Author Topic: Hobbs' Scripting idea  (Read 316 times)

Offline hobbs

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Hobbs' Scripting idea
« on: March 06, 2012, 09:52:08 AM »
hi there. i've been thinking alot about scripting in bc, i dont have a clue about that sort of thing yet.

I have a lot of ideas though and maybe someone can tell me if its even possible.


During a bout of bc i found that my ship was almost intact but my crew were dead so it was game over... then when it happened again i noticed that the enemy had boarded me and i guess killed my crew (note: using life support mod found in ds9fx extended or km cant think which)

Now would it be possible to have a mod that gives you the option to create a holographic crew or holographic security to repel the boarders? it would only work or be available if your ship had holo emitters in the HP.


Would it be possible to have an open-able screen on the engineering section that would allow for more comprehensive control of engineering systems, power allocation and propulsion.

my idea is that the screen would be similar to the advanced power options mod.
but would utilize the ship HP to populate the screen with all systems that use power.

also on the screen would be a section showing power levels such as:

available power (as a percentage which, unless the warp core is damaged, would be 100%)

used power (as a percentage which would be the amount of power used with systems running at baseline ie 100%) so if there is 25% power left before using the main batteries this would be 75%.

remaining power (as a percentage which would be the remaining power available from the warp core)

again another part of the screen would show the available reserve power and emergency power

by clicking the system you wish to change you can add extra power from the warp core or from the reserve power systems.

by clicking more than one system at a time you can increase all but obviously power levels drop from the core quicker so all systems picked could be only increased a small amount.

also power can be transferred from one system to another, click 2 systems and increase one of those without clicking warp core or reserve power and the one that's clicked will reduce its power usage and transfer to the other system.

and have a button for SIF (structral integrity field) which if increased would bolster the strength of the hull.

also have a section for the warp drive.
with buttons such as:

intermix ratio

dilithium alignment

magnetic constriction

injector firing frequency

injector opening times

by clicking on these you can change the settings from the standard settings and alow your ship to travel faster than the warp speeds allowed in the hp. before applying the settings there is a text that indicates the warp propulsion efficiency... standard settings would show as 0% (a baseline model) then any change would increase or decrease this amount and thus increase or decrease the warp speeds by that percentage.

perhaps have a scripted set of settings that are "perfect" and so the closer each component is to that perfect setting the greater the percentage increase.
"We are dreamers, shapers, singers and makers..." Michael Ansara, "Elric" Babylon 5 "The Geometry of Shadows,"

Offline JimmyB76

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Re: Hobbs' Scripting idea
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2012, 10:27:20 AM »
idea 1 - life support script is a part of ds9e...  also, what would be the fun in a holographic crew?  with such a thing, what would be the fun in the life support script?  and why wouldnt that have ever been brought up in any of the shows or movies?  seems very anti-climactic to me lol

idea 2 - this idea is such a major and complex task and barely would even be possible...  such a thing was attempted by rob archer over at bcs forums a few years back but he sort of abandoned it altogether and now is working on excalibur (which is where pretty much all of BC's elite-most modders over the past 10 years have wound up)...  you can see where he was going with it over at his BC: New Frontier forum...  and no, the mod wont be completed - it is dead...
and i highly doubt anyone would be able to pick up where he left off...  the mod was so intricate and coimplex, very few people in BC's history would have been able to do it and i dont think anyone is around anymore these days to be able to do it, so that is that...

Offline hobbs

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Re: Hobbs' Scripting idea
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2012, 11:18:27 AM »
thanks for the reply

1) the "fun" would be simply the one chance of getting out of the battle in one piece. in all of trek there has always been the chance of surviving this mod would just give you a slim chance. the holo crew can still be stopped just a temporary case of reinforcement.
and if voyager had continued i bet there would have been stories involving holo crew.

2) oh i see.

conclusion:  abandon idea submitting from now on lol
"We are dreamers, shapers, singers and makers..." Michael Ansara, "Elric" Babylon 5 "The Geometry of Shadows,"

Offline JimmyB76

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Re: Hobbs' Scripting idea
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2012, 11:20:04 AM »
conclusion:  abandon idea submitting from now on lol
well not so much that, but believe me when i say that any pretty much any idea that can be thought of already has lol

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Re: Hobbs' Scripting idea
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2012, 06:09:13 PM »
Life support exposes its API and its events so it should be easy for anyone with enough programming skills to do such a mod which wouldn't modify any of Xtended scripts.
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