'll begin...

TOS - (not much a fan of it, so i have nothing)
TAS - (never saw it)
TNG - "Yesterday's Enterprise" (i liked seeing the show in more of a militant, series style), "Disaster" (glad to see Deanna have a commanding role), "Best Of Both Worlds" (generic reply i know lol)
DS9 - anything involving eps from the Dominion War and on
Voy - "Year Of Hell" (nice seeing them on the losing end for once, getting their asses kicked, lots of damage, and a strung-out crew)
Ent - not too much a fan of that series, nothing to add here lol

Captain - toss up between Picard and Sisko, tho Janeway had her fine moments here and there...

First Officer - Riker

Secondary Character - Jadzia Dax all the way...

Reoccuring Character - not sure...  maybe Nog, strangely enough...  his charcater started getting really decent towards the end of DS9 IMO

Villian - Gul Dukat

Ship - USS Rhode Island (of course! lol) or the Nova class, i just like the look of those ships for some reason...

Film - tough one...  ST6 prolly, followed by Nemesis (good battle scene) - definitely not the new Trek theyre selling tho lol

Offline Bones

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Ok so here's my favs
Eps :
TOS - The Doomsday Machine (cool use of Constitution class and Doomsday Machine :D )
TAS - Never saw it :(
TNG - Cause and Effect ( I always liked this kind of Time loop mysteries ), Best of Both Worlds (obviously), Redemption (nice to see Worf on crossroads of choosing SFC or Klingons)
DS9 - Favor the Bold, A time to stand, Sacrifice of Angels and the Way of the Warrior (great, epic battles and like most DW episodes, good plot)
VOY - Timeless, Scorpion, End Game, Year of Hell and Workforce (each of these had great plot (especially Workforce) and of course cool GFX)
ENT - Twilight, Azati Prime, The Council, Countdown (it's good to see NX getting nice beating, first Enterprise episodes which are really awesome)

Captain - James T. Kirk (Prime universe)

First Officer - Spock (prime universe)

Secondary character - (obviously :P) Bones McCoy (both JJ and prime universe)

Reoccuring character - EMH, Quark although not sure if they fit in but Nog was funny too ;) especially after 5th season

Villain - Khan

Ship - Constitution Refit (classic beauty)

Film - 'The Wrath of Khan'; 'Generations' mostly for plot and TMP->TNG transition + cool battle scene and saucer landing ;)

Offline Darkthunder

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TOS - City on the Edge of Forever
TAS - Not seen
TNG - Best of Both Worlds, Relics and The Inner Light
DS9 - Pretty much the entire Dominion War (season 5-7), and the episode The Visitor
VOY - Future's End, Endgame, Year of Hell and Scorpion
ENT - First Flight, Silent Enemy, Xindi Arc (season 3), and In a Mirror Darkly

Captain - Benjamin Sisko

First Officer - William T Riker

Secondary character - Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (Prime universe), EMH

Reoccuring character - Garak (who can be more devious and mysterious?)

Villain - The Borg (pre-Voyager nerfing) :P

Ship - Excelsior / Galaxy Classes

Film - The Voyage Home, The Undiscovered Country and First Contact

As you can probably guess from alot of my answers, I enjoy time travel episodes / movies. :P
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Offline majormagna

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TOS - The Doomsday Machine
TAS - (never saw it)
TNG - All Good Things
DS9 - The Wire (A good insight into Garak)
Voy - Year of Hell
Ent - Unexpected (First holodeck and Trip gets pregnant; what more do you want?)

Captain - Picard

First Officer - Spock

Secondary Character - Rom

Reoccuring Character - Q

Villian - Sela

Ship - USS Stargazer

Film - The Wrath of KHAAAN!
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Offline candle_86

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TOS - The Magrie
TAS - The Counter Clock Incident
TNG - Yesterdays Enterprise
DS9 - Way of the Warrior
Voy - Equinox
Ent - In a Mirror Darkly

Captain - Kirk

First Officer - Trip

Secondary Character - Data

Reoccuring Character - Q

Villian - Q

Ship - Daedalus Class

Film - Star Trek III

Offline Morgan

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Well here is my two cents:

Favorite episodes/series:
It's hard for me to get into this series, just because of how old and dated it can be (cut me a break I'm only 20). Of course it still has great episodes (Mirror Mirror, Trouble With Tribbles), and it'll always have the respect of being the one that started it all.

My all time favorite series, I especially love Q Who, Yesterdays Enterprise, The Best of Both Worlds, Parallels, and All Good Things. There are so much more but I don't wanna go on.

