Author Topic: KM 2015/Multiplayer Madness  (Read 4730 times)

Offline Tethys

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KM 2015/Multiplayer Madness
« on: February 03, 2015, 10:56:49 AM »
Hi everyone. Some of you may be aware of this project, but I'm sure this will be news to most of you.

Defiant has given me permission to work on a KM update. 2015 is currently being worked on. Yes, thats right. All ships will be rebalanced, hardpoints, acceleration speeds, angular velocities... everything. It will have more of a Stock BC feel to it. New ship models will be added. Hopefully some new features as well.

But, this post is to serve more as a rallying cry for support. We desperately need EXPERIENCED Python scripters (but I will take ANY level of Python knowledge). We currently have only 1 scripter and 4 hardpointers. And I am not sure how good our scripter is, but I do know his availability is greatly limited. If you are interested, please introduce yourself below and explain your strengths and your availability. Then, join the following group @

I look forward to a productive 2015 for Kobayashi Maru mod :)


Offline Mario

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2015, 04:15:16 PM »
Perhaps if you provided a list of features people will get a better understanding of your goals from a scripting perspective at least. New features doesn't give much info of what exactly you guys are aiming for. However what you guys more will need is someone familiar with the game API and most people who are familiar with it have either moved on or have retired, on top of that if you're aiming on providing new features into the game you need someone who knows about BC's multiplayer although that's not hard. Judging from the list you provided you don't seem to have much need for scripters rather you need Hpers which you have. If you're rebalancing ships etc.
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Offline Tethys

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2015, 06:03:55 PM »
Well, we have something like this in mind for a new Advanced Scanning feature

And a few things that have to deal with the way the ships "roll" (seem to be unable to adjust the ship rolling (q and e) without also affecting the pitch and yaw). There are some other features also, such as Silent Running to be imported into MP. As for MP stuff, though, we have one guy who can model and import ships, create new hardpoints... basically do everything except create new features. We have a 10 man team, half of which I am not exactly sure "what" they do, since the project is still less than a week old we are still figuring things out. So far, I myself have been working on the Prometheus and Defiant class ships and have them more or less where I would like them in regards to how the ships handle (yes they work online, I already figured out the src thing and they py's needing to be copied into the hardpoints folder); adding ships will not be much of a hassle at this point.

Perhaps later on down the road, we can introduce some features to make Multiplayer a bit more interactive, such as Galaxy Charts, Missions, and Objectives to those missions (such as rescuing a prominent diplomat/citizen from an enemy ship and returning them to Starbase/Planet)(or investigating an anomaly in a remote sector only to find a ship caught in it, and you must reconfigure sensors or deflectors, or tractor beams, or even transporters to rescue the crew).

These are just some of the ideas we have, hopefully when we add more talent to the team we can move forward with the project a little more quickly. We would be honored to have you aboard... Sovereign? Am I right? You are a legend in this game. :)


Offline baz1701

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2015, 09:15:59 AM »
Good luck
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Offline Phoenix Bondi

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2015, 10:06:56 AM »
take my hat off to you, good luck

Offline Mario

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2015, 02:50:11 PM »
Well, we have something like this in mind for a new Advanced Scanning feature

OK. Some of the things I see on the screenshot don't make much sense at least from the BC gameplay perspective. For example Long range scan, anomalous scan, tachyon grid etc (most likely just a short description of the options is required for them to make sense to me). Aside from screenshot you need to have some documentation which describes the desired functionality and each section in detail.

Some of the things already exist in some form in offline mode, for example Intensive Scan which we did a really long time ago scans for cloaked vessels. You can already boost shields with various mods, repair destroyed systems, have some advanced core options, defiant did I think a few mods with power systems etc.

And a few things that have to deal with the way the ships "roll" (seem to be unable to adjust the ship rolling (q and e) without also affecting the pitch and yaw).

IIRC these are closely tied to the engine and I don't think you can do much regarding that. Although I might be misunderstanding you completely.

There are some other features also, such as Silent Running to be imported into MP.

I remember that, it might be a bit tricky mod to introduce into the MP but not impossible I think.

Perhaps later on down the road, we can introduce some features to make Multiplayer a bit more interactive, such as Galaxy Charts, Missions, and Objectives to those missions (such as rescuing a prominent diplomat/citizen from an enemy ship and returning them to Starbase/Planet)(or investigating an anomaly in a remote sector only to find a ship caught in it, and you must reconfigure sensors or deflectors, or tractor beams, or even transporters to rescue the crew).

Introducing Galaxy Charts is very ambitious and I really can't recommend creating an MP version. I'd estimate I'd take you a year to create an MP version. It's sometimes a challenge enough to introduce the simplest scripts into the MP believe me.

