Author Topic: They mostly come at night, mostly..  (Read 2726 times)

Offline Lionus

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Re: They mostly come at night, mostly..
« Reply #40 on: February 09, 2013, 05:48:07 AM »

Star Trek Quad-nacelle fanboy Extraordinaire

StarFleet Research and Development Crash Test Dummie/Test pilot

"Beyond the rim of the star-light
My love
Is wand'ring in star-flight
I know
He'll find in star-clustered reaches
Strange love a star woman teaches.
I know
His journey ends never
His star trek
Will go on forever.
But tell him
While he wanders his starry sea
Remember, remember me."

Offline Bones

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Re: They mostly come at night, mostly..
« Reply #41 on: February 10, 2013, 03:08:45 PM »
You have a long memory bones! AVP came out in...what, '98 or '99?
not that AVP ... the one from 2010 ... that was a bust ;) I doubt any Aliens / Predator based game will ever reach the level of 98' AVP


Ok, no spoilers from me, just a personal opinion.

played it on my 360 for 15 minutes... I'm not sure if this game is a prank or something ... been playing Halo 3 and 4 recently as well as Dead Space 3 on the same xbox360 and graphics were really great but this thing is uhhhhh :facepalm:

graphics are waaaay below expectations (AVP2 + some fancy shaders would do better) ... gameplay is shallow (just like in AVP 2010), AI is somewhere between Quake 2 and Daikatana (older players will know what I mean if they ever played Daikatana ;) )

Sounds are oldschool :D even some pain shouts were ripped shamelessly from AVP 2  :facepalm:

If you ask me to compare it to another zombie resurrected game ? it will be Duke Nukem Forever :)  Both games should have been left in their grave for ethernal resting ;)  

Thank God I didn't buy it  :yay:

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Re: They mostly come at night, mostly..
« Reply #42 on: February 14, 2013, 01:01:53 AM »
i really am enjoying it  :facepalm:

Offline FarShot

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Re: They mostly come at night, mostly..
« Reply #43 on: February 14, 2013, 01:08:13 AM »
I remember commenting when I saw a gameplay video that they butchered DNF, they'll butcher ACM.  I was flamed for it.

Offline Bones

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Re: They mostly come at night, mostly..
« Reply #44 on: February 14, 2013, 04:53:07 AM »
just finished the game ... the ammount of bugs is awful and by the end Iwas utterly bored :( I gave it back with no hesitation as coop is equaly stupid and I have no intention of playing it again.

One thing strikes me genuinly, this IS Duke Nukem Forever  :eek just in Aliens franchise ...
Even at Xbox360 graphics can be still pleasing - just look at Halo 4 or Red Dead Redemption. Looking at rocks formations on LV-426 on 50" plasma TV reminds me times back when AVP 2 was out ...  hell, even AVP 2 had better LOD draw distance than this piece of crap
(who played this turd on xbox will know what I mean the first minute they run through main menu.

Characteres are cheap clones of original crew of Sulaco, cheap and dumber version of Vasquez and Drake - even cheaper dialogs.
In movie people cursed a lot but not all the damn time, there were plenty of scenes where no one sweared at all, in this game every dialog is filled with F-words and so on ... was that really necessary to show us marines as dumb swearing bricks ??? what a badass attitude they have :roll

AI almost doesn't exist in this game, even in AVP 2010 Xenos tried to flank me or stay in shadows on the ceiling, hit and run, stalk, here they just charge straight on and what's worst sometimes they just stand in front of our squad mates and do nothing ... hell there are times they just curl up on the floor like they go to stand-by mode in the middle of the fight  :eek

Dunno why but combat is luckluster, Pulse Rifle in ACM is so far the best one since AVP 2 but even tho, combat lacks any cool mechanics ... it just feels old and uninspiring, like I'm playing Red FAction 2 ....

What I did like (believe me or not) was the story, maybe I didn't love i but it was quite amusing, even with all the plot holes :) I guess it's still better story than Twili.... uh I mean the first 10 minutes of Alien 3 (I really hated beginning of A3)

Sounds are typically awesome, music is well fitted, tho sometimes we're left with no ambient music in backgroung when fighting some Xenos

I think this game was rated properly, 3/10 is justified and it's the best I could rate it.