Really good series, and it seems like it one that had the least amount of screw ups continuity wise, so kudos to the writers. Loved Improbable Cause, The Die is Cast, Trials and Tribble-ations, In the Pale Moonlight, and Tears of the Prophets.

My second favorite after TNG. Yeah the show had a lot of issues heading towards the end (when Braga became showrunner...) but I was always a big fan of the Borg and well...Voyager was thrown into their backyard. Favorite episodes are Scorpion, Scientific Method, Year of Hell, and Message In a Bottle.

I hated this show until the fourth season. I try not to nitpick on continuity, but they really screwed that up bad on this show for the first 3 years. But even with that aside, the show just wasn't that interesting until season 4. At that point B&B took a backseat and Manny Coto started running things, and the show really took off. Favorites are the Augments trilogy, the Vulcan arc, the Romulan trilogy, Affliction, Divergence, and In a Mirror Darkly.

I haven't seen one episode of this show, but from what I've heard it wasn't really that great, and to be honest I don't know if I could take a Star Trek cartoon seriously, so I'm not really that anxious to see it, but not unwilling.

Wrath of Kahn, First Contact, and Star Trek. I don't think I have to explain those three.


Worf, Riker, The Doctor, Jadzia Dax, Seven of Nine, Tuvok

I'm tied between the Intrepid- and Sovereign-classes, both are beautiful designs

Dukat, the Borg Queen (when played by Alice Kridge), Kahn

Offline FarShot

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So I got First Contact on Blu-ray, and I must say

Now I remember why it is my favorite Trek movie. :D

inappropriate image removed - be careful what youre posting in the future, this is an all ages forum...  - jb76

Offline Lionus

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TOS - It had it's moments.. bar fights,
TAS - (never saw it)
TNG - "The Battle" "Peak Performance" Constellation class, nuff said.
DS9 - banter and chemistry between Odo, Quark, Bashir, Garak and O'Brien.. any episode with that.
Voy - Janeway going Ripley or blowing up the Voyager in alternate reality..
Ent - never saw it, but I think I couldn't watch it without thinking of Quantum Leap..  :funny

Captain - Janeway ( temperament, bends the rules when it suits her), Picard ( Mr Regulation of 24th century, inventor of Picard manouver 1 and 2, not to mention honorary member of Starfleets paint trader association), JJ-Kirk ( mostly because he gets his ass kicked around the quadrant yet he returns like a yoyo to have some more)

First Officer - Riker.. no contest.

Secondary Character - Probably someone from DS9. they had great chemistry.

Reoccuring Character - Q!

Villian - Lore

Ship - U.S.S. Stargazer and U.S.S. Hathaway. Anyone guess why?  :D

Film - hard to choose.. TMP was pretty boring, but some of the rest had their moments. For example, data going "ohh SHIT..!"
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"Beyond the rim of the star-light
My love
Is wand'ring in star-flight
I know
He'll find in star-clustered reaches
Strange love a star woman teaches.
I know
His journey ends never
His star trek
Will go on forever.
But tell him
While he wanders his starry sea
Remember, remember me."

Offline Barihawk

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TOS - For the World Was Hollow and I have Touched the Sky and Miri
TAS - (never saw it)
TNG - Tapestries, Peak Performance
DS9 - Nearly everything before Julian was exposed for being an Augment. After that I hated him, and the show got cheesy.
Voy - While it was horribly wrong on consistency and canon, I liked the Excelsior episode.
Ent - Broken Bow and the Romulan arch

Captain - DeSoto, followed by Jellico.

First Officer - Riker

Secondary Character - Jadzia was fun, although she seemed constipated in season one. I actually liked Neelix.

Reoccuring Character - Garak, 100%

Villian - Weyoun

Ship - The Hood. Looked beautiful in TNG and kicked epic ass in DS9, especially in Tears of the Prophets when it joined the tiny little task force to destroy the turret generators.

Film - ST2-3-4 arc.

Offline Lurok91

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TOS - been watching remastereds and amazed how many still work (and how many just bad!).  Love Enterprise Incident (Rom Cmdr)
TAS - never seen it
TNG - seen a few but never got it - don't like costumes, bad makeup and fx and touchy-feelyness...
DS9 - seen premiere and final eps and 'Trials&Tribs'; better effects (awesome fleet battles) but takes itself  way too seriously (blame Ron Moore)
VOY - my fave; love it all esp Year of Hell, Scorpion... to me this is the series that is closest in spirit to TOS and Trek, with best characters and stories
ENT - haven't seen apart from the 'mirror' eps, which were fun although a direct riff to TOS

Captain - tie Kirk and Janeway (though think all strong believable caps, apart from archer)

XO - Spock, Chakotay

Secondary character - Like Neelix too; Tuvok is almost as good as Spock; and the Doctor (though i think these all primary characters in ensemble cast).  Best secondary is Nurse Chapel, who I think should have had more to do...