Please don't get me wrong, it's really nice to see such an ambition again in BC. But my recommendation is not to work on this all at once, I'd recommend to go with more simpler changes first then work your way up. For example upgrade existing hardpoints, models, rebalace stuff, upgrade a few scripts to make them work in multiplayer. Then work on some new smaller scale features to get a better understanding of the game API, after that you should be ready to work on some major changes although I think any past and present BC scripter would dread the thought of working on Galaxy Charts MP. Even in a time where there were many more scripters present, they never preferred to work with the MP. We considered it to be too much work IIRC.

Another small advice also is to open a forum perhaps and as well setup a Project Management web application such as redmine, some people prefer to use trello for the purpose. Use whatever suits you but it will make it easier for you to track ongoing tasks, organize your development in sprints using agile development methodology. And lastly use a form of versioning system such as GIT or SVN  (github or bitbucket are free providers) for example if you're not using already. You have a large team and this will help you be more efficient as a person can easily get lost in a facebook group.

These are just some of the ideas we have, hopefully when we add more talent to the team we can move forward with the project a little more quickly. We would be honored to have you aboard... Sovereign? Am I right? You are a legend in this game.

Yes, that's me. I'm surprised people still remember me. I'm flattered but I'm sorry I've moved on from BC a long time ago. I've lost my copy of BC long time ago and I really can't spare any time.
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Offline Tethys

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2015, 03:54:54 PM »
As for Advanced Scanning, that is merely a photoshop mockup. Here is the (very) rough documentation to go with it. (You misunderstood that I would not want to divert any power TO, but away FROM those subsystems and TO the Sensor arrays, it would merely boost the effective range and accuracy)

ADVANCED SCANNING: (will have its own info box, similar to power transfer)
(Consist of)

-Cloaked Vessel Scan (duh!)
-Long Range Scan (reveals all uncloaked ships locations in the server/map)
-Short Range Anomalous Scan (scans for Tachyon Grids and other anomalies)
-Planetary Scan (drop down option, reveals information of all planets available to visit in the map/server)
-Tactical Scan (will scan for enemy vessels and display tactical information, such as shield strength and hit points, hull strength and hit points, sensor status, weapons suite, etc)
-Reconfigure Sensor Array (will open a new info box with reconfig options, see below)

RECONFIG OPTIONS: (Toggle options, only ONE can be active at a time)
(Consist of)

-Reroute power through subsystem directly to sensor array (weapons, shields, or engines) (will drain the subsystem, allows offline sensors to come back online temporarily, does not work if sensor array(s) destroyed)
-Scramble/Jam Sensors (reduce effectiveness of target sensors, chance to fully disable target sensors, inability for target to call for backup)
-Sensor Echo (creates an echo/ally, inability of echo to engage combat, decoy)
-Boost Sensors (requires sensors to be ONLINE and at 125%, boosts range and accuracy of weapons, drains aux and battery)
-Tachyon Grid (requires 6 or more allied ships/probes, reveals ships entering it) (radius ??? km)

As for Galaxy Charts, Nebula said they had got part of it to work in multiplayer, so I'm not sure if thats what you mean about "building" a multiplayer for it. I do not plan to build anything with only 1 scripter, lol. Hopefully this clears some things up for you.

And to be honest, if many of these features are already created, it would be just a matter of tying them all together into a single area. We are still less than 2 weeks old as a project, but we have already made some good progress with some of the later tech ships and some test ships as well. I myself have a ton of free time and would like nothing more than to put it to good use. BC seems about as good a use as any, considering we just fixed the master servers. :)

Offline Mario

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2015, 06:59:02 PM »
As for Galaxy Charts, Nebula said they had got part of it to work in multiplayer, so I'm not sure if thats what you mean about "building" a multiplayer for it. I do not plan to build anything with only 1 scripter, lol. Hopefully this clears some things up for you.

I never heard of the Galaxy Charts MP tests, nevertheless I meant build by doing just that building a "Lite" version of GC for MP. I probably failed to mention that I was speaking in terms assuming you would get more scripters into your project, as you most likely will.
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Offline Bones

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2015, 09:45:12 AM »
I'm not convinced about usefulness of some of the sensor features you're planning to create, I mean they are already there, tho in dumbed-down version... BC was never meant to give player a true Star Trek sensor stuff as complex as it was pictured in the series. BC was meant to be combat simulation and sensors work pretty automaticly.

