Author Topic: Truly impressed you guys are still here  (Read 3382 times)

Offline FarShot

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2012, 01:30:34 AM »
We're still here because we don't have the time nor dedication to commit yet.  At least I don't. :P  That, and as long as people are still releasing epicness for BC, I see no reason for it to die off.

Offline JimmyB76

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2012, 02:15:21 AM »
Jimmy, it's like it's your job to make everyone feel valued  :lostit:
yeah you pretty much got it right there...  and i WANT everyone to feel valued here...
i truly love this scene on a deep personal level, i really do and ill admit it; this means a great deal to me i know that sounds stupid...  ive always been a major fan of BC for a decade now literally every day, i am very passionate of the game, the scene, everything in involved..  i always have been...
all i can do is continue to be a cheerleader for it all (for lack of better term) and do my best to keep the scene in a very tight respectable flow...  sure, i have faults (many lol) - i was much more of a bitch years ago...  (some people here will attest to that lol)  i have lightened up over the last few years but i used to be much more of a bitch and knew as staffer i could be...  but then i realized i was just a dick, and thats not fair to anyone...
but this scene and community means more to me on a very deep level, prolly moreso than anyone else...
ive been onstaff as moderator for all the sites for BC; BCU, here, BCS, Filefront, BCFiles, KM - because i really do love everything about this all, since i came onto the scene 10 years ago...
i wish i had any skills like anyone to be able to mod the game, best i can do is some scripting (not nearly to your level even) - all i can give to offer to this scene personally is loyalty, dedication, and a true spirit and uttermost deep true desire to be here and my utmost respect for everyone here...
thats the best i can do...  i only hope thats enough...  it means more to me than anything to keep us all together and tight and respectful and care about this all...  as much as i do...  
in the last decade, ive met a handful of AWESOME people thru this scene, people that arent here anymore (all on Excalibur now), people that i have formulated real friendships with, people i talk to daily or weekly or whenever i can - that i would have never had the privilege to know if not for BC; and im the one truly and sincerely who feels lucky and honestly privileged to be a part of this all...
thats the truth..  

but dude - seriously, Bat66wat6 - your scripting skills are amazing and you speak the language much better than most (myself included) -i do seriously hope you have the desire to stick around and create as many awesome things for BC and for us all :)
ok enough sappy...  i need a beer lol  :drink2: :drink3: :drink:

Excalibur's forums aren't as community friendly as BCC.
are you fucking kidding me???  ummm yeah sorry, but i disagree...
youre not much a part there anyway, so you cant even begin to profess how "friendly" or not they are...
in fact, Excal forums are actually as much friendly (if not more) and awesome as BCC is, frankly...  
and the best thing is how much oldschool people are there all together again, and how much other people from other communites are all there too and how awesome it is - and how it is just beginning!!  :D
thats the truth...

Although, I seriously doubt anyone would notice if it were released
aaah man, you are so wrong there :)
you have no idea how people truly value anyone's contribution to this game, to keep the spirit alive :)

You all speak of BCU as though it was some great paradise
oh it was...  when BC's elite-most modders were all around and active - you have no idea how much FUN bcu was!  i know im not the only one who remembers when Nano put out NanoFXv2 beta or when Viper and LC put out bridge after bridge, , and MLeo script after script, when BCS did the BCS:TB mod and when KM was first released bny Defiant and crew - those were awesome days!  circa 2003 - 2005ish
or when Mark and 3rd Era put out even more bridges and scripts and when ATP:Dimensions (that never got finished, tho some of us still have a copy of it) and all that - ship after ship, mod after mod, by BC's elite-most modders all there together in BC's prime!  they were really awesome days!

Fascinating. A bunch of guys got fed up with Bridge Commanders unstable outdated engine and thought "F this, we're all dedicated Trek fans and good at development so lets *make our own game*!" Ha ha. That's the kind of crazy shit only hardcore Trekkies could pull off
thats exactly it!  it was supposed to be a megamod rebuild of BC, but they decided BC was too limited...  so they made their own engine...  oldschool legends like Nano, LJ, Mark, LC and about 3 dozen others - oldschool BC's best and even new people - with such great skill and talent are all collaborating!  
im so very lucky to have behind-the-scenes access to what they are doing, and all i can say is this shit will knock your fuckin socks off when done!!!  you guys have NO idea!  and there is alot done already that isnt public yet - just wait!  you guys will see!  :D
 :dance :yay:

Offline Bones

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #22 on: July 22, 2012, 04:25:45 AM »
 :funny that avatar of mine is starting to be my trademark  :funny

Excalibur's development has gone too far to be cancelled, let's just say it passed the point of no-return, I can only imagine a game created by modders for sheer modding purpose :D it will be the best and most moddable Trek game ever !

