Author Topic: More Uniform designs  (Read 4099 times)

Offline undedavenger

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More Uniform designs
« on: October 23, 2009, 09:09:13 PM »
I'm back to annoy everyone with more designs. I used Fabrica De Herois for these, I'll do the traditional ST: the Magazine layouts when I find the right thing. What do you think?

First is my (of course) blue scheme, 2nd is a next-gen scheme, 3rd is a TOS-style throwback, and last is an alternate/Starfleet intelligence variant.

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Offline Daystar70

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2009, 09:49:30 PM »
I like them. The very bottom black one best. I always hated how Trek hops uniforms personally, it just does not happen in military services, the us army changed uniforms maybe twice in 39 years, not counting the Kevlar helmet from the pot helmet, the navy pretty much has stayed exactly the same since world war 2, and In trek, you have red jacket uniforms lasting  80 years and TNG spandex lasting from about in flashbacks, when picard told beverly jack cruisher was dead,( since we saw jack in red jacket in hologram to wesley in "family", the red jacket to spandex change happened in between) so spandex lasted roughly maybe 16-17 years..and yet..the uniforms AFTER that somehow suggest starfleet went TAILOR crazy lol and had people being fashion freaks. LOL


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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2009, 03:22:11 AM »
Actually I like to think they never actually phased out the late TNG uniform, if you watch carefully, they can actually be seen as late as season 6 of DS9.  I like to think of the FC uniforms and Voyager uniforms as more like the Air Forces ABU or the Navy's working blues, which do change rather frequently.  These uniforms would be worn on less formal occasions, while the TNG uniform would be worn on more formal occasions not formal enough for the dress uniform.  Of course in the modern military,  the prefered uniform is determined by the base commander or ship's captain, which explains why the crew of the Enterprise continued to where the TNG "Garrison uniform" while Voyager and DS9 wore the Jumpsuit.  Later of course the Voyager jumpsuit was replaced by the FC jumpsuit, which because of it's darker colors and thicker fabric, might have been better with the looming war against the dominion.  Maybe the 2350s Jumpsuit was the equivalant of that uniform for the previous era.  We have seen some uniforms go in and out of style in the modern military too, take the Navy's Khaki Dress Uniform for example, that is only just being reintroduced after not being issued since WWII.

I don't know about your uniform designs, Undead, I like the color pattern but they're just too tight, they look like they belong on the "Rescue Heroes" or something like that.  :P Try loosening them up a bit.

Offline Daystar70

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2009, 04:32:53 AM »
The truth was the lack of budget to make fresh uniforms for the "phasing out", by the time of nemesis,  they had gone 100% grey shoulder uniform. The bottom line is, its stupid. Really stupid. Now dont get me wrong, obviously i am a lover of Trek, but its not my favorite sci fi. it goes for me- 1.) Dr who 2) babylon 5 (100 consistency there folks) 3.) the reimagined Galactica 4. Star trek. Part of why star trek is not no 1-3 is the above mentioned shows have more sense and consistency. Hell, aside from the fact it was re-imagined, Galactica NEVER changed uniforms- and on DR who the Time lords have changed their robes maybe once, but not even that really, In "sounds of drums"in a flashback of Gallifrey, they even made some sense of the alternate time lord robes from the "war games" by showing a 8 year old Master in those robes. Do uniforms make or break a show for me? actually- yes. Because Since the 1960's Trek has shown the Federation to be a unrealstic and foolish organisation- the Klingons are more sensible than starfleet- i would not want to live in this silly world they show humans living in- at all. I would love to captain a starship, but not be a citizen. It just feels fake, they focus to much on the starship starfleet life nd make regular people have crappy stupid fashion sense. Yes-this does matter- it effects my :"overall" respect for a series- its not nit picking- babylon 5 had a fully realised and wonderful enviroment to back and support its cool ships and characters- like star wars did (star wars would be No 2 but it isnt sci fi- its sci fantasy so seperate category)Star trek has enough coolness for me to enjoy it, but i enjoy it the way one does say, watching a porno-ok that sounds wierd- but when i watch a porno, i accept that the girls are the focus and to hell with the sets, extras, bad acting, and cheesy music- i accept its par for the course to watch one. That to me has become unfortunetly, up until JJs trek- how i see trek. the enviroment absolutely sucks- but the characters and ships are enough to entertain me. JJ's trek had more detail- felt "real" like there was a life going on around them. That is part of what makes me embrace the JJ verse more than the TOS.