Recurring character - Q (if you include Squire of Gothos as inspiration)....four series is awesome!

Villain - i don't consider khan/borg queen as villains as understand actions; has to be Doomsday Machine (that is scary!)

Ship - so many, but have to say Miranda

Film - TWOK.  Don't think TMP and TFF as bad as canon suggests , and better Trek-spirit films than III (padding) and IV (comedy and whales, urgh!).  Also like Nemesis battle sequences...

Offline Villain

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TOS - Enterprise Incident
TAS - The Practical Joker (Kirk is a Jerk - Best burn on Shatner ever)
TNG - Q-Pid, maybe... Anything with Q, really... Eat any good books lately?
DS9 - Trials and Tribble-ations was brilliantly done, probably that. Or any of the more war-oriented episodes. Really liked seeing the Federation in a new, darker light.
VOY - Year of Hell, Scorpion, Or anything prominently featuring Kes.  :facepalm:
ENT - In a Mirror Darkly, hands down.

Admiral - Q

Captain - Picard or Archer.

XO - Good ol' Will Riker.

Secondary character - Unsure

Recurring character - Garak

Villain - Gul Dukat, no question. He's possibly my favourite character spanning the series. Up until DS9 got too religious with the pah'wraith and he had the bajoran look going.

Ship - B'rel probably, or the Excel refit.

Film - Generations or FC (Khan after those, then STXI.)

"The design is clearly ancient... Launched hundreds of thousands of years ago."

Quote from: JimmyB76
der-ner-ner-ner-ner ..... der-ner-ner-ner-ner .....
Quote from: Rick Sternbach, on the topic of the Galor Class' length
...Probably not, but the number I get(379.6m) could be considered ?original intent,? a term that I think I will be using from now on, and ?canon? be damned.

Offline NatsuKagura

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TOS - (never saw it)
TMP - StarTrek II,VII.
TNG - most of the episode especially : "best of both world"; "Defector"; "Q who"
DS9 - anything involving a starship battle, such "sacrifice of the angel", "tears of the prophets".
Voy - hmmm... somehow it hard for me to get into it.... but the one I like is the Prometeus episode. Forgot about the title.
Ent - (never saw it)

Captain - Kirk (2009) ; Keogh (the Odyssey) ; Piccard (Nemesis)

First Officer - Riker ; Spock (2009)

Secondary Character - Jadzia Dax ; Data

Reoccuring Character - Garak

Villian - Gul Dukat

Ship - All of Galaxy class (1st) ; Akira Class (2nd) ; Nebula Clas (3rd) ; Sovy Class (4th) ; Excelsior (5th)

Film - StarTrek Nemesis, the best startrek film that showing a real starship battle; STNG, my fave trek film, the first time I saw the Galaxy class; STDeep space nine, like the battle, but a bit dissappointed since there's no shield effect & the main character's ship is illogically strong, it's never make sense for me; Startrek VII, a unique battle.
Squad 17 Gotei 14! U.S.S.NatsuKagura , Reporting for duty SSSIIIIIRRRR...........!!!!

Offline ggsimmonds

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Episodes:  Pretty much any Romulan heavy episode

Captain: Picard
First officer: Riker
Secondary officer: Jadzia Dax
Recurring character: Garak
Villian : Probably Dukat.
Ship: nonfederation -- Romulan Warbird
        federation -- Galaxy class and the Sovy
Film: First Contact
Nemesis was a huge disappointment for a lot of people, but for me mostly because when I heard Romulans I was giddy. Only to find out that in the film they are portrayed as incompetent sacrificial lambs.  :bitch:

Offline TheConstable6

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TOS - Hmmmm.....Balance of Terror, The City on the Edge of Forever (of course,) Mirror, Mirror, and Arena are my favorites.
TAS - Didn't see it.
TNG - The Measure of a Man or The Inner Light are my first two, then Tapestry, I, Borg, & The Offspring round it out.
DS9 - I'm a DS9 guy so this is my turf...In the Pale Moonlight, For The Uniform, Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night, Way of the Warrior, The Visitor (super-generic lol) & Far Beyond the Stars fir me.
Voy - Not a Voyager guy but it had its moments. Tuvix, Latent Image, Year of Hall I/II, Workforce I/II, & One Small Ship are my picks. Tuvix is up there with the best Trek can do.
Ent - In a Mirror Darkly just because of T'Pol  :P and the Vulcan arc, and Simultude was a great one.