Jimmy started to swear, is it SPAM time  ? :funny

Offline 1DeadlySAMURAI

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #23 on: July 22, 2012, 06:21:58 AM »

Offline FarShot

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2012, 06:45:22 AM »
Jimmy started to swear, is it SPAM time  ? :funny

Don't worry, if he gets too far out of hand I can start deleting all of his posts indiscriminately. :P

Offline Bones

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #25 on: July 22, 2012, 06:50:44 AM »
Wait you mean you CAN delete Jimmy's posts ??? how cool, can I get that feature too  ?:funny I doubt Jimmy would like it but I would have so much fun deleting posts :D

Offline JimmyB76

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #26 on: July 22, 2012, 08:23:18 AM »
ok first and foremost, i am a bit relaxed when it comes to swearing - so long as it is few and far in between...
we used to have a "no swearing" rule, but ive lighted up on it so long as it is kept in strict maturity...
if someone drops the "f-bomb", i wont jump all overr them - unless if it is done ridiculously unnecessary...
second, farshot and every staffer can delete anyones post including mine anywhere anytime...
third, as admin i can track all moderation actions...  it is in the admin panel...  so i know who does what anytime...
fourth, if any of my posts are deleted, im gonna just have to cut a bitch lol :P
fifth, that is all...  dont question me...  :P
sixth, no spam :P
seventh, my cat's name is Sam...
eighth, im still waiting on a damn beer - this is why i hired two new bitches, my beer should never be empty ffs!  *grumble grumble*
ninth, see previous sentence...
tenth, i could go on all day like this :P

Offline Bones

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #27 on: July 22, 2012, 08:59:19 AM »
there you go :P see, you hired new bitches and it's me who brought you a beer  :funny

Offline JimmyB76

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #28 on: July 22, 2012, 09:14:42 AM »
and you just got alot of cookies - so cheers :)

Offline Bones

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #29 on: July 22, 2012, 09:23:09 AM »
 :funny cheers Jimmy

Offline JimmyB76

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #30 on: July 22, 2012, 09:25:50 AM »
 :drink2: :drink3: :drink:

Offline Bat66wat6

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #31 on: July 22, 2012, 10:17:58 AM »
We're still here because we don't have the time nor dedication to commit yet.  At least I don't. :P  That, and as long as people are still releasing epicness for BC, I see no reason for it to die off.
Yeah, i'd imagine making an entire game from the engine up would take alot more time than any of us have spare. Really makes me wonder who these Excalibur developers are in real life to have such spare time. Yet again though, if it were being developed as nothing but a hobby on the weekends or something then the project would end up dragging forever.

yeah you pretty much got it right there...  and i WANT everyone to feel valued here...
i truly love this scene on a deep personal level, i really do and ill admit it; this means a great deal to me i know that sounds stupid...  ive always been a major fan of BC for a decade now literally every day, i am very passionate of the game, the scene, everything in involved..  i always have been...
all i can do is continue to be a cheerleader for it all (for lack of better term) and do my best to keep the scene in a very tight respectable flow...  sure, i have faults (many lol) - i was much more of a bitch years ago...  (some people here will attest to that lol)  i have lightened up over the last few years but i used to be much more of a bitch and knew as staffer i could be...  but then i realized i was just a dick, and thats not fair to anyone...
but this scene and community means more to me on a very deep level, prolly moreso than anyone else...
ive been onstaff as moderator for all the sites for BC; BCU, here, BCS, Filefront, BCFiles, KM - because i really do love everything about this all, since i came onto the scene 10 years ago...
i wish i had any skills like anyone to be able to mod the game, best i can do is some scripting (not nearly to your level even) - all i can give to offer to this scene personally is loyalty, dedication, and a true spirit and uttermost deep true desire to be here and my utmost respect for everyone here...
thats the best i can do...  i only hope thats enough...  it means more to me than anything to keep us all together and tight and respectful and care about this all...  as much as i do... 
in the last decade, ive met a handful of AWESOME people thru this scene, people that arent here anymore (all on Excalibur now), people that i have formulated real friendships with, people i talk to daily or weekly or whenever i can - that i would have never had the privilege to know if not for BC; and im the one truly and sincerely who feels lucky and honestly privileged to be a part of this all...
thats the truth.. 
Given the time and dedication you've put into this site and this game for all these years have you ever thought to getting your hands dirty and trying to make something? I don't mean that question in a bad way but i'm just curious as to if you've ever got bored of being the "cheerleader" and tried to get in on the action, so to speak.

but dude - seriously, Bat66wat6 - your scripting skills are amazing and you speak the language much better than most (myself included) -i do seriously hope you have the desire to stick around and create as many awesome things for BC and for us all :)
ok enough sappy...  i need a beer lol  :drink2: :drink3: :drink:
Errr yeah, enough sappy indeed. I've always found how much better than you someone else looks when doing something is only determined by how good you are at doing it. Take for example USS Sovereign and Defiant. When I first joined the forum they were like "the almighty" as far as BC scripting was concerned. Now though it's easy for me to see they're just so good when it comes to scripting the game because they've got years of experience with programming and the Bridge Commander API.

