Author Topic: ADMINS, seriously guys.  (Read 852 times)

Offline matchbox2022

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ADMINS, seriously guys.
« on: April 03, 2012, 01:47:07 AM »
I may be new, but all I wanted to do was look at a damn post about a script, and I couldn't 'just' view it. I would understand not being able to post if I'm not registered, but hell not even view? Plus it took me 8 times to get it right because the registration sheet is so damn picky. It's gotten to the point that its not just weeding out bots, its people.

I don't want a response, this is just to tell the admins the only reason I kept on with it is to tell you, this design is broken, people should be able to see something without registering. And if I was frustrated, there's gotta be a few ppl that said to hell with it, I really hate sites / forums that make things that complicated, you are a FORUM for a GAME, not a freaking DND intranet connection site or even https. The only time I went through this much trouble was to get on the military intranet at my work.

Again, all I'm saying is, I know other forums do it, but it's overkill, which makes it broken for a random like me to say hey, this place looks interesting, and then to see, holy hell they take themselves way too seriously, and then to take 8 rediculous. Bots will get on eventually, but quite honestly, other sites with much less security I've NEVER seen a problem.
There's the end of my bitching, I don't care what happens to me, I'm just saying, your registration setup, is broken.

Offline FarShot

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Re: ADMINS, seriously guys.
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2012, 01:49:33 AM »
I think the issue with bots and registering is more than just convenience, dude.

Due to issues beyond my control, we are required to "optimize" the forums.   :readme: Basically, the host server is stating that we are running too many queries based on the number of posts and users on the forums.  As such, any user who has not logged in in the past 2 years has been removed.  Additionally, threads and posts will being being trimmed if they offer no significant contribution to the community. 

I understand some of you may not like this decision, but the ONLY alternative right now is for the site to be shut down. The host server has given me THREE business days to correct the problem.  If you have any questions, please direct them to myself or Jimmy.  Thank you.

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Re: ADMINS, seriously guys.
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2012, 04:41:18 AM »
...all I wanted to do was look at a damn post about a script ...

So you wanted to view the post because you needed useful information that it contained. Is it really so much to ask that you sign yourself up as a member of a community before allowing you to take advantage of what that community has to offer?

...I know other forums do it, but it's overkill...

If BC-Central does it, and other forums do it, that should indicate to you that there are valid reasons for doing it which you may simply not be aware of.

Offline Defiant

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Re: ADMINS, seriously guys.
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2012, 03:08:38 PM »
* Defiant agrees with matchbox2022
Tip: Get yourself a spambot software to register for you ;)

Since other boards also do that it is proably just a default in the board engine the developer did not much thought about...

Offline Mario

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Re: ADMINS, seriously guys.
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2012, 05:48:48 PM »
A small warning, I will rant a lot here...


I'll be honest with you, this is not the best way to introduce yourself to a new community, one which has been here for 10 years. Nobody likes other people telling them how to do their job.

However you made it pretty clear that it is not your intention to stick around, but you went through all this trouble just to make this post.

If I was pissed at one forum and its registration scheme, I would not have bothered with additional 2-10 minutes just to make a post. I'd wanted to get the hell out of that place ASAP. I'd have gotten what I wanted and turned back and never looked back.

However I would have never complained about a site in the first place, because I usually respect the people who run their forums, site or blog. Especially if we're not talking about a paid service, but about a bunch of volunteers who run the site and enable people who love this game to have a place to call home. People who dedicate their free times so that people like you would have a place to gather and chat about the game, ask for technical support, people who make mods and let's not forget people who pay hosting/domain. These sort of silly little things people seem to forget very often. Also, not to mention that there is no profit in this for any volunteer, there are no ads of any kind or whatnot. But there is much to lose, such as this site.

Filling in 6 fields in total with two of them being security measures is not too much to ask, or maybe it is. I think that really depends on the kind of person you are.

What we're asking is the standard re-captcha which requires your attention for about 5-10 seconds and the other one just requires you to solve a challenge -- tops 5-10 seconds. I cannot explain why it took you 8 times to get it right, people usually get it right after 1st or their 2nd try (in average).

Sure, it would be easier to remove these measures just for the sake of your convenience and allow all those bots, which have targeted these forums for the past couple of years, in. Also along the way lose the site, because the hoster is pretty much pissed as it is. When we look at the alternative, I think the people around here will agree that in that case this is not much to ask.

This is my personal opinion however and not the opinion of the forum staff.

Thank you for your feedback it has been noted, we cannot however grantee that we will take it into consideration.
Acta, non verba.
aka USS Sovereign

Offline Defiant

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Re: ADMINS, seriously guys.
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2012, 02:27:54 AM »
Sov, it depends on the site. Some admins will just reply with "Oh Thank you, we did not know that..."

Also Recaptcha can really make lot of trouble. It is easier to beat for software then robots in 2012.