Offline undedavenger

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2009, 11:38:55 PM »
Actually I like to think they never actually phased out the late TNG uniform, if you watch carefully, they can actually be seen as late as season 6 of DS9.  I like to think of the FC uniforms and Voyager uniforms as more like the Air Forces ABU or the Navy's working blues, which do change rather frequently.  These uniforms would be worn on less formal occasions, while the TNG uniform would be worn on more formal occasions not formal enough for the dress uniform.  Of course in the modern military,  the prefered uniform is determined by the base commander or ship's captain, which explains why the crew of the Enterprise continued to where the TNG "Garrison uniform" while Voyager and DS9 wore the Jumpsuit.  Later of course the Voyager jumpsuit was replaced by the FC jumpsuit, which because of it's darker colors and thicker fabric, might have been better with the looming war against the dominion.  Maybe the 2350s Jumpsuit was the equivalant of that uniform for the previous era.  We have seen some uniforms go in and out of style in the modern military too, take the Navy's Khaki Dress Uniform for example, that is only just being reintroduced after not being issued since WWII.

I don't know about your uniform designs, Undead, I like the color pattern but they're just too tight, they look like they belong on the "Rescue Heroes" or something like that.  :P Try loosening them up a bit.

Oi... They were made with a superhero creation site. Ignore the tightness, please. I got the same criticism the last time i posted this kind of stuff. Forget the tightness, what about the LOOK? lol

I agree with a lot of your thoughts, Daystar. however, the US military DOES change uniforms pretty often, they're just not substantive changes. And do remember, the TNG era shows cover over 20 years of time.Perhaps after years of wearing the same militaristic red uniform, they had a little trouble coming up with a functional, yet official look for a new uniform. Bureaucracies are like that. Also, think of the shift in the Federation's focus over that time. The Sovereign, Defiant, etc are far more aggressive tactical designs than the Galaxy or Ambassador. The uniforms changed over time back to a more militant look as well. I personally hated the TNG uniforms, they looked really ridiculous, and who wears clothing daily that zips in the back?

As for your choices, I'm not going to argue with that, but STAR WARS? Prequel design should not look MORE advanced than the future it precedes! SW is the very picture of inconsistency. B5 was great, but maybe they focused on the little continuity things too much and neglected other areas, explaining why a lot of people on the street have no clue what B5 is. Galactica is okay, just not my cup of tea. I agree though, that Trek has long neglected earth. What have we seen? The Starfleet Academy and headquarters? The President's office in Paris? The Sisko restaurant in New Orleans? In this day and age of CG background work, we need to see what San Francisco and other cities look like, instead of just being a drab and generic background painting. As for Dr. Who, just too British for me. don;t take that the wrong way, but it has been well established that Americans and British have very different senses of humor and aesthetics. It just seems too weird to me.

Star Trek in its better days could embarrass these other franchises. It was poor management that took them off the top of the heap.
"Books are not canon, only what you see on screen. Yes, even the horrible Voyager episode where they go past warp 10 and have crazy lizard babies."

Offline Daystar70

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2009, 12:03:20 AM »
Actually star wars is NOT inconsistent, It has  a different reasoning altogether for why things change..REGRESSION. Star wars is NOT science fiction, its fantasy. I can justify technological in consistencies VERY easily in star wars. The JEDI. It is incredibly logical that in a universe whos constant is that it is in a state of war a LOT., Societies who advance in some areas that would be perceived as  a threat, would be "confiscated" by an order like The Jedi, even if done coversley, oh would. Star Wars as a universe has to be examined on a completely different measurement system than Trek. If the Jedi saw one race technologically achieving certain things that would by their foresight, be plausible as a tool to unbalance the status quo, your damned certain tehy would send operatives to eliminate that threat. Thus you have "Up and Down :"" technology across the star wars universe (such as hidden world Kamino in AOTC)

Offline King Class Scout

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2009, 07:29:24 AM »
and I thought MINE were funky (i based my designs on the uncomfortable next G jumpsuits before I changed them).  I can see these on a JJanimated, though.