Also, to be blunt, you wouldn't measure how good a doctor is that has never examined a patient, or a builder that's never built something. If I release my little script and even more than a handful of people find it useful and enjoy using it in their BC installs then i'll give my status another look.

:funny that avatar of mine is starting to be my trademark  :funny

Excalibur's development has gone too far to be cancelled, let's just say it passed the point of no-return, I can only imagine a game created by modders for sheer modding purpose :D it will be the best and most moddable Trek game ever !

Jimmy started to swear, is it SPAM time  ? :funny
Knowing todays business practices regarding game development and how good Excalibur is looking to be I wouldn't be totally surprised if a real games company came along and bought it all up  :funny

Imagine, something like greedy EA or Activision doing some research and concluding a space warfare game such as Excalibur could be profitable.

"You can have $10,000 between you all in exchange for ownership of the title. Don't worry about a pen for the signature, a drop of blood on the bottom line of this scroll will do  :evil: "
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Offline JimmyB76

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #32 on: July 22, 2012, 10:39:55 AM »
have you ever thought to getting your hands dirty and trying to make something? I don't mean that question in a bad way but i'm just curious as to if you've ever got bored of being the "cheerleader" and tried to get in on the action, so to speak.
i have...  i did alot of work on DS9E scripting and hardpoints (Sovvy will confirm that) and alot of work into the new SP mod Lurok is gonna be putting out there soon...  and a few other slight things here and there... i am only good with scripting...  
ive never released any mod on my own, a few scripts here and there, thats about it as far as me putting somethign out there...  nothing on BCFiles, but there are some slight things ive done that can be found here and moreso at BCU (which sadly that forum no longer exists)...
but i have done alot of work with others in megamods...  im not entirely useless lol j/k :P

as far as Excalibur - these guys do it in their free time...  if they were paid for like a full time 9 to 5 job, it would be done already lol
they do it for the same reason i am on this scene in that they have a love for Trek and modding and theyre doing it for everyone to enjoy...  i cant think honestly a more awesome and noble thing for someone to do, it is like when someone makes a ship or a mod - they do it for the love of it and thank god they are!  we all gain from it!  
these cats are the most awesome guys and the most brilliant and skilled and talented people ill ever come to know in life - and theyre doing it for the love and devotion to Trek (and BC indeed) and for everyone else to enjoy - how awesome is that??
cheers to them!  
and you guys in the general public have no idea how awesome it is now and all i can say is just stand by ;)
it is amazing to say the least, all that which theyve put into it!!!
im not even exaggerating in the slightest when i say it will knock your socks off!!   :D

Offline Bat66wat6

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #33 on: July 22, 2012, 11:35:13 AM »
i have...  i did alot of work on DS9E scripting and hardpoints (Sovvy will confirm that) and alot of work into the new SP mod Lurok is gonna be putting out there soon...  and a few other slight things here and there... i am only good with scripting...  
ive never released any mod on my own, a few scripts here and there, thats about it as far as me putting somethign out there...  nothing on BCFiles, but there are some slight things ive done that can be found here and moreso at BCU (which sadly that forum no longer exists)...
but i have done alot of work with others in megamods...  im not entirely useless lol j/k :P
Good. If you've made scripts and they've become part of something people use and it adds to the game then you're hardly just a cheerleader. Don't demote yourself just becuase you never single handedly wrote KM or Galaxy Charts etc.

as far as Excalibur - these guys do it in their free time...  if they were paid for like a full time 9 to 5 job, it would be done already lol
they do it for the same reason i am on this scene in that they have a love for Trek and modding and theyre doing it for everyone to enjoy...  i cant think honestly a more awesome and noble thing for someone to do, it is like when someone makes a ship or a mod - they do it for the love of it and thank god they are!  we all gain from it! 
these cats are the most awesome guys and the most brilliant and skilled and talented people ill ever come to know in life - and theyre doing it for the love and devotion to Trek (and BC indeed) and for everyone else to enjoy - how awesome is that??
cheers to them! 
and you guys in the general public have no idea how awesome it is now and all i can say is just stand by ;)
it is amazing to say the least, all that which theyve put into it!!!
im not even exaggerating in the slightest when i say it will knock your socks off!!   :D
I don't doubt the skill of those involved in Excalibur but what i'm pondering is the cohesion and organisation of something as ambitious as making a new game. If they can all stick together and pull in the same direction I have no doubt the final product will be at least as good as what real games companies could do and if not better because they don't have the 9 to 5 release the game by X deadline bearing down on them.

