Author Topic: Warp Sequence in GC  (Read 347 times)

Offline newhalo123

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Warp Sequence in GC
« on: January 31, 2014, 04:15:53 PM »
Does anyone know how I can revert the Galaxy Charts warp sequence back to the default one in BC without disabling GC? I have searched every topic I could find, and yet none of them answer this. I don't like how in Galaxy Charts, the warp sequence is played at a flyby. I want more of a Star trek TNG or Voyager like warp sequence where the camera stays in place, watching the ship, while the ship goes to warp. I have tried everything I can think of.

Anyone know how I can accomplish this? If anyone is willing, I want to task them with modifying the current GC warp sequence so it is more like the default Sequence in BC, then modify it to be more trek like.

Also, if anyone is willing to modify it, please make it so that the CGI voyager can raise its nacelles all the way before moving. ATM, the ship starts moving JUST before the nacelles raise all the way up. (if the only way to change this is by modifying the animation, then don't worry about it.)

Not sure if i am making any sense, so to recap: I want the warp sequence to go like this: When you press the warp button, the camera goes to a certain angle (preferably behind and to the left or right of the ship), then stays there, following the ship as it goes to warp. (i would also like the exit from warp to be the same)

The only reason i am asking for someone to do this, is that I cannot find the values necessary.  I simply do not understand how to change it to the way i want.


Not sure if i should put this is the scripting forum, so if that's where it should go, please move it.

The file I assume i need to modify is the Traveling method file:, located in Scripts/Custom/TravelingMethods/

I just cannot figure out how to modify it to be like i want. If anyone can give me some tips as to what values i should change, that would be great.
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Re: Warp Sequence in GC
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2014, 04:48:24 PM »
i found this, look in "scripts" folder find "warpsequence"

Code: [Select]
# Setup a cutscene camera for the warp set.
pCutsceneCameraBegin = App.TGScriptAction_Create("Actions.CameraScriptActions", "CutsceneCameraBegin",
pWarpSet.GetName(), "WarpCutsceneCamera")
pWS.AddAction(pCutsceneCameraBegin, pCRSA1)

# Change the viewscreen to use this camera, if we're not in cutscene mode.
pChangeViewscreenAction = App.TGScriptAction_Create(__name__, "CheckForBeginningCameraChange")
pWS.AddAction(pChangeViewscreenAction, pCutsceneCameraBegin)

pOrientCameraAction = App.TGScriptAction_Create("Actions.CameraScriptActions", "SetCameraPositionAndFacing",
pWarpSet.GetName(), "WarpCutsceneCamera",
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
pWS.AddAction(pOrientCameraAction, pChangeViewscreenAction)

# During-warp actions will be delayed, in this case, until the camera
# has a chance to move to the player's set and get set up.
pPreDuringWarpAction = pOrientCameraAction

as for the voyager engines... you would have to change the moving sequence of the nacelles in the but i dont know where that would be i think its the "scripts/custom/ships" folder there are some files there for cgi voy and its nacelles

not alotof help but i try lol
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Offline newhalo123

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Re: Warp Sequence in GC
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2014, 05:01:10 PM »
I have no idea what to change in there. there is another warp sequence file called WarpSequence_override in \scripts\Custom\GalaxyCharts\ 

I am not sure what the relationship between the two files are, but, the normalwarp traveling method references the _override file, not the one found in the scripts folder. 

I am at a complete loss as to how i am even to begin. What files do i modify, what values do i edit? I have checked both the Warpsequence files, and the normalwarp file, and i simply do not understand how to get the game to do what i want...
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Re: Warp Sequence in GC
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2014, 06:28:47 PM »
You can't exactly modify values. You either need to script in a new warp sequence or adapt an existing sequence into the GC's code base. Both options require some programming knowledge.
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Offline newhalo123

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Re: Warp Sequence in GC
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2014, 06:47:14 PM »
Alright. Then I guess my question is this: Can anyone do this for me? I have little actual programming knowledge.

I know that i could just take the time to learn instead of asking people to do it for me, but really this is the only thing I want done, then I will be perfectly happy with BC. I don't see myself doing much programming in the future.

If anyone is up to it, thank you. If not, I think I will leave it at that and try to be happy with the current warp sequence.

Also, I am trying my best not to come off as rude or that I feel I am entitled. I am not so great at wording my sentences.
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Re: Warp Sequence in GC
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2014, 09:48:49 PM »
Most modders and scripters don't take requests. You could try post a mod idea and see if anyone picks it up, however have in mind that a permission from USS Frontier needs to be secured first (if it's released publicly).

Best of luck.
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aka USS Sovereign