-There were already scans for cloaked ships (I can't see these options in latest KM, personaly I didn't use these much :P )
-Planetary and tactical scan are already in BC (ship will detect everything in range and put it into target box - all info included)
-Rerouting power is done via engineering power allocation menu (although you could program a button that will do it in just a one click)
-Scramble/ Jamming would be a nice feature, also something like SFC's ECS/ECCS would make a nice addition to render torpedoes and phasers inoperative or making them loose their lock on target / fire inacurately
-Boost sensors, again it's already available via engineering menu and then again if you wish to have a one-click solution, it might actually make sensors menu more useful ;)
- Tachyon grid wouldn't do much difference if scanning for cloaked ships is already available and ships always enter system just in range of boosted sensors (I've never had an enemy ship entering so far, sensors wouldn't picked it up at least as unknown vessel)

Some ideas are nice, some are useless due to the way sensors were designed in BC (almost fully automated to make the gamplay more streamlined)

Offline Tethys

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2015, 12:29:53 PM »
Thanks everyone for the replies. Yes I understand alot of the scanning feature are already available, so, merging them all into one menu I think would be the benefit here, adding the ones we like, removing the ones we dont. I do understand you can transfer power via the F5 menu, however there is always emergency power, which can be taken from any system (Life support, engines, phasers, etc) to transfer to a subsystem to make it more effective. Possibly even overloading it (I do believe I saw a mod that allowed overloading a subsystem with a chance to knock it offline from overloading)

Let me try to explain these scan options a bit better.

-Long range scan- Basically this will reveal the general location of ALL players AND NPC ships in the entire server. If the server has more than one map, it will say what map they are on as well. This would emulate a long range sensor scan of the sector, but will not yield any tactical info nor would it reveal any ships under cloak.
-Anomalous scan- This scan option would scan the area for any gravitational disturbances, subspace anomalies, tachyon particles (grid), and neutrino emissions (wormhole). Other anomalies that would be good to have in BC would also be scannable by clicking this scan option. There is a delay between scan options, perhaps 5 or 10 seconds.
-Planetary scan- Basically this would reveal the map list, and go into detail about what types of planets and star types are in that map. An extension probably of the F2 set warp course (but F2 is unable to see how many planets in the system until you warp to that system, IIRC, but I can see where this may be a useless feature, so it may not make it to the final round lol)
-Tactical scan- This is a fun one. This reveals the target's current weapon power, shield power, engine efficiency, and sensor range/accuracy. This will be useful to gauge where exactly your target has it's main battery and backup power, so you know whether to target the warp core to reduce overall effectiveness of your enemy's power boost, or go for a specific subsystem such as the impulse engines (if all your target has is 125% engine power at the time)

-:Reconfigure Sensor Array:- This is another fun one. As we have seen many times on TV, Voyager likes to reconfigure it's sensor array quite a bit... actually, they all do. This reconfiguration means that only one configuration can be active at a time. So if you have your array configured to emit a sensor echo to confuse your enemy, you will not be able to scramble or jam sensors until you reset the sensor array, and reconfigure it again. 2 clicks. Same goes for any reconfiguration option. (Not sure yet if these abilities should interfere with normal scanning operations above, open to debate)
-Reroute power to sensor array- Lets say your sensors are being attacked and they are draining fast. You already have your F5 menu sensor capacity at 125%, but that won't stop your sensors from going offline. Basically, this option would allow your sensor array to take more of a beating during combat. So, if the disable percentage for a given Sensor array is 0.50 (50%), rerouting power through a given subsystem (lets say engines) will decrease your speed and agility, but will give your sensor array a 0.25 (25%) buffer, allowing your sensor array to take 25% more damage before going offline. The buff would remain active until your batteries are drained, you select another sensor configuration, or sensor array is destroyed. Reroute the sensors through the weapons array, and it decreases your overall weapon efficiency and recharge/reload times for phasers/torpedoes. Etc.
-Boost sensors- This option most likely will not survive to the final round. It will probably be removed soon.

Any others i did not mention are pretty self explanatory.  Hopefully this clears it up a bit more, thanks everyone for taking the time to read and reply and provide constructive criticism, its very much appreciated.


Offline hobbs

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2015, 06:33:50 AM »
Sounds good.

With the tactical scan you could have the difference between the shield strength and the scan strength allow for more or less detail.
e.g.: if the shields are off line then you get all info you need. If the difference is 50% you get half the info etc....

Also if you can find the people to figure it, python is not my strongpoint, out how about an "intermix ratio" function which allows you to configure the warp core settings to gain better or worse  power output and warp speeds.
e.g.: you take info about the hp of the ship (battery, power output etc..) and it calculates a specific "Base-line Ratio" but also a "maximum Ratio" then by changing sliders on the screen you can boost the efficiencies or make them worse.
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Offline Defiant

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2015, 05:45:01 PM »
Aside from screenshot you need to have some documentation which describes the desired functionality and each section in detail.
like you had detailed documentation..