On the other hand countless cases of failed community driven mega-projects cast a cloud of doubt in my mind.

Regardless of what happens it's exciting to see gamers throwing conventional wisdom to the wind and going all out to get the game they want.

I imagine it went down like:
"Okay, all the real game makers have neglected Star Trek games since the release of BC."
"BC is outdated, unstable and the limits of what we can achieve without invading the .exe have been reached."
Uh huh.
"The solution: Drop BC and use all our knowledge and time to make our own game from the ground up. One where we write the rules and limits!"
Whaaaaaaaaaat?  :serious:
"Let's do it! Let's get all the guys together from BCU, BC-Central and all the other sites and F'in do it right now!"
 :drink2: :salute2:
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Offline NanoByte

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #34 on: July 22, 2012, 04:29:35 PM »
Ya that's pretty much how it went.  I had enough of trying to mod for the flawed BC engine and started diving into DirectX, so I tried to start my own engine, and that's how the NanoFX Model Viewer was born, then joining forces with the awesome BC art legends and John Hardy, we now have a great team to produce Star Trek: Excalibur.

I can tell you first hand we are pretty dedicated, there isn't a lot of fighting (so very small chance the group would ever break up due to personality conflicts) and we are all acheive some pretty awesome stuff, it is slow going because we only have so much spare time, but I'm 99% sure the project will get done eventually... even if I have to code it all myself!  But it would never come down to that.

So yes as Jimmy has stated, just stand by and be patient and the best thing for us is support and encouragement from the community we are building this game for!  It really is the fuel for the prjoect that helps motivate us to get it done as quickly as we can

On a side note (I'm impressed I remembered my log in here, it's been so long since I posted here lol)

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #35 on: July 22, 2012, 04:58:30 PM »
wait a minnit...mister Nano FX himself?  wow.

too bad the nano viewer didn't work whatsoever on my mother's braND new in 7 dual core lappy :P
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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2012, 06:04:43 PM »
On a side note (I'm impressed I remembered my log in here, it's been so long since I posted here lol)

3 years, going by your previous last forum post :P
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Offline Bat66wat6

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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #37 on: July 23, 2012, 12:09:55 AM »
Ya that's pretty much how it went.  I had enough of trying to mod for the flawed BC engine and started diving into DirectX, so I tried to start my own engine, and that's how the NanoFX Model Viewer was born, then joining forces with the awesome BC art legends and John Hardy, we now have a great team to produce Star Trek: Excalibur.

I can tell you first hand we are pretty dedicated, there isn't a lot of fighting (so very small chance the group would ever break up due to personality conflicts) and we are all acheive some pretty awesome stuff, it is slow going because we only have so much spare time, but I'm 99% sure the project will get done eventually... even if I have to code it all myself!  But it would never come down to that.

So yes as Jimmy has stated, just stand by and be patient and the best thing for us is support and encouragement from the community we are building this game for!  It really is the fuel for the prjoect that helps motivate us to get it done as quickly as we can

On a side note (I'm impressed I remembered my log in here, it's been so long since I posted here lol)
Awesome! For a project like Excalibur patience is something i've got an abundance of. Take your time. I can't guaruntee that you'll all be sane after the mammoth project is finally done. You'll all probably have a nervous twitch, be speaking and seeing code everywhere unable to get the visions of the game out of your head  :funny

Good work and good luck. We'll see how insane you end up on the other side  :)

wait a minnit...mister Nano FX himself?  wow.
:salute3:  :bow:

too bad the nano viewer didn't work whatsoever on my mother's braND new in 7 dual core lappy :P
I've never ran NanoFX on any of my BC custom 1.1's  :D

3 years, going by your previous last forum post :P
That is very impressive. I thought I was impressed with my lack of password recall problems after 10 months away from the forums, now though...  :(
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Re: Truly impressed you guys are still here
« Reply #38 on: July 23, 2012, 10:21:22 AM »
I've never ran NanoFX on any of my BC custom 1.1's 

He's talking about the Excal test viewer... not the NanoFX mod for BC.
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