Author Topic: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.  (Read 1710 times)

Offline 086gf

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The possibility of a sequel for 1996?s "Independence Day" has been long talked about. Over the years producer/writer Dean Devlin has been very coy about not saying a word regarding a film that grossed over $800 million worldwide.

Back in 2004 Devlin and Roland Emmerich began writing an outline for a script but in the end it didn?t work out.

In 2008, 20th Century Fox CEO Tom Rothman spoke with's Robert Sanchez about the status of "ID4 2" and Rothman said;

"We would love to do it, it's really a matter of Roland, it's up to Roland. He knows that we'd love to do it. I don't think there is a script but there have been a lot of ideas, but the truth of the matter is he's been making other films. He made "Day After Tomorrow" for us, big hit movie, he's doing "2012" for Sony. But, any day that Roland wanted to do that, we would be very excited to do it because I think, yes, that story definitely can and should continue."

Really???? So it?s up to Roland Emmerich?  Well lucky for me I had a chance to speak exclusively to him, while he's promoting "2012," and asked him the question every fan is dying to ask him such as what?s up with "ID4 2."  Here is what he had to say about it.

LatinoReview: I heard there was a script for a sequel. What?s the real reason there is no sequel?

Emmerich: Dean Devlin and I are still set to make a sequel likely because we?ve found some sort of idea and we approached FOX and FOX has not quite figured out how to incorporate Dean?s and my deal, and Will?s (Smith) deal. Will wants to do it in some sort of a package they can live with.  So it's just been in negations now since forever, and naturally FOX says ?Why don?t you do it without Will Smith?? I said Will is essential for us, for this movie and actually for the audience too. And, so, it's in limbo and lately the studios are fighting. Like gross players, and Will is a gross player and is probably the only gross player right now who?s worth his gross. So we?ll see what happens. I would love to do it.

LatinoReview: But there is a story right?

Emmerich: Oh yeah! There?s a story. There?s a very really good great story, a very cool one.

LatinoReview: Can you elaborate on it?

Emmerich: No, I think Dean would like burst through this door?

So there you have it the truth from Emmerich himself. And the fact that there is a script done already is awesome to hear.

The question I'd like to know is where does FOX think they have the guts to ask, DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN DO A SEQUEL WITHOUT WILL SMITH? Are you guys nuts?  That?s just my opinion.

The different ideas in the comments section on that page are interesting. Particularly the apparent early script about the "clean up" ship that enslaves the survivors on a planet after the mothership leaves.

Now on to the X-Men movies.

Updates on Wolverine 2, First Class, Deadpool and Magneto
While promoting the Blu-ray release of "X-Men Origins: Wolverine", producer Lauren Shuler Donner talked about plans for future ?X-Men? films, including ?Wolverine 2?, ?First Class?, ?Dead Pool? and ?Magneto?.  Here are some excerpts courtesy Empire Magazine.  Of all the upcoming projects on tap, the sequel to "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" is the furthest along:

It?s actually the story we wanted to use for the first Wolverine film, but [Fox head honcho] Tom Rothman preferred to set the character up with an origin story first. This movie will really focus on the relationship between Wolverine and Mariko, the daughter of a Japanese crime lord, and what happens to him in Japan. We?re very fortunate to have a story mostly outlined for us [from the comic book arc co-written by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller]. And we wanted an A+ writer, so we want to Chris McQuarrie (Valkyrie, The Usual Suspects). He came in and has tightened the story and got really immersed in the whole thing ? he?s in Japan in his head!

When describing "X-Men: First Class", Donner chooses to compare it to Harry Potter:
"Harry Potter is a bit of a role model for us, absolutely. But we want it to be like the recent, darker Potters. It should not be a kiddie movie ? we?re in the X-Men world so you can?t suddenly change the tone." And when it comes to "X-Men Origins: Deadpool", Donner says that they?ll likely be ignoring the version of Deadpool we saw in ?Wolverine?:

"I want to ignore the version of Deadpool that we saw in Wolverine and just start over again. Reboot it. Because this guy talks, obviously, and to muzzle him would be insane.