I'd rank the main series like this -
1) DS9
2) TOS
3) TNG
4=) Enterprise
4=) Voyager

I'd rank the captains like this -
1) Sisko
2) Kirk
3) Picard
4) Archer
-987) Janeway

I'd rank the XOs like this:
1) Spock
2) Nerys
3) Riker
4) T'Pol
5) Chakotay

Top 5 secondary characters -
1) Jadzia
2) Data
3) Worf
4) Malcolm Reed
5) Odo

Top 5 recurring characters -
2) Martok
3) Guinan
4) Admiral Ross
5) Ro Laren

Top 5 villains:
1) Dukat
2) Eddington
3) Borg circa BOBW
4) Weyoun
5) Admiral Leyton

Ship - Bird of Prey, 24th century edition.

Top 5 films -
1) Nemesis
2) Undiscovered Country
3) JJtrek
4) First Contact
5) Wrath of Kahn

(To add some more...)

Race - Klingons, 24th century edition.

Scenes - 2: DS9, In The Pale Moonlight -  When Sisko runs into Garak's shop at the end of In the Pale Moonlight and beats the sh*t out of him, then Garak uncannily dresses him down. Marvelous acting by Avery Brooks & Andrew Robinson.
TNG, The Offspring - when that Admiral guy who tried to take Lal away from Data was telling the senior officers what was going to happen to her and broke down.

Quotes - "Hey, batta, batta!"
"Hey, batta, batta, batta!"
"Death to the opposition."
- Worf

"Paranoid is what they call people who imagine threats against their life. I have threats against my life."
- Garak

"I have always been, and shall always be, your friend."
- Spock

"You will lower your shields and prepare to be bo-"
"Go to hell!"
- Jonathan Archer

"Let's make sure history never forgets the name...Enterprise."
- Jean-Luc Picard

"If I were human, I believe my response would be 'Go to hell.' If I were human."
- Spock

"N-C-C 1-7-0-1. No bloody A, B, C, OR D."
- Montgomery Scott
Though much is taken, much abides; and though
 We are not now that strength which in old days
 Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are;
 One equal temper of heroic hearts,
 Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
 To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

Offline Vedic

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TOS - Never saw it
TAS - Never saw it
TNG - Only seen an handful of Episodes, the Q-Episode's would get my vote.
DS9 - "In The Pale Moonlight" and pretty much every Episode in the Dominion Arc.
Voy - "Message in a Bottle"
Ent - "In a Mirror Darkly"

Captain - The Sisko.

First Officer - Worf

Secondary Character - Bashir

Reoccuring Character - Garak

Villian - Gowron... he counts right?

Ship - Prometheus-Class, I actually hate it as a ship, but just love the design.

Film - Star Trek 11 & Nemesis.

Offline CyAn1d3

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TOS - never saw it
TAS - "
TMP - 2 & 6
TNG - Best of both Worlds
DS9 - didnt see much of it
Voy - damn.... there were too many to name
Ent - uhhh... none

Captain - between Kirk & Janeway

First Officer - Spock or Riker

Secondary Character - Worf or O'Brian

Recurring Character - Q... always love his sarcasm and taking things literal.

Ship - Refit-A

Film - Nemesis & The Undiscovered Country.
I came, i saw, i added a Sig.
Later gents, i have Youtube to take over.
Cy - 1-12-15

Offline captain_obvious

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TOS - Start off with a toughie shall we? Either Balance of terror OR The doomsday machine.  Both epic episodes!
TAS - The counter clock incident.  The only one I remember!
TNG - Parallels.
DS9 - Way of the warrior.  The most memorable episode of the lot PERIOD.
Voy - Year Of Hell.
Ent - Now this one is THE hard one.  The one where archer loses his ability to form memories.. Damned if I can remember it though  :idk:

Captain - A toss up between the new Kirk and Sisko.

First Officer - T'pol.  What?! Why are you looking at me like that?!

Secondary Character - Data. I also liked Reed.  We have a horrifying amount in common  :facepalm:

Reoccuring Character - Garak.  Although Q had something going for him :P

Villian - Khan.  'Nuff said.

Ship - The K'tinga.  A ship I will never ever forget simply due to THAT attack run scene early in TMP giving me nightmares as a kid :/

Film - TWOK. Followed by the latest one.
I miss :bigdance:

Offline B5

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  • Babylon 5: The Last of the Babylon Stations.
TOS - Doomsday Machine... only one I've seen actually
TAS - Seriously?
TNG - Best of three Parallels, Yesterday's Enterprise and Redemption
DS9 - Way of the Warrior, Trials and Tribble-ations and pretty much every episode after A Call to Arms
Voy - Scorpion, Endgame (whats that?), Flashback
Ent - Ina Mirror Darkly, that one with the tardis like ship

Captain - Does all of the major ones count?.

First Officer - Riker, Chakotay and T'Pol (coz you just can't beat smexxiness with her)

Secondary Character - Seven of Nine (for obvious reasons), The Doctor, Geordi LaForge 

Reoccuring Character - Q

Villian - Tuvok... oh sorry. guy he played when Ent-D was being sweeped

Ship - Loads I like: Fed - Excelsior (timeless design, never grows old), Klingon - Negh'Var, Romulan - Norexan Valdore, United Earth - NX-01 Enterprise, Cardassian - Galor (or DJ's Damar ;))

Film - I quite liked Insurrection, but Star Trek XI is the BOMB!
On a pirateship talking piracy with pirates. Arrrr me hearties. There be whirlpools here. And another pirate ships. Full of pirates... from pirateland... and piratebay... Pirates... piiiiiiratessssss.


Offline ShaunKL

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TOS - The Doomsday Machine
TAS - Haven't seen enough of it yet.
TNG - "Q Who?"  I think I'll say for right now.
DS9 - I'm just about to finish the series again, I may change my mind, but for now I'll say "What You Leave Behind".
Voy - "Scorpion"
ENT - The Kir'Shara Arc

Captain - Picard

First Officer - Riker

Secondary Character - Trip

Reoccuring Character - Captain Hernandez for the moment.

Villian - Gul Dukat

Ship - (If I was cheating I'd say the NX.5) The Enterprise-E

Film - TWOK and FC are always kinda tied.

I've grown up with Star Trek, and it's still such a big part of my life that my favorites shift around.
Thanks for letting me know the forum was back up, guys.  I thought everyone died.

Offline Morgan

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Wow, my list has changed so much in the last couple of years.  Back then around the time of my first post in this topic I still hadn't seen much of Deep Space Nine and was only just getting caught up.  Time for an update I guess.

TOS - My views on TOS haven't changed much since my first post.  I'll always respect it for being the one that started it all, but I have a hard time getting into it because of its age.  Favorite episodes:  "Mirror, Mirror," "Trouble With Tribbles."

TAS - I still haven't seen this one.  I keep meaning too but like I said before, I just don't know if I could take a Star Trek cartoon seriously.  Maybe one day I'll check it out...

TNG - Of course I love TNG, it's the series that got me hooked on Star Trek and no matter how many times I see it in reruns I never get sick of it.  Favorite episodes:  "The Arsenal of Freedom," "Yesterdays Enterprise," "Best of Both Worlds" (it's the first Trek episode I ever saw), "All Good Things..."

DS9 - Now that I've caught up on this series I've found it to be my favorite.  Very complex and character driven, and much more consistent than Voyager (and even TNG in some places).  Favorite episodes:  "Past Tense," "The Adversary," "Way of the Warrior," "Broken Link," "Apocalypse Rising," "Call to Arms," "In the Pale Moonight," "Tears of the Prophets," "What You Leave Behind," the list goes on...

VOY - Now that I've been spoiled by DS9 Voyager just doesn't really click for me anymore.  It's become too obvious that the writers were burnt out by around the fifth season, and even when I was a Voyager junkie I wasn't really fond of how the only characters that seemed to get any significant attention were Janeway, Seven of Nine, and the Doctor.  Of course I don't think Voyager is total crap, and I still think there are some good episodes in here.  Favorite episodes:  "Scorpion," "Year of Hell," "Hope and Fear," "Thirty Days."

ENT - I used to be one of those Enterprise bashers back in the day, but now that its been a few years and I've re-watched the fourth season (which did a lot to fix Enterprise's problems in seasons one and two), I'm finding myself kind of pissed that it didn't get its full seven year run.  I honestly believe that if Enterprise had been allowed to continue under the direction of Manny Coto and Mike Sussman, it probably could have reached a similar quality level as DS9.  It's a pity we'll never find out...  Favorite episodes:  The Vulcan arc, the Romulan arc, "In A Mirror, Darkly."

Captain - Picard, Sisko

First Officer - Riker

Secondary Character - Jadzia Dax, Worf

Recurring Character - Garak, Shran

Villain - Gul Dukat, Weyoun

Ship - Sovereign & Intrepid class

Film - Wrath of Khan, First Contact, Star Trek XI