-There were already scans for cloaked ships (I can't see these options in latest KM, personaly I didn't use these much :P )
KM had some passive options for that:
- When hitting a cloaked ship in battle you got a firepoint on the explosion
- When scanning as dominion there was a chance to detect a cloaked ship in front of you
- When scanning as fed with multiple fed ships on the map there is a chance to detect a cloaked one between these ships.

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2015, 05:48:51 PM »
what Defiant said about the cloak
Canon is what people argue exists on ships that don't exist.

Offline Tethys

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2015, 07:38:46 PM »
hobbs: Excellent ideas there. I'm loving that intermix suggestion. I will make a note of it and possibly expand on the idea in more depth in the coming days.

Defiant: I kinda figured some of the effects were passive. Me and a buddy tested the Defiant a few days ago (KM2011) and it required all power levels at 0% AND the ship to be not moving for a Sovereign (or Prometheus it may have been) to pick up a sort of sensor "blip" when cloaked. And even then, I think the effective range was a little over 80 kilometers. If all power set to 0% but ship was "gliding" at any speed, the enemy scan did in fact pick up the cloaked Defiant. We did a few other tests as well but nothing more to make note of.

Please, keep the suggestions coming :)


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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2015, 01:30:58 PM »
like you had detailed documentation..

Don't see the point of your comment, we already went through this process and we should share our experiences and lessons learned. Through our experience it's better to advise them to have as detailed as possible documentation. This is a free project ofc and people cannot provide commercial grade documentation but it's better than not having any.

Neither of us did have any detailed documentation or any kind of documentation IIRC at first I think, however after sometime we all began to see the error in our ways and began to make adjustments. Future mods had the documentation, some were detailed some were minimal.

It's a similar story as with revision control when I was starting out we exchanged the code with the rest of the team members via WLM. Ofc after a couple of mods you figure out that you need to version your code. I can't speak for others but as for myself I setup a local private SVN server for my mods.
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Offline Tethys

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2015, 01:44:08 PM »
Its no problem. Defiant gave us access to his SVN and that is what we are using. I know what it is like to build a mod without alot of documentation, for example I dont know how many of you play or have played Birth of the Federation, but I created a mod for that game called Galaxies Mod, which is STILL to this day not complete (5 years development already). I doubt it ever will be complete due to the complexity of editing and rewriting ASM and Hex code without a legitimate source code (however we do have a few great coders slowly working on disassembling the source). Bridge Commander is one of my favorite games, and sometimes I cant figure out if it love it more or less than Birth of the Federation sometimes.. so I bounce between these 2 games regularly.

The truth of the matter is, documentation takes time. It takes time away from modding, and time away from thinking about modding, and these 2 things are critical when modding (obviously). However, I do try to keep at least a basic documentation of features, especially when I am in thinking mode, but when it comes down to things like adjusting values and things like that, I opt not to document any of that because those variables are dynamic. They change.

Just as a side note, if there is any beef around here I suggest squashing it now because I prefer hearty vegetables. :) IDIC \\//,
(If just a friendly quarry, please disregard :) )


Offline Mario

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2015, 02:12:11 PM »
The truth of the matter is, documentation takes time. It takes time away from modding, and time away from thinking about modding, and these 2 things are critical when modding (obviously). However, I do try to keep at least a basic documentation of features, especially when I am in thinking mode, but when it comes down to things like adjusting values and things like that, I opt not to document any of that because those variables are dynamic. They change.

Yes, I know and I hate that it takes time but it helps and pays off in the long run. This is a friendly advice I give to anyone who's new around here trying to offer our experiences to help them succeed in their endeavors.

Just as a side note, if there is any beef around here I suggest squashing it now because I prefer hearty vegetables. :) IDIC \\//,
(If just a friendly quarry, please disregard :) )

Quarry, problem... What are you talking about? This is just an exchange of ideas, experiences and ideals.
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Offline Tethys

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2015, 03:17:48 PM »
:) Im not new. Ive been lurking BC forums since 2006-7 ;) I've only just begun to understand the py's though, didnt start messing with them until 2009-10.

Nothing :) nevermind

Offline Mario

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2015, 03:25:34 PM »
:) Im not new. Ive been lurking BC forums since 2006-7 ;) I've only just begun to understand the py's though, didnt start messing with them until 2009-10.

Nothing :) nevermind

You might not be new to the community but you are new to BC's wonderful world of scripting. And actually I was referring to that, we can see on your site profile that you have registered ages ago.
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Offline Mario

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Re: KM 2015
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2015, 03:37:12 PM »
So, where do you guys post your status updates on the facebook group only... Actually the better question is will you post your status updates over here too as well? I'm sure many will be interested in following your progress. Just curious if I should join the group to monitor it or I can safely check here as well (this is for those of us that don't use fb frequently).
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aka USS Sovereign