It?s going to be a dark, snarky, very funny movie. It?s the hardest story to tell, I think. There?s no clear cut villain ? though you do have great baddies from the comic-books like Black Tom, Slayback, Blind Al and the Weasel. Blind Al is this blind woman in his house, who he abuses and mocks? it?s terrible. But you find out that she was a convict who did something terrible and he saved her from execution. So he lets her live in his house and she looks after him, but they both torture each other. Anyway, there are good stories and we?re figuring out which ones to incorporate.

The hope is to make a decision on a writer for the film by November. And finally, in regards to "X-Men Origins: Magneto", Donner says it?s the least likely of films to be made: I?m not sure that film is going to be made. The studio has a wealth of potential stories, and they have to stand back and decide which ones to make. And Magneto, I think, is at the back of the queue. Maybe it?ll get made in five years ? who knows? I can tell you that Ian McKellen won?t be playing the character the whole way through."

A true Deadpool movie will be really cool and I hope they do let Wolverin lose in the next movie. I. Want. Blood.

Tons more stuff here.
All hail the messiah!


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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2009, 11:02:33 PM »
I have known that they were going to make a Spidey 4 for over a year now, and Magneto was suppose to come out with Wolverine. 

I would really like to see "ID4 2", I want to know where the story is going.

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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2009, 10:23:30 AM »
I guess ID4 would be okay, first one was good for a few laughs. A real deadpool movie would be a trainwreck, whether they use that "Weapon X" or whatever he was in Origins or not.


Base it on the Deadpool/Cable crossover series. Lots of guns, timetravelling, explosions and psychic stuff. It's all the junk Hollywood love to make in one movie.

"The design is clearly ancient... Launched hundreds of thousands of years ago."

Quote from: JimmyB76
der-ner-ner-ner-ner ..... der-ner-ner-ner-ner .....
Quote from: Rick Sternbach, on the topic of the Galor Class' length
...Probably not, but the number I get(379.6m) could be considered ?original intent,? a term that I think I will be using from now on, and ?canon? be damned.


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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2009, 03:25:18 AM »
Devlin's also been talking about possible sequels to the original Stargate movie.  I doubt any of these are going to see the light of day.

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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2009, 10:54:52 AM »
I've heard about that SG Movie sequel I thought that thing already got the green light....
Canon is what people argue exists on ships that don't exist.

Offline Dalek

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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2009, 11:08:35 AM »
How can you do a sequel to the original movie? Would it be like making a BSG movie which is completely unlinked to the remake?
"To live on as we have is to leave behind joy, and love, and companionship, because we know it to be transitory, of the moment. We know it will turn to ash. Only those whose lives are brief can imagine that love is eternal. You should embrace that remarkable illusion. It may be the greatest gift your race has ever received."

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Offline limey BSc.

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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2009, 11:19:41 AM »
How can you do a sequel to the original movie? Would it be like making a BSG movie which is completely unlinked to the remake?

Or a Star Trek movie that ignores all other Trek related things. Wait a minute........

Offline Dalek

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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2009, 11:27:29 AM »
How can you do a sequel to the original movie? Would it be like making a BSG movie which is completely unlinked to the remake?

Or a Star Trek movie that ignores all other Trek related things. Wait a minute........

Yes but at least they explained "why" it was different, even if it wasn't correct or popular.

Oh wait, I think I know how they can get away with a Stargate 2. It would have to happen between 1994 and 1997 though...
"To live on as we have is to leave behind joy, and love, and companionship, because we know it to be transitory, of the moment. We know it will turn to ash. Only those whose lives are brief can imagine that love is eternal. You should embrace that remarkable illusion. It may be the greatest gift your race has ever received."

 - Lorien

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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2009, 11:33:46 AM »
How can you do a sequel to the original movie? Would it be like making a BSG movie which is completely unlinked to the remake?

ROFL you know... they are making a BSG movie based on the original BSG Series and not the remake.....
Canon is what people argue exists on ships that don't exist.

Offline Villain

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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2009, 12:02:00 PM »
How can you do a sequel to the original movie? Would it be like making a BSG movie which is completely unlinked to the remake?

Or a Star Trek movie that ignores all other Trek related things. Wait a minute........

Yes but at least they explained "why" it was different, even if it wasn't correct or popular.

Are you serious?