Offline CyAn1d3

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Re: They mostly come at night, mostly..
« Reply #45 on: February 25, 2013, 07:04:49 PM »
... weell.. i went to redbox and plunked the 2$ for this bugger..

and ive a few things to say:

btw, SPOILER ALERTS, and some harsh language.

upon getting through the menu (and watching a draw in error on the planets surface  :facepalm:)
im greeted by a scene that looks... well like sheer hell.
like much in the game, SOME of the models were promising, but the textures in general were just plain horrid...
HOWEVER, looking close at them, you could tell there was care and detail put in, especially in the displays, but just compressed down to such a low resolution for consoles it looks like crap. (does it look better on PC like BF3 is? someone get back to me on this)
"organic" structures had such a horrid overkill gloss to them, it reminded me of the shit looking growths that were in doom 3.  :facepalm:
other than a few draw in issues when outside (just a blank purple sky... REALLY??) everything else was ok

characters were as bones said... crap.
endless flap jaw dialogue with no facial expressions whatsoever, even in the high-er res cutscenes it was like watching robots have a conversation.. there was only ONE character that would have been acceptable...

Wasnt bad, but i couldnt bring myself to care about the characters, including when Bella died, because again... no facial expressions from the other characters.. that lacking element just KILLED any storytelling... bring Hicks out of the dead was a stupid idea.. but hey, if your gonna actually hire Michael Beihn to do the voiceover, you might as well magically bring the character back  :hithead:

felt like i was watching "Aliens", so that helped take some of the edge off the fact my eyes were being raped by 7 year old texture resolutions and animations..
i dont get what everyone is complaining about on the "too much profanity" thing.
hell, i hear more f-bombs from the characters in firefight in a 45 minute Battlefield3 match than i did in the 6 hours it took for me to polish off the campaign for A:CM  :idk:
besides, given the extreme circumstances that those marines were in, it would bother me if while under attack, NPCs were saying things like: "oh golly gee! look there, start shooting" as opposed to "Holy F*ck here they come! Light those motherf*ckers up!"

now comes the ranting...
there is NOTHING i hate more in a shooter these days like getting hung up on f*cking geometry and getting lit up in the process.
NUMEROUS times during Wey-Yu engagements did i get caught on waist size to smaller objects, going cover to cover, that were static and could not move, but then again thats what you get for using HAVOK physics instead of springing for the steam engine... hell throw those crap graphics into the steam engine from half life2 and then well have a decent damn game for 8 years ago.
controls were smooth, after making a few adjustments to mimic my BF3 controls, i like how seamless and easy it was to pull the motion detector, and quickly switch back to your weapon, that NEVER got me damaged and i applaud that mechanic.. however i didnt like the fact that i had to lose a dedicated button for grenades.. but ill brush this one off as there wasnt another option.
the lack of a destructible environment was a big let down... let me break something besides facehugger cages and the RARE display panel.
the AI was dumber than a bag of hammers... thats as far as i go on that...

Beneath the layers of smudge.. shit.. rushed finalization.. shit beta testing.. and a total disregard for MODERN gaming..
is a decent game.
mostly my gripes are just the graphics, had this been released 6 or 7 years ago, it would have been PERFECT, i enjoyed it to be honest.
we were duped again with flashy awesome trailers that looked NOTHING like the finished product, just like we were with "Did Not Finish".
now i DID NOT get a chance to try out multiplayer, i MIGHT rent it again or just wait till i actually buy it...
YES im actually gonna sink the money to buy it... but in a month when the used copys go for 20$  :evil:

all in all i give it a solid C+ .... for effort.
I came, i saw, i added a Sig.
Later gents, i have Youtube to take over.
Cy - 1-12-15

Offline metalnick

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Re: They mostly come at night, mostly..
« Reply #46 on: May 01, 2013, 06:03:31 AM »
Having a hell of a lot of fun with the Bug Hunt DLC. Although why this wasn't included with the game at release puzzles me. 3 Maps, 30 Waves of Enemies, Money for Kills and use Money to open up the map and buy ammo/health/armor. Basically CoD Survival mode but with xenos. They do throw in the WY PMC's for some of the waves and they are still dumb as rocks but the alien AI has been improved a bit.

Favorite map has to be Tribute which takes place in Hadley's Hope before the atmosphere processor blew. Now I'm just waiting for my roomie to get the game so we can system link some of this juicy goodness.
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