I suggest you get someone to doodle a "loose" version of these for a more realistic look.  besides, these get any tighter, it's gonna turn into squick.
OS novel fan

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Offline undedavenger

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2009, 10:48:35 AM »
Dude, seriously.

Forget the Tightness! A byproduct of the creation program! ARGH! I use it to get general ideas before spending a lot of time on the actual artwork. Please let it go!

Now, back to the original question: Which color setup works? The blues? The TNG colors? A return to the classic colors? The black one is just a variant, and WILL not be the final choice.
"Books are not canon, only what you see on screen. Yes, even the horrible Voyager episode where they go past warp 10 and have crazy lizard babies."

Offline King Class Scout

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2009, 12:52:16 PM »
actually, I like the setup allready.  the top one comes across as a TMP style to me.
OS novel fan

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Me: mine [my bridges] would probably be simple to get the characters to use.  the only person that sits is the captian.
Baz: space is vast there[sic] legs will be tired by the time they get to the next planet

Offline candle_86

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2009, 11:36:53 PM »
wanted to show you something i did this in about 10 minutes, but I simply drew over the top of the STM images hosted on the interweb, its not shaded nor stylish but it gets the right shape and form for the uniform

Offline Daystar70

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2009, 12:34:06 AM »
Not bad candle. where u been hiding lately?


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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2009, 12:45:34 AM »
not bad, kinda looks like the Ground Combat uniform.

Offline candle_86

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2009, 01:26:27 AM »
im working now, landed a nice cushy web design/webmaster job for my mothers union takes alot of my time, in my free time i spend it with Liz.

Offline undedavenger

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2009, 09:49:25 AM »
wanted to show you something i did this in about 10 minutes, but I simply drew over the top of the STM images hosted on the interweb, its not shaded nor stylish but it gets the right shape and form for the uniform

Candle, let's review:
1. Clothes are tight because of limitations of the program. DROP IT, PLEASE.
2. READ post 1. I will put up a refined version on the STM template when I find the one that works best. If you read my previous uniform post, you can see that I can do that:,4390.0.html

If the continued obsession with tightness is a joke, then haha. I really hope you guys can read better than that. Now, can we TRY to stay on topic here?

"Books are not canon, only what you see on screen. Yes, even the horrible Voyager episode where they go past warp 10 and have crazy lizard babies."

Offline candle_86

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2009, 11:33:33 AM »
i was giving you friendly advice to simply draw over the top of the STM its not the tightness its the entire look, the to large muscles and the super short stature they look more like Starfleet porn stars than officers. I was tring to give you advice

Offline King Class Scout

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2009, 12:11:46 PM »
translation: drop the skintight issue.  PERIOD

i'd actually like to see your TMP version take as well.

both of you, provide links to these uniform blanks (including the ones from the previous thread, please).  I'd like to do my own uniforms stylings like these, and show you guys what I originally had in mind.
OS novel fan

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best line I've ever read
Me: mine [my bridges] would probably be simple to get the characters to use.  the only person that sits is the captian.
Baz: space is vast there[sic] legs will be tired by the time they get to the next planet

Offline candle_86

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2009, 03:14:19 PM » i draw over the tops of these actully well from any era i want to actully lol

Offline King Class Scout

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2009, 03:45:07 PM »
crap...I was hoping for lineart...looks like I'll have to doodle another dress dummy.
OS novel fan

Coming Soon: King's Mod Tuning Shop

best line I've ever read
Me: mine [my bridges] would probably be simple to get the characters to use.  the only person that sits is the captian.
Baz: space is vast there[sic] legs will be tired by the time they get to the next planet

Offline Darkthunder

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2009, 03:59:14 PM »
Candle: Undeadavenger wrote in his first post, that he will use the STM images as template eventually. There was no need for your input suggesting/advising the use of the STM images.

This is not a personal attack against you, but rather some "friendly advice".
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Offline Darkthunder

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Re: More Uniform designs
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2009, 08:29:09 PM »
Sorry for the hijack of the thread, but I drew up some uniforms which I would consider appropriate for ca. 2390 (14 years before Endgame, and about 5 years before AGT).

Used a similar style to the First Contact uniforms, but made it considerably darker, added colored trim to both the jacket and pants, and added the AGT/Endgame style communicator. Also came up with an appropriate design (completely with rank insignia) for a possible Marine variant.
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