"The design is clearly ancient... Launched hundreds of thousands of years ago."

Quote from: JimmyB76
der-ner-ner-ner-ner ..... der-ner-ner-ner-ner .....
Quote from: Rick Sternbach, on the topic of the Galor Class' length
...Probably not, but the number I get(379.6m) could be considered ?original intent,? a term that I think I will be using from now on, and ?canon? be damned.

Offline NeoKaede

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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2009, 12:41:02 PM »
ID4 sequel? F*cking lol.

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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2009, 03:03:05 PM »
Let me guess it involves Will Smith heroically sacrificing himself in yet another movie.

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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2009, 11:29:37 PM »
I could care less about Wolverine 2 or First Class or Magneto.  But Deadpool done right...that would be entertaining.

ID4?  Why?  It makes no sense to do a sequel.  The aliens were destroyed.  Period.  They mention that the aliens move from planet to planet, annihilating everything.  That means there's no homeworld, so the aliens are gone.  What's the point of a second movie?

And Dalek, how is the alternate reality not a correct way to "reboot" the series?  It makes perfect sense scientifically and within Star Trek canon.

To Boldly Go...Again.

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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2009, 12:31:00 AM »
ID4?  Why?  It makes no sense to do a sequel.  The aliens were destroyed.  Period.  They mention that the aliens move from planet to planet, annihilating everything.  That means there's no homeworld, so the aliens are gone.  What's the point of a second movie?

Who to say this just wasn't the intial invasion and the rest of the race isn't coming behind them. It thinking like a pure military offensive, it makes sense, you invade, destroy your enemys defenses, then bring in the rest of your forces to clean up and occupy the land you have taken.


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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2009, 12:39:15 PM »
Not that I don't agree with you slightly, but what you just described is exactly what they were doing at the end of the first film. They had destroyed most of the forces and were bring in a clean up crew to wipe out the rest and begin take the planets resources.

Now IMO, the sequal should explain that, that was not the only ship in the fleet, and there are hundreds of "mother ships" stroan throughout the galaxy consuming whole worlds as that one did. And now they are sending more ships, or an even larger MS to take out earth and consume her reasources. Also, since we already know what the aliens look like we should see more of their interaction. What type of higher archie do they have? Do they have a queen/king?

But since this movie is not being made this is all hypothetical.  I would kill to get my hands on that completed script.

Offline 086gf

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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2009, 02:32:16 PM »
Exactly, we don't know for a fact that what all we saw in the movie was their entire civilization. What the president described he saw was pretty vague so, yes the chances are that there are more of them out there is fairly high. Or hell, what the alien showed him could have been not 100% truth about their race as you said. They could even be spread out throughout nearby galaxies for all we know.
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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2009, 03:41:06 PM »

ID4?  Why?  It makes no sense to do a sequel.  The aliens were destroyed.  Period.  They mention that the aliens move from planet to planet, annihilating everything.  That means there's no homeworld, so the aliens are gone.  What's the point of a second movie?

Humans reverse engineer the alien tech and start their foray outside our solar system, just to find out these bugs waiting out there.. they could turn it into "Space Battleship Yamato".. a spaceship that fires the "city-destructo-oh-matic"-beam on the baddies etc.. :evil
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My love
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I know
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I know
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His star trek
Will go on forever.
But tell him
While he wanders his starry sea
Remember, remember me."

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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2009, 04:33:36 PM »
I want to see Brent Spiner again.

Offline limey BSc.

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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2009, 04:45:29 PM »
I want to see Brent Spiner again.

That'd be pretty tough, given that the characters dead and all.

Offline Dalek

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Re: ID4 2. Oh Really? Four X-men movies in our near future? Ya Really.
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2009, 04:56:45 PM »
I want to see Brent Spiner again.

That'd be pretty tough, given that the characters dead and all.

Data may be dead, but B-4 has his memories, at least in Star Trek. xD As for ID4...yeah, he's dead.
"To live on as we have is to leave behind joy, and love, and companionship, because we know it to be transitory, of the moment. We know it will turn to ash. Only those whose lives are brief can imagine that love is eternal. You should embrace that remarkable illusion. It may be the greatest gift your race has ever received."

